Atobe Keigo: Fencing to Tennis

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  We just arrive at fencing club and hundreds of the girls were already there. They're glaring at me and some was cheering for him.

  'What's with them?'

  "Get ready." He said. I held the foil sword "I'm ready."

  He raises his left brow and said "Hmm? Your gear." And the girls laugh. "Why do I need gear? It's only 3 rounds."

  "It's for safety. Neko-chan."

  "Eww don't call me like that!! I'm not like them. Don't too high for yourself."

  "I'm calling everyone like that."

  "I didn't hear you calling Munehiro like that."

  "Well~ just for girls." He explained.

  "Ha!! Then, will start."


  "Why? If you're scared? Then, put something for yourself."



  When we start. We didn't expect at it took too long to finish.

  "You're actually great." I averred.

  "Unexpected to my princess. You're also great." He answered. I grin and "You're cheating!!! Our Ore-sama can't lose!" One of the fan shout.

  I yell and said "So! To that person said I was cheating... Do you cognize how to play fencing? Do you know what rules the fencing has? If you knew that I'm cheating, you're ORE-SAMA!! Well notice that. You got that? Oh, and by the way. Your Ore-sama was great at tennis. You still had hope!! IF HE WINS." Everyone was silent.

  I walk towards Keigo and said "You have the worst Fan Club." And left.

  He follows me without smiling to the girls like he did when we enter, going back to tennis court, and always the girls cheering for him and throwing curse to mine. "WOW! How plastic they are." I grumble to myself.

  "You serve." He stated. I just nod.

  Later in the hectic game we still didn't give up.e up. We both catching breath and I'm looking at the sky. "What the hell is that?" I said to myself, recalling the technique he use 'INSIGHT' "he literally targeting my blind spots"

  "I'm done. You win."

  And the girls scream, congratulate Keigo. But looking into his face, he's not satisfied, no smile, just staring. 'could it be?'

  "You quit 'cause you understand you can't win." One of his fan said.

  "You believe so?" I smirk and followed the sound of fall. "ATOBE!!!" Shishido-senpai said.

"I guess we know who's winna~~" I said.




  And the snap of finger heard, we all look and we saw his smiling. "You're great as Tezuka and Sanada." He smirks. 'You still have energy to do that?'

  I look to the court of a crowd full of girls and someone throws board eraser in my face with chalk. And everybody laugh. Of course, the tennis team didn't, and choutarou offer me a wet towel.

  "Thank you." I smile.

  "You don't deserve to be his fan." Gakuto-senpai shouted.

  "You're angry because he lost? How pathetic." Shishido-senpai added.

  "If you've been in her situation, someone's throwing that thing? Are happy?" Oshitari-stated.

  "Heh~~ How mean of you senpai's. They're just jealous because she was so close, SO CLOSE  to Atobe-san, that's why they want her to down." Hiyoshi said.

  "See?" Choutarou whispered.

  "Now I understand why he wants me to be assistant"

  I inhale and shout "YOU ALL PATHETIC!!! Just admit it your KING lose to the girl. And who's a loser throws me an eraser? How coward she is!!"

  "How rude!! You don't know us you COMMONER!!"

  "COMMONER!" They shouted.

  I smirk to them "Enough!! Watch your tongue, You know I can hear you. (f/n) you win. After class, we're having a date." Keigo interrupted.

  "Oh~~~ what a great reward~~~" I said squeak and he smile, "But no. I'm having a date with him!" I place my have to Choutarou's arm. "M-me? O-okay..?"

  "Huh?? Everybody is dying for---"

  "Tsk, tsk, tsk. But not me. After school okay." I said, smacking choutarou's butt. He blush.

  "Oh!! I need to talk to you (f/n), come with me." Keigo said.

  I follow him outside the court, "Okay, I'm sorry, I said those words to them, because they---"

  "They deserve it."

  "Well about for being Assistant..."

  "I'm forcing you to be."


  "Meet me in the student council room, you already knew where is it."



  "Are you gonna tell something?"



  "Do you want to be our--"

  "Novice... Just Novice Manager." I slightly smile and he nods.


  It's been three months still normal to me. The question is, no ones bullying me. "Huez right?" Unfamiliar voice said. "Who?" I replied. 'Ah, I forgot, I'm using a different last name.'

  "I mean Yes!!"

  "Are they still bullying you?"

  "What? No. Since that game?"

  "Oh! I'm glad. I'm president of his fan club. I said to them if you are a real fan, you should accept his love life. Hehehe. That's all." She bow.

  "Wow." My eyes widen.

  "You're here." A familiar voice said.

  "Hi, Kei---"

  "Follow me. You have important guess." He stated, pulling me.


  "Your sister."


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