Oshitari Yuushi: First Prize

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  Both three of us are back in the house, all of them was already in the living room. "So, you finally here. Tomorrow, we gonna have our first activity." Atobe-senpai explain.

  "Which is?" Mukahi-senpai asked.

  "Watermelon splitting. The prize would have time for her." He said, pointing his gaze to me.

  "But, what if we don't want to be with her?" Jirou-senpai asked.

  "Just do this for the sake of the game. Right? (l/n)?"

  "Y-yeah!" I replied.

  "Do you think it's easy to have that mingle of challenge?" Hiyoshi-kun interrupt.

  We all nod and Atobe-senpai said "Hmm!!! I know you gonna said that. It should have the beautiful splitting in order to win." He proudly said. "But it's hard to do that." I said. "Hmm!! I knew someone can split it."

  "R-really? He or She was a monster."

  "Well~~ Lets go outside." He said.

  "Wow~ This my chance to write something."

  I looked to Oshitari-senpai's face. 'I he thinking something?' Actually~ I don't want him to win. I already knew what he's thinking. "Senpai! Let's go."

  I sat beside Kabaji and pull my notebook and recorder. While Writing and recording my scenario during the game, I realized, No one had a perfect slice. When Hiyoshi's turn, I accidentally drop my pen, I look shocked at what I saw. "W-W-wow~~~ That's a perfect split!!!" I said amused by his watermelon. He remove his blindfold and he was satisfied with it. "I guess we had a winner." Mukahi-senpai smile. "Sugoi!!!! Hiyoshi!!! You're amazing~~~~!" Jirou-senpai said while jumping.

  In the corner of my eye, I saw Oshitari-senpai stand 'Oh yeah! It's his turn.'

  "Oui!! Yuuji~ since you're the last one, show us some move." Mukahi-senpai's encouragement. I nod and I saw his smirk. 'Did, Did everybody see it?'

  When he's about to smash it, instead of force he use the common technique, smashing the top tip of the watermelon. But it's not as great as Hiyoshi, but he has the neat one.

  "His Watermelon is neat, the juice should be gripping, right? Right?" I said to Kabaji. In the End Hiyoshi win. I smile and wave, he walks towards me and lean to my ear and said something. Something that I preferred to be teased by Oshitari-senpai than when I'm with him. "Hah!!! I-I cannot do that!! I'm not you're guinea pig."

  "Heh~~ you're chicken out?"

  "..." My mind was blank "N-now I wish Oshitari-senpai will win instead of you. Hahaha" I said with crack voice.

  "... Meet me after dinner."

  "Oui!! Listen to me!!"

  "Ano~~ G-guinea pig?" Chotarou-kun asked. And I back to reality. "Ah!! ... ~~~~"

  "You burst... That's the first time." He asked.

  "Ah~~ Hehehe~~"

  "He sounds like, he likes you in a weird way." Chotarou said and smile. I was about to react, but someone does that to me.

  "Huh! Ah! Ahem... G-go on."

  "Why did you think of that? Of course we're close. We're more that just a friend" I smile. "I need to go back now."

  "Eh? Wait, more than a friend? Did she mean..." Shishido-senpai said.

  "Huh! *sign*"

  It's finally dinner time. When I left, I straight to the kitchen, Kabaji join me after half an hour.


"Kabaji! This is? Takoyaki pan right?" I asked.


  "Can you make them?"

  "I can." I looked behind and Oshitari-senpai leaning to the wall. "Cool~~ Can you make some tomorrow?"

  "For you, sure."

  "Okay~ Ah!! I should go to Hiyoshi now."

  "Huh! Wait! *sign* What are you looking at."


  When I arrive in his room. I'm thinking I wouldn't last long. 'Its Hiyoshi and I hate it when he grin.'

  Yup, I didn't last long. HE TOTALLY KNEW MY WEAKNESS. But he forces me to watch it. "T-this is torture~~~" I said. "KYAAAAAA!!!"

  "Oui!! Don't shout in my Ea----"

  "KYAAAA!!! @#$%&" As I run back to my room.

  Everyone notices it. And Shishido-senpai actually open his door to look, but I pass him by. I slam my door and shivering while looking for the switch. I slide behind the door and someone's knock "Ah!! No!! I don't want to!!"

  "It's me."

  I rush to open the door and feel relieved, I lean my head to his chest without thinking. He hug me and push himself inside of my room. "It's Okay. I don't know what's happening, but I'm here."

  "I-I'm okay now. I-I should go back to my work." I lower my head back to my table.

  "Why's your table looks like that?"

  "It's easy like this. When I want to sleep, I just don't  have to stand right." I said and he sat beside me. "So, what's the progress?"

  "Oh! Here.. I still haven't started. But I record some talk."

  "You are really working hard huh~~"

  "You think so? Thanks."

  "You're close to Hiyoshi."

  "... Really? He really knows my weakness. When I was a kid, he was on my side. I think he just does that because he's bored. Even if we live together, he's just like that. Ah!! Sorry I said too much."

  "It's okay. You have that kind of relationship with him."

  "Yes!! I'm really proud. At least, my life was like this even though it's weird."


  "Senpai?  Are you Oka--- Mmm!!" He suddenly kisses me. He pulls back and looked shocked "I-I'm sorry."

  "... Is, is this still part of the game?"

  "Wha- Yeah! Just... *sign* why are you so slow."


  He pulls my hand and caress my cheek and kissing me. I push him back, but he put my hand to his chest. It's beating fast, I looked at him and saw his red cheek. "I, I give up." I whispered. He just grins and kiss me one last time. All I do was to feel it. He stops and said. "Hehehe. I-I don't know what to say actually. I should go back."

  "I don't know if I should be happy." I murmur.

  In the morning, I walk towards Hiyoshi's room, but in midway I heard his voice in the living room. I rush and saw all of them and He is in the Middle. "Great timing, they need an explanation." He said. I avoid Oshitari-senpai gaze. I stand next to Hiyoshi and said. "What's the problem?"

  "What's your relationship?" Atobe asked.

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