Chapter 7

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Layla had lied to herself. She told Xavier they could be friends, she knew now that it was easier said than done. Each time she thought about the skinny chick wrapped around his arm, she pictured her missing a couple of teeth. That gave her some joy. Still she couldn’t deny she wanted him, and in the worst way. The times they did run into each other on campus or at the library they were always cordial. Then she’d find some way to excuse herself. She was afraid that she’d do something crazy, like grab his shirt and kiss him until neither one of them could breathe. So she avoided him whenever she could.

It was almost time for her shift to end, and she had a date tonight. David, her best friends’ now steady boyfriend had suggested they double date. He had given her number to one of his friends. He promised her the guy was a gentleman, and her Naomi confirmed it. They had spoken on the phone a few times, even texted each other back and forth. He was good looking, but he wasn’t tall, dark, and fine like someone else she knew. She told herself to give it a chance, but her heart wasn’t in it. She’d rather curl up on the couch and watch lifetime. She had been at the library since five this evening, and it was now nine. She had to rush home to get ready. As she made the last of the rounds on her shift she saw that the library was quiet and almost empty, which was normal for a Friday on a college campus. She went to reshelf the last of the return books, when she noticed someone asleep.

As she walked towards the table that unmistakable cologne floated towards her. She stopped. She hadn’t known he was here. She studied him. His arms were braced crisscross on the table as he rested his head on top of them. His lashed fluttered slightly, and he snored softly. He looked so peaceful and cute she hated to wake him. She retraced her steps and went to the break room. She came back with a cup of steaming coffee. She placed her palm on his broad back and shook him lightly. He stirred but didn’t awaken. She let her hand rest on his back. She didn’t mean to linger. She should just leave the coffee for him and get home for her date. But she didn’t want to leave him. Her hand of its own violition slid over his back. She felt the bulge of his tight muscles. She quickly imagined him with his shirt off,  her hands pressed against him massa-.

Suddenly his eyes flew open. He looked up into her eyes and she stood there watching him watch her. Say something dummy! she kicked herself. “I wouldn’t mind if you massaged a little to the right.” He whispered in that deep throaty voice that made her wet. She snatched her hand away as if she had been burned. “Sorry” she murmured. “I didn’t want to wake you, you look tired.” She said quietly. “No… Its fine” He said sitting up lazily and stretching. “I’m glad you did, I was supposed to be studying.” He closed the book in front of him. She nodded. “Oh, I uh brought this for you” she held out the cup. “He reached for it and his hand lightly brushed hers. She felt that familiar jolt again. Does he even feel any of this? She wondered. “Thank you.” She waved him off. “No seriously thank you. I’m taking the early exit exams, and I really need this time to study.” She really looked at him. He had a five o clock shadow which only added to his sexy looks, his eyes were thin slits battling to keep the sleep at bay. His eyes... she had started to tell him that night they ran into each other at the bowling alley. She suddenly remembered his girlfriend. “I should get going.” She turned to walk away, and he grabbed her hand. “I’d love the company, please stay.” He asked. She’d do anything he asked if he always looked at her like that. She nodded and sat down opposite him.

He gave her a small smile. “So, friend” he said egging her. “How have you been?” She nodded, “Ok,” she shook her head, “and you?” He swept his hand out over the books spread on the table. “Work, Study, Work some more.” He said with sarcasm. “I know the feeling” she smiled. He watched her for a minute. “I love seeing you smile.” He said quietly. She didn’t look away. “I can only remember you smiling at me once.” She said. “Seems like every other time we’ve been shouting, frowning, and uneasy around each other. I don’t like it." “Me either. I’m glad we came to a mutual understanding. Friend.” She scoffed. He knew he was baiting her by using that word repeatedly. He wanted her to realize that they were meant to be lovers too. “You don’t sound happy friend.” He tried not to smirk when she cut her eyes at him. “How am I supposed to be your friend when I keep thinking about kissing you every second of the day?” She covered her mouth quickly realizing she’d said her private thoughts.

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