Chapter 14

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The next month was a blur. Filled with endless study sessions, finals, exit checklists, resumes, job interviews, and work. But every free moment  Layla and Xaviet got alone they spent in each others arms. She now understood the effects good loving could have on the mind. She and Xavier were inseperable. She had slept over at his place so much she had stuff left behind just incase she never made it home. He'd even given her a couple of drawers and closet space without her asking. They practically had the place to themselves. Xion was still living with his parents until graduation and they had dinner with them almost every week. They went out, stayed in, and the sex was constant. He was so right when he said they'd get to know each others bodies. She could bring him to the edge of an orgasm within minutes with her mouth and he had found all of her pleasure zones. They were both left spent, fully satisfied every time.

They had settled into a good routine without even noticing. It just felt natural. As good as things were going neither talked about the next step though. After graduation. She had told him she went to visit with her family in Florida for spring  break but she had secretly flown to Chicago for an interview where she had applied for a position at her second choice hospital. If her job leads didn't pan out in Atlanta then she'd tell him about Chicago. She had never lied to Xavier and she'd  almost broke down and told him. She was  cooking dinner and had planned to casually bring it up but he had walked in looking sexy as hell. He had wrapped his strong arms around her waist and told her he could get used to that everyday. She  smiled and kissed him, conversation forgotten.

It was so easy to forget about her plans for her life when all she wanted to do was love him. It seemed that her life was starting to revolve around him. She knew that was dangerous. She had to be realistic and  continue on with her life and achieve her own goals. Hopefully with him by her side, in the same state. But would she really be able to choose between her love for him  and the career she worked so damn hard for? She wouldnt have to choose if she landed on her feet after college. She had saved every penny from her job at the library and had a full scholorship so everything was paid for down to her graduation gown. If push came to shove she knew she could get a loan from her mother or brother but she refused to move back home. The STH housing allowed the seniors to stay on one month after graduation, then they had to move out so that the apartments were ready for the next semester. Xavier didn't seem to mind that she had most of her belongings here, or that she was practically moved in. And she didn't dare bring it up. She needed to cover all her bases. She'd rather be safer than sorry if things didn’t work out.


Layla was beyond stressed. She sat folding laundry letting her mind wander. Xavier told her she didn't have to do those things for him. He didn't want her to feel like he expected it of her just because she was here most of the time. Most guys would expect their laundry to be done, house cleaned, and food cooked. But Xavier was proving to be the exception. He did most of those things for himself, and her too. She loved him so much and it scared her how much she was starting to depend on him.

She sat on the floor at the foot of the bed. They were a week away from graduation. This should be the happiest moment in her life but she was stressing over every little thing. Xavier had picked up on it and tried to help her relax. Like last night. He ordered pizza and movies and they camped out on the couch. They couldn't go two minutes without touching and had ended up on the floor making love. She had needed to release some of that tension but it was back again today. She had yet to recieve any word back from her interview from the hospital in Chicago or from her leads in Atlanta. She'd been interviewed for the Healthcare Patient Representative I position which was basically the starting position for entry level administrators in the emergency room. She would be intaking patients and whatever else a entry level did. Her dream was to one day be at management level. She wanted to see if she had what it took to run a hospital. She sighed. She'd never get the chance to find out if she didn't find a job soon.

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