Chapter 36

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Layla was on her knees picking up the contents of her purse when she heard the door slam. Xavier came marching back into the room. Her hands trembled as she stuffed her wallet back into her bag. She could feel the hole he was burning into the back of her head with his eyes. She stood on wobbly legs and turned to face him. She took a chance and looked him in the eyes but her head quickly fell. He stood rooted to the spot barely containing his rage. His nostrils flared and his eyes were clouded. He flexed his hands at his side. “Sit down.” Xavier gritted in a tone that left no room for argument.

Layla gripped her purse close to her belly, walked over and sat down on the loveseat. He stood watching her for several minutes and she didn’t dare move. He walked over to the wingback chair opposite her and sat down. He braced his arms on his knees. “Look at me!” He commanded roughly. She jumped a little, and raised her head slowly. She stared him in the eyes and saw no trace of the gentle, understanding man she knew. She knew then that she had caught hell. She squared her shoulders and prepared herself. “Are you pregnant Layla?” he asked, never taking his eyes off of her. She knew better than to deny it. “Yes” she whispered and looked away.

Hearing her actually confirm it knocked the wind out of his chest. Xavier sat quietly contemplating the information. Slowly he found his anger residing and joy spreading. Until he thought of something else. He snapped his head up and his gaze zeroed in on her belly. "The last time we saw each other was month ago. And we didn't have sex...How far along are you?” He asked suspiciously. She gulped and wrung her hands. “Um...S-Six months” she said meekly. Xavier moved in an instant. He pulled her up by her arms and held her out to him. He breathed harshly down on her. “What?” She struggled against him but sighed in defeat. May as well get this over with. She thought. “I’m six months pregnant” she said to his chest. He tightened his grip, pushed her back and snatched her oversized shirt up. She let out a little squeak, and his eyes went wide. He stared down at her brown bump which was about the size of a soccer ball. With a shaky hand he reached out to touch her belly as if to see if it was real and his jaw slackened when he came in contact with the firm smooth bump. He let go of her arm and both his hands splayed over her belly. His knees gave out.

Flabbergasted, he pressed his face to her belly. He sat there battling between emotions of shock, joy, sadness, anger, and love. He closed his eyes and let out a deep breath he wasn't aware of holding. He sat holding her waist and massaging the baby bump for several minutes. Neither of them spoke. Layla wanted to cradle his head but she held them at her side. She knew he was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that she was pregnant. And then a thought dawned on him. Something Jessica said. He closed his eyes tightly and shook his head. Xavier stood up slowly and they eyed each other. Feeling exposed to him, she pulled her shirt over her belly and sat back down. “Layla.” The calmness he spoke her name with caused her to meet his eyes instantly. His jaw tightened. “Is that my baby?”

Layla blinked. “Excuse me?” she said shocked that he had even uttered those words. Xavier frowned. “I said is that my b-She held up a hand and stood. “I heard you the first time!” she snapped. “But I’m having a hard time actually believing that you just asked me that. Who the hell do you think you’re talking to?” Her hand flew to her hip and her neck rolled instantly. Xavier was growing agitated by the second. “Just answer the damn question!” he shouted. “Fuck you!” she threw back at him. “You have the nerve to ask me who my baby’s father is!” She reared back as if he'd slapped her. “What are you trying to say Xavier?” She asked folding her arms across her ample breasts. He mimicked her. “You show up here out of the blue and I find out that you’re six months pregnant!" he roared and started pacing the floor. He clenched his fists and turned towards her sharply. She backed up a step. “I’m just trying to understand how you could keep this from me for so long! How I could not have known.” He turned accusing eyes on her. “Is this why you pulled away from me? Why you wouldn’t sleep with me, answer my calls? You knew all along. What were you planning on doing? Keeping it from me until I showed up while you were giving birth! When? How did this happen? I thought you were on the pill?" He eyed her coldly. "What else are you fucking hiding?" Layla's jaw hung open and she snapped it shut. She read the accusation in his eyes. She turned and gathered her things together. He watched her silently and instantly regretted saying those words. “Baby.” Xavier took a step toward her and she shot him a look that stopped him dead in his tracks. She slammed a paper on the coffee table and turned away from him. She slung her bag over her shoulder and started to walk away. “Layla wait! Where are you going?" She looked at him coolly. "Home" Xavier scoffed. "What about the baby? We need to talk about this. Now!” he yelled. She stopped but didn’t turn around. She looked over her shoulder. “I was wrong for not telling you about the baby the moment I found out, but I had my reasons. I’ll send you a postcard when the baby is born then you can get a damn DNA test. It's over between us.” She turned abruptly and walked out before he could see her tears.


Xavier paced the floor back in forth in his home office. He had taken about four shots to calm his nerves and he was still wound up. He ran a sweaty hand down over his face. “Damn!” he growled. “How could she keep something like this from me? Stupid! How could you not notice?” he argued with himself. “Fuck!” he roared and slung the contents of his desk to the floor. “Six months.” He said disbelievingly. He had missed out on six months of his child’s development. She may have had her reasons but to him she had betrayed him. Lied to him. It cut him deep to know that she still didn’t trust him. She had accused him of cheating. He saw the hurt on her face. It was enough to make him want to beg forgiveness for whatever he did wrong. He knew deep down that she was faithful. The only reason he had even asked if that was hi s baby is because he was scared. Scared that it was all too good to be true. Wasn’t this what he wanted. Had secretly hoped. Each and every time he made love to her he had unconsciously prayed that they would create another little miracle together. The moment he touched her belly he silently said a prayer that god bless and protect his baby. The fear that clawed inside of him at that moment was overwhelming. He just needed her to tell him that this was really happening. That he was going to be a father. Again. He had so many questions going through his mind. How did she get pregnant? Wasn’t she on the pill? When did it happen? Was it a boy or a girl? Was the baby healthy? Was she taking care of herself? He grabbed his phone and started to dial her number but his fingers stilled over the keypad. He replayed the last words she said to him. It’s over. His hand flexed on the phone. “Like hell it is” he growled. If she thought she was going to just walk away from him again carrying his baby too, she had better think again. He knew he’d have a hell of a time trying to apologize and they had to get a few facts straight. But he would be damned if he let his woman and baby go again. “Never again.” he promised himself. He hung up the phone and knew exactly what he was about to do. He was going after his family. The one he had fought so hard for.

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