Chapter 20

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Layla awoke to Xavier gone. He had left her a note telling her he loved her and If she needed him just call and he would be there. He also said that he signed them up for a counseling session. She placed the note back on the bedside table. She loved him too. Lord knows with everything she had. She would never stop loving him. But she had made up her mind. She couldn't stand the ache she felt when she looked at him, slept in this bed, looked at the room that was to be her baby's nursery. She had to leave before her anger turned to resentment and the fragile relationship that they still had was shattered forever.

She called her friend and told her of her decision and Naomi didn't argue. She knew her friend was broken. Layla stood and headed to the bathroom. She needed to shower and then she would pack, quickly.


By the time Naomi arrived Layla had packed everything down to her toothbrush. She only had her clothes and a few other items. Everything else she had sold when she moved out of her senior apartment. She sighed. That seemed like a lifetime ago. She wished she could reverse time. She was sitting on the couch waiting when she heard the bell. She took a deep breath. She hoped Xavier would understand. She left him a seven page letter pouring her love out on the pages. Telling why she was leaving and that she didnt expect him to wait until she got herself together. She wished him luck in his life and hoped they could stay friends.

She stood and went to open the door. Naomi greeted her with a hug. "Hey boo. I got here as fast as I could." "Hey, its fine girl. I'm all packed. It's just a couple of bags." Naomi eyed her. She was about to say something but saw the desperate look in her friend's place face and changed her mind. She nodded sadly. "Ok" She picked up a bag and a suitcase. Layla grabbed the rest. As they exited the apartment and stood at the elevators Layla frowned. "What is it Lay?" "Ah, nothing I just forgot something. I'll be right back go on down." She turned and rushed back to the condo. She used the pin code to get in the door. She had already left her keys on the island next to the letter.  She rushed through the condo and straight to the fridge. There held in place were pictures of her baby. The tears came.


Xavier walked through the lobby with lightning speed. He hoped like hell he wasn't too late. He knew something wasn't right. Last night she had been too calm. He had left her that note reassuring her one last time. He knew she was going to leave. He had said and did everything to try and show her that it would get better. That they needed each other. But she needed faith. And she had lost that. As he stood and waited for the elevator he fingered the not so little blue box in his pocket. He had been walking around with it the night they had dinner at his parents. He was going to propose. He hadn't even told anyone. He wanted them to be shocked about the proposal, and the baby. But his plan detoured when Danielle let it slip about the baby. He was already nervous and he didnt want her to think he was proposing just because she was pregnant. He wanted to marry her because he loved her deeply. He was complete with her and he wanted to raise a family with her. He wanted to claim them both. He thought to do it in the solarium but it wasnt romantic, so he waited, trying to come up with the perfect plan. He never guessed that their lives would change forever that night and he carried the ring around with him to remember what he was fighting for. His family.

The elevator dinged and he climbed on. He didnt want to propose to her while she was grieving. She would just say no and push him further away. She had to see that they were meant to be together. The doors swooshed open on his floor and he stepped out. Right into Naomi's face. She smiled meekly as he glanced at the bags at her feet. "Hi Xavier. I-I just came for Layla." She blew out a shaky breath. "Look Xav, I like you. Always have rooted for you. But Layla is my best friend and if she wants to go then I'm taking her. She loves you... But she just needs time away. That doesn’t mean she's not coming back. You two are meant to be together." She rushed to say. Xavier nodded and gave her a small smile. "I agree with everything you just said. I'm just glad I caught her in time." Naomi's eyes widened "You knew she was leaving? He nodded. "I know my girl." He chuckled sadly. "I know her like the back of my hand." Naomi hugged him. "If it means anything, just know that I'm rooting for you. You're my friend too." He thanked her and told her he would see her around.

Xavier walked slowly to his condo, opened the door and closed it softly. He found her in the kitchen staring at the ultrasound photos. They were all in 3D so they could actually see the baby's development. "Take them" He whispered. She spun around. "Xavier." She glanced at her bags, then back at him. "What?" She said not sure she heard him. "The ultrasound photos. Take them. You seem to have trouble choosing." She understood that he understood that she was leaving. "I… What will you have?" "I have one of the dvd's they made. It has all the pictures on it and such." She nodded. "Ok" She removed all the pictures and folded them delicately. She placed them in her purse and looked back at him. "I um. I left you a note." She pointed. "I just wanted to say goodbye." She lowered her head. "Well tell me now." She lifted her head, frowning. "Tell me goodbye Layla. Face to face. After all that we've been through together I deserve that much." "Xavier I don't want to fight I- "No baby.” He shook his head slowly. “I’m not fighting you.” And he wasn’t. His voice was barely a whisper. “You're fighting you. Fighting us. I came home early because I knew you would be gone. I just wanted to look at you one last time. Hold your body one last time before you walk out of my life." He walked towards her as the unshed tears in her eyes rolled down her cheeks. He closed the distance between them and stood inches from her face. He lifted his thumb and wiped her tears. "I still see that same beautiful girl I fell in love with in front of the library" He let his hand fall. She spun around. She didn’t want him to see her vulnerable ever again. Her sholders shook slightly. He walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her. He just held her. He held her until her shoulders slumped. He held her still. Committing her smell, her feel, her touch to his memory. He kissed her head. "I love you and I know you love me Layla. That's why I'm letting you go. If you still love me you'll come back to me. Right now just isn't our time but we will always be connected. You will always have my heart. You need something that I can't give you. You have to look inside yourself and find that this love is worth fighting for. When you do that I'll be here waiting for you baby." He kissed her head again and let her go. She turned around slowly, staring him in the eyes. She would miss those the most. "I- Her voice cracked. "Love you so much. I never wanted to hurt you. I just need to do this for me. I've lost myself Xavier." She sobbed. He pulled her to him. "Sshh baby. I know" He hugged her tightly. He pulled her back and looked into her eyes. "No matter where you are in this world know that you'll never be lost with me. I’ll always be your home baby." He leaned down and she met him halfway.

It was the most tender, passionate, heartbreaking, love filled kiss they ever shared. He broke the kiss finally, picked up her bags and handed them to her. She smiled up at him. Really smiled at him this time. She knew that even though their time had come to an end now, they would see each other again. He didn't tell her goodbye. He whispered see you later. She walked out the door with her heart a little less heavier. As Naomi drove away she turned and looked back. He was gone but X would always have her heart.

Seven Years Later

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