Chapter 10

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"Stop teasing me babe!" Layla pouted. "Ok, Ok. Just one peak." He quickly lifted and replaced the blindfold. "No fair, all I saw was grass!" Xavier laughed against her ear as he led her to the picnic blanket near the lake. "Ok we're here." He removed the blindfold and she looked around in awe at the spread. There was a throw blanket covering the ground that held continers of food, their textbooks, and he had even bought her flowers.  He had decided to get them out of the house and off her couch away from temptation. That night still taunted him every time he closed his eyes. "Aww, this is so sweet. Thank you baby." She turned and placed a quick kiss on his lips. "I know we both have to study, finals are coming up, and we both have been busy. I figured we could kill two birds with one stone. I take you out on a romantic picnic and we get some work done in between. And truth be told, I couldn’t sit on that couch another minute thinking about that night." He said frowning. She blushed. "Well whatever the reason, I love it anyway." She leaned over and kissed him dipping her tongue into his mouth. He allowed her to assault him for a few minutes then he slowly pulled her hands from around his neck and broke the kiss. "Behave now.” He smacked her butt. “Let’s eat before it gets cold, and then I’ll quiz you." She groaned. "Ok let’s get this over with."

They talked about nothing as they ate then fed each other dessert while making out. He finally pushed her to the other side of the blanket and placed their books inbetween them. They studied quietly until she felt the cool breeze of the evening blow across her face. She glanced over at him. She watched his forehead crease whenever he was stumped and straighten whenever he figured it out. She sighed wistfully. She had stopped wracking her brains wondering if he was to good to be true and decided to just snatch her little piece of happiness while she could. If it ended, at least she'd have the memories. "Stop checking me out and get back to work" he smirked, never looking up from his book. She scoffed. "FYI, I’m done." She closed her book and sat up. He did the same. "Good" he pulled her into his arms. "Now I can focus all my attention on this." He bent his head to kiss her, but she ducked. "Behave, or we'll miss the sunset." she pointed. She sat between his legs with his hands nestled around her waist and the stared into the evening sky.

This moment was perfect. There was a gentle spring breeze, quacking ducks could be heard in the distance, and the fresh scent of outdoors floated through the air. She breathed deeply. At moments like this she allowed her mind to wander. They had two months until graduation, and then what? He had never hinted that he wanted a more "long term" relationship and maybe that was part of the reason she hadnt slept with him yet. She had a plan after graduation, had already begun applying for positions in Atlanta, and Chicago. She didnt know what he wanted, what his plans were. She held back because she didn't want to start something real, something good and he walk away when they were done with school. She didnt want to fall in love with him, change her whole game plan and end up left alone with no back up plan if it ended. She had worked too damn hard and when the time came she wanted to be prepared to stay or go. She knew that her heart was in too deep anyway. She closed her eyes tightly and prayed that it would last.

Xavier held her as they watched dusk fall over the sky. He wanted this. Them, for however long they could be. He wanted her with him. He knew what he was feeling wasnt temporary. He loved her. Even his mother and brother knew. The revelation caused him to squeeze her tighter. He guessed it had happened the first time he looked into her chocolate eyes. But he knew she held a piece of herself back. He just couldn’t figure out why. He assumed she loved him. The trick now was getting her to realize it and to trust him completely.

"Hey babe, you're not asleep are you?" He whispered in her ear. She shuddered as his breath tickled her neck. "No im just taking it all in, we dont get much time together so I want to savor this." She snuggled further back into him. Down boy, he cleared his throat. "So what are your plans for wednesday evening?" He asked. "Hmm, nothing that I can think of. Im not scheduled for work, so maybe we could go out." "How about dinner?" He nuzzled her neck. "Mmm, I like the sound of that." He kissed her neck and she moaned. "At my parents home?" She stiffened and turned in his arms frantically. "Your parent's house! When did y-, Why? I mean..." she clamped her mouth shut, at a loss. He spoke. "Saturday, I visited my mother and I sort of mentioned you and the next thing I know we're invited to dinner this Wednesday. I tried to get out of it but... Well you don’t know my mother.” "No, I don’t! I dont know anything about her. Or your family. And you've known about this for three days and it never occured to you to tell me. I dont have anything to wear, and why did you try and get out of it. You dont want me to meet them?" She folded her hands across her chest. He stared at her in disbelief. Really? She was angry he didnt tell her and she was pissed he tried to back out of it. Women! "Baby, calm down." He pulled her back into his arms. "Look, I’m sorry it took so long for me to ask you, but I didn’t want you to worry over it all week. And for the record I would love it if you met my parents. And you dont have to worry about looking good for anyone but me." He slapped her on the ass. She smiled up at him and then her eyes widdened. He misread her fear. He held her tighter so she couldn’t move. "He won’t be there. I made it very clear that he should find somewhere else to be." He said hoping to calm her. She sucked her teeth. “I’m not w-“ “And if he shows up then I’ll handle him. He won’t make a scene in front of my parents. Trust me baby, I would never put you in a situation where you weren’t comfortable.” She nodded, but she wasn’t worried about his brother. She could handle herself if he came for her again. She was really worried about what it meant to meet his parents. Obviously he wasnt concerned, so she would just go with the flow. For now. She stood up and grabbed his hand. “Come on boyfriend, it’s time to fill me in on the in-laws.”

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