Chapter 38

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"Excuse me?" she asked when she picked her jaw up off the floor. Xavier went back to setting the table. "You heard me the first time Layla." He smirked. She scowled. "Who the hell are you to just come up in my house and demand to move in here? When I gave you a key that didn't mean automatic possession of the premises dammit!" His courtroom instincts kicked in. "Technically in a cour-" "Don't spout that legal bullshit at me Xavier! I am so not in the mood for this shit tonight! My feet hurt, my back aches, I'm hungry and I just want to go to bed. So move your damn bags off my bed and get the hell out!" she huffed, spun on her fat heels and marched back down the hall, slamming doors in her wake. "Thought you said you already ate!" he yelled behind her laughing as he continued to set the table.

Layla lathered her full body and showered, grumbling nonstop. "The hell he ain't moving in here! He better stay off the alcohol or whatever drug he's smoking! All of a sudden he wants to claim daddy now. Where the hell was he three damn weeks ago! He can ride his black ass back out on the busted down carriage he rode in on!" she huffed and winced as a cramp shot through her leg. "Shit!" She was so caught up his antics that she didn't realize she'd been standing on her swollen feet for too long. "Damn him! I might just use his ass for a foot rub then kick him out."

Through all her grumbling she hadn't noticed him sitting across the bathroom on the closed toilet. He watched her lather and bathe her round belly and his heart squeezed. His baby. Layla was having his baby. Again... Damn. After the shook of learning she was pregnant and so far along had wore off, he had instantly started researching. He read and bought anything remotely pregnancy and baby related. He wanted so badly to wrap his arms around her waist and hold his face to her belly again. Touch his baby. Hold her. But she probably thought he didn't care. Quite the opposite. He'd stayed away so long to give her time enough to come to her senses because there wasn't a chance in hell that she was leaving him. What actually possessed her to think that he had slept with that woman? Hormones probably? He smirked. He'd never seen her like this before. Xion was right. They weren't the same. This Layla was all that and so much more and it seemed like all his dreams were being handed to him on a silver platter. All but one, but he was rectifying that right now.

Xavier stood and walked over to the shower. He knocked and held up a towel. "Let's get you out of the tub, off your feet, and fed." He commanded. Layla shut the water off and scowled harder. "How long have you been in here?" she spat trying to cover herself. He smothered a laugh, slid open the door and gripped her around the waist. He hoisted her over the ledge and planted her on the soft bath mat. "Give me the damn towel and get out!" she swatted at him. He held the towel over her head and when she reached for it he caught a glimpse of her sweet chocolate nipples and smacked her on the ass. "Ow! Keep your hands off me perv!" she smacked his chest and he laughed. Either it was the pregnancy hormones or the new side of Layla he hadn't seen. Either way he liked her feisty ass. "Then be still and let me dry you off so you and I can have dinner and go to bed. I'm tired from the flight in." He yawned. Layla's gaze widened. He was dead serious. "You are not staying here. I thought we got that misunderstanding cleared up earlier!" she snatched at the towel. He clicked his teeth. "Did we? I don't remember. Anyway be still." He reached out to wipe at her face and she dodged him. "Xavier, I don't give a fat rat's ass where you go but you are not staying here." She grumbled as he swiped at her back and front "accidentally" brushing his palms across her tightened nipples. She bit down on her lip to stifle a moan. "Hush woman." He whispered hoarsely. Turn around so I can dry your big, soft ass." He licked his lips and groaned peeking behind her. "Has it gotten fatter?" She rolled her eyes and sucked her teeth. "All the more ass for you to kiss!" she sassed, spun around and walked out.

Layla ended up sharing the dining room table with Xavier after all. They dined on broiled tilapia in a parmesan sauce over a bed of rice pilaf, asparagus, with dinner rolls and dessert. She refused to speak to him during dinner and he seemed content with the silence. But she wanted to yell at him. Ask him why he hadn't asked about his baby, or tried to feel its kicks but she bit her tongue. You're not supposed to care remember! Find out what he wants then kick his ass to the curb. She stuffed the chocolate drizzled cheesecake into her mouth still cursing him out in her head.

After dinner was done she stuck him with the dishes and curled up on the couch. She clicked on the fifty inch mounted on the wall and began channel surfing while trying to massage her feet. Her eyes never left the TV but she watched as Xavier walked past her and towards her bedroom.Walking around like he pays my rent! "I can call you a cab to help with those bags of yours before you leave!" she yelled after him. He smirked but kept going. "Bastard!" she grumbled as she snuggled into her blanket and tuned into her favorite show Supernatural.

She had become so engrossed in the episode plot that she didn't notice Xavier walking down the hall shirtless, in pajama bottoms until he flopped down next to her. She jumped, startled by his presence. He had been gone awhile and she had been so wrapped up into the TV she had forgotten him for a minute. "Shit! You scared me Xavier!" she clutched the blanket to her and scooted to the other side of the couch. He smirked and stretched out beside her. "Watcha watching?" she rolled her eyes and dismissed him. They sat in silence watching Dean and Sam clumsily perform an exorcism sending a demon back to hell.

"How can you watch this stuff?" he frowned and she rolled her eyes. "Shut up and put yourself to good use before you leave." she sassed. He smirked. "Like how? The foot rub you were gonna make me give you?" She bit down on her lip to keep from grinning. "Well, since you brought it up." She slid her feet from under the covers and they landed on his thigh. "Take your time and be gentle." She scolded him before he even touched her. Xavier frowned. "I remember how you like it." He grumbled. She rolled her eyes and tuned back into the show. Xavier lifted her feet into his lap and gasped. Her feet and ankles were noticeably swollen and they looked painful. "Layla. Are you. Is this normal?" he cuddled her feet gently and started massaging. He'd been so preoccupied with learning everything about fetal development that he never researched the effects that this pregnancy would have on her body. He'd rectify that ASAP. She sighed heavily and shrugged. "My doctor said its normal. With all the excess fluid in my body because of the baby it's natural for other body parts to swell. I just have to stay off my feet most of the time to reduce swelling and keep them elevated when I'm resting." He frowned at her. "Like now!" he scolded and grabbed a pillow hiking her feet up in his lap. She smiled a little as he continued his ministrations. "They look like they hurt." He said absently staring at her feet. She snorted. "That's because they do...Most times. Usually when I'm on my feet to long after they've swelled. I usually soak them, but not tonight." She said yawning and moaning low as he ran over a tight spot in her ankle. He watched her from the corner of his eye and suddenly he felt like an ass. He had intruded on her on purpose never thinking that she could be stressed out and tired after a long days work. And he hadn't made it any better by having her argue and yell at him half the night. He lifted her feet and placed kisses along her ankle, feet and toes. They seemed to be going down due to the elevation and massage. He sighed.

Layla's breath hitched. Oh god. Why'd he have to go and do that! She felt her anger fizzling by the minute. Her clit had started throbbing the moment he'd sat down next to her half naked and now he was kissing at her feet. Oh lord. Give me strength! She shook herself mentally and joined the TV again. As he continued to rub small circles over her heel she felt her eyelids growing heavy but was helpless to stop them. She never realized that she had fallen asleep until Xavier placed her gently in the bed. She snuggled further into the covers, not noticing him undressing. "Thanks for the massage." She yawned again. Xavier slipped into bed beside her, clad only in boxers and pulled her against his hard, warm body. "Don't forget to leave my key on your way out." She mumbled still fighting him, all the while snuggling further back into his warmth, already fast asleep. Xavier smiled against her lips as he planted a kiss on them. He wrapped his arms around her and his baby cuddling them close, falling after her.

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