Episode 14: DWMA Hosts A Field Day - Kid Is Driving Me Insane

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This is the second to last episode for this "season" (aka book). Enjoy.


There was darkness and nothing else. No pain, no fear, just black. I felt my body was floating, but that was it.

"Dragon..." It was a whisper I recognized. "Dragon..." A little louder, a little clearer. It tugged on a memory that was just out of reach. "Dragon. Oh Dragon, I'm sorry. It was my fault." I heard the boy's voice clearly and an image appeared.

A body, glowing purpley blue, lay next to the kneeling body who glowed gray. "Come back, please, Dragon. Wake up." It said to the laying one. The blue one started to shimmer and floated towards me. It joined my body and the boy stood up. "Dragon?" He asked.

I suddenly remembered everything. "Fang." I smiled and the world started to fade to white before it got to bright to see anymore.


Something was licking my cheek, leaving my face wet. I could hear talking around me and kind of recognized the voices. I couldn't move at all, but slowly managed to open my eyes. To stare straight into the eyes of a wolf.

"Tundra?" I asked, my voice scratchy.

"Dragon!" He yipped and licked me excitedly.

"Tundra, stop, I need to breath!" I said laughing.

"Dragon?" I looked at the door to see Jeremy.

"Hi." I said as I sat up. I moaned: my whole body hurt.

"You okay?" Jeremy ran over and helped me up.

"I hurt all over. What happened?" I asked.

"You almost got killed. If it weren't for the black blood you would have died. And then you did some weird soul attack and nearly killed the guy. You've been unconscious for a week." Jeremy explained.

"Wait, what?" I asked, confused. I wasn't awake enough for that fast of a story. He sighed.

"Never mind. I'll get you something to eat, then Lord Death wants to see you right away. He said it was of great importance." Jeremy added before walking out. I absentmindedly pet Tundra (who I thought was almost purring) while I tried to remember what I could.

"We were at the ruins and got attacked by that red dragon boy. What was up with that?" I thought. I touched my necklace to assure myself it was still there.

"Hey, are you okay?" Tundra asked, sitting up next to me. I looked at him.

"Ya, why?" I asked.

"I don't know, it's some kind of animal instinct thing, but something seems wrong." Tundra said. I laughed quickly and shook my head, before petting Tundra some more.

"I'm fine." I said. "Just tired." I added. Tundra laid down, satisfied. "Am I lying though? Something does feel off." I thought to myself.


"Dragon, good to see your back on your feet." Lord Death said. I bowed slightly to the headmaster.

"Thank you. I'm sorry for any trouble." I replied.

"No, no, don't worry about that. I was the one who sent you after all. Now, there is an important matter I have to discuss with you." Lord Death said. I sat down in front of the mirror, anticipating a long conversation. "You remember the comments about you and the term 'dragon born' correct?" Lord Death said.

Soul Eater: Dragon BornWhere stories live. Discover now