•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•Every one had been tense since our mission after the kishin because within hours of realizing he hadn't died, everyone had known about it. I shook my head to clear it and refocus on the class when I noticed everyone was already packed up and walking out. I scrambled to get my stuff together and headed down as the last person left.
"Dragon." I paused, one foot out the door and turned around.
"Hello, professor Stein." I said with a light smile. "What can I do for you?" I asked him. He was sitting backwards on his patchy gray and white rolling chair.
"Lord Death wants to see you right away." He said. I nodded.
"I'll head right over. I'll come by for practice after, if it's not to late." I said before walking off.
"Don't worry to much about it. I think he's sending you on a mission." Stein added as I left. I doubted he would hear me if I replied so I just kept walking.
I reached the Death Room in no time and quickly walked in after knocking. "Hello Lord Death." I said then I noticed several others in the room: Violet, Suri, Jade, Alex, Shadow, Fang, and Jeremy standing across. I joined my weapon. "Hey guys." I said politely.
"Dragon, it's great to see you again." Violet said brightly smiling at me. I smiled back despite myself.
"You too." I said.
"Alright. Everyone, pay attention. There is a second kishin about to form and I want you to finish him. With Maka's team and Ox's team out after the new kishin you are the best option to take out this new one." Lord Death informed us.
"You've got it, but why is Dragon here?" Alex asked. Her voice was full of contempt, but I was the only one that noticed and Alex knew it.
"Because while most of you have Soul Perception none of you can attack with your wavelength." Lord Death said. "Dragon doesn't only attack with her wavelength, but she can do it without touching you. She is also one of the most powerful miesters at this academy." Lord Death said. I smiled, wanting to blush under the praise.
Alex huffed and I saw Fang sigh. He looked at me and we both smiled then mine faded a little and I looked away. I saw Fang's face fall as well, but he turned back to Lord Death. "You'll leave right away, so get going." Lord Death said. I nodded along with all the other miesters.
"So, did anyone bother to ask where this kishin is?" I asked. The others paused and I sighed. "I'll go." I turned and started walking back to the Death Room.
I didn't knock and walked in, but jumped behind a pillar when I saw Lord Death talking to Stein in the mirror. I listened carefully and learned they were talking about me.
"Lord Death, I found something new on dragon borns." Stein said. "We have to tell Dragon what she is the minute she gets back before her powers wake up. She might accidently hurt someone." Stein said.
"Are you sure Stein?" Lord Death asked, unusually serious.
"Yes. Dragon's a royal dragon born, but even so she's got power. I'm worried she'll draw attention to her species if we don't tell...is there someone else with you?" Stein asked suddenly. I pulled back and slowed my breathing before walking out with a bright smile.
"Hi. Just wondering where it was we were headed." I said. I didn't want them to know I'd heard their little conversation.
"The Baslet Ruins." Lord Death said. I started to walk away. "Wait." He said after sharing a look with Stein. "Dragon, you're very special and I have a request. Will you wear this during your mission? After, I swear I will explain why, but please." Lord Death held out a necklace with his symbol on it.

Soul Eater: Dragon Born
Fanfiction(This is based on the anime Soul Eater) Dragon is unusual, even amongst the unusual. Born and raised an orphan, she wondered if her life would ever change. When a contest to enter a school catches catches her eye, Dragon become curious. After a litt...