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In the streets below, Harry was strolling dreamily around the harbor watching the ships and imagining all the fun the coronation party would bring. For once, it wouldn't matter that Ashton didn't want to spend time with him, because he'd be spending time with everyone else!

Harry rounded a corner and suddenly—smack!-a horse bumped into him!

Caught by surprise, Harry lost his balance and stumbled, falling into a small rowboat on the dock. The boat tipped precariously toward the water. Luckily, the horse came forward and placed a hoof on the end of the boat to keep it from sliding into the harbor.

"Hey!" Harry exclaimed in surprise, looking up at the horse and its rider.

"I'm so sorry," the rider said. "Are you hurt?"

Harry tried to regain his composure. "Hey, uh . . . No I'm okay," he managed to say. He couldn't help noticing that the rider was very handsome.

"Are you sure?" The young man asked. He hopped off his horse. He was tall and sharply dressed in a fancy uniform. He looked very concerned about his welfare.

"Yeah, I just wasn't looking where I was going," Harry said. He smiled. "But I'm great, actually."

"Oh, thank goodness," the stranger said, smiling. He stepped into the little boat and extended his hand to Harry. When their eyes met, a happy charge of excitement passed between them.

The young man smiled. "Prince Michael of the Southern Isles," he said, introducing himself.

Harry stood up and curtsied. "Prince Harry of Arendelle," he replied.

"Prince?" he responded, horrified. "My lord!" He dropped to one knee and bowed his head.

His horse also dropped to one knee. Immediately, the little boat tipped backward, and Michael tumbled on top of Harry. They both giggled awkwardly.

"Hi again," Harry said. The prince's face was just inches form his.

Apparently realizing his mistake, the horse slammed his hoof down on the boat. Harry and Michael fell the opposite way. The time, Harry landed on top of Michael!

"Oh, boy," Michael said, embarrassed.

"Ha! This is awkward," Harry acknowledged their positions. "Not that you're awkward," he said, trying to cover his embarrassment. "But just because we're . . . I'm awkward!" he said. "You're gorgeous." His hand flew over his mouth. Had he just said that out loud. "Wait, what?"

Michael jumped to his feet, quickly regaining a royal posture. "I'd like to formally apologize for hitting the Prince of Arendelle with my horse. And for every moment after," he added.

"No, no," Harry said. "It's fine. I'm not that prince. I mean, if you'd hit my brother, Ashton, this would be . . ." He paused for a moment. "Yeesh! Because you know . . ." Harry patted the horse, trying to recover his rambling thoughts. "Hello," he said to the horse. He turned back to Michael and offered him a prince grim. "But lucky for you, it's just me."

"Just you?" Michael asked. A warm smile spread across his face.

Harry couldn't help smiling back. All of a sudden, the castle bells began to peal.

"The bells!" he cried. "The coronation—I'd better go," he said. He hopped off the boat onto the pier and waved. "Uh, bye!"

Michael waved back. Even the horse waved, lifting his hoof off the boat for a moment. Unfortunately, that caused the boat's weight to shift again.

"Oh, no!" Michael said.

The boat flipped off the dock and Michael fell into the water with a splash! Lifting the boat off his head, Michael peeked up from the water and watched Harry through the streets toward the castle. He grinned as he thought his wonderful chance meeting with the beautiful prince.

Soon the people of Arendelle, along with dignitaries from around the land, were making their way into the royal church for Ashton's coronation. Luke, however, was far away, in a corner of the town. He had sold all his ice and was now busy bargaining for a brand new sled.

"Watch this, Sven," Luke called as he played around with his sled's special features, which allowed it to watch between runners and wheels. "It's a sled! It's a wagon! It's a sled! It's a wagon!"

The sled salesman looked concerned, as if he was wondering what kind of person would talk to a reindeer. But he wanted to finish the sale. He tried to make small talk as they completed their deal. "You sticking around to see the king and the prince?" he asked Luke.

"Are you kidding?" Luke replied. "I've got a brand new sled . . . with wheels!" He grinned. "I'm hitting the road."

"Suit yourself," the man said. "But I bet they're beautiful."

Luke didn't even hear the man. He and Sven were already headed back to the mountains with their new sled.

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