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Marshmallow grabbed the unwanted visitors and tossed them down the icy steps. "Go home!" roared the snowman.

But Calum remained in Marshmallow's arms, having come apart with all the jostling. "You are a lot stronger than I think you realize," he told the snow giant.

Marshmallow howled and threw Calum, one piece at a time, down the mountain.

"Heads up!" Calum's head shouted as it soared past Harry and Luke.

The head crashed into a snowbank.

"Calum!" cried Harry, racing over to Calum's head.

Harry and Luke jumped out of the way just as the rest of Calum's body slammed into the snowbank.

Harry picked up a handful of snow and molded it into a ball. Then he flung it at the huge snowman.

"It's not nice to throw people!" he shouted angrily.

Marshmallow roared—and charged after them!

"All right, feisty-pants," Luke said to Harry. "Now you made him mad!"

"I'll distract him," Calum said. "You guys go!"

Calum's body and butt took off in opposite directions. "No, not you guys!" he yelled to the two body balls, then sighed. "This just got a lot harder."

Harry and Luke slid down the mountain. When they reached the bottom, Marshmallow was already there!

"Look out!" Luke called.

They quickly got up and ran through a maze of trees and snowbanks with Marshmallow close behind them.

"This way!" Harry shouted. He grabbed a stick and knocked the heavy snow off a tree. With the extra weight lifted, the tree snapped upright and knocked Marshmallow back. Harry and Luke laughed and ran ahead of the snowman. But Marshmallow was not giving up.

Harry and Luke continued to run until they reached the edge of a steep cliff.

"Whoa, stop!" Luke yelled.

Harry peered over the edge. "It's a hundred foot drop," he said.

"It's two hundred," Luke countered. Taking a rope, he tied a loop around Harry's waist. Then he dug a U shape in the snow.

"What's that for?" Harry asked.

"I'm digging a snow anchor," Luke told him.

"Okay. What if we fall?" Harry said. He looked over the edge again.

"There's twenty feet of fresh powder down there," he answered. "It'll be like landing on a pillow." He paused and then added. "Hopefully."

Harry's eyes widened.

Luke tied off the rope in the snow anchor. "Okay, Harry," he said. "On three . . ."

Harry moved closer to the edge.

"One, two . . ." Luke counted. Just then, a tree sailed through the air. Marshmallow had thrown it at them!

"Tree!" Harry yelled. He jumped over the cliff, pulling Luke with him.

"What? Whoa!" Luke hollered as the two plummeted. Seconds later, the rope caught their fall and they were dangling in midair.

At that moment, Calum emerged from the trees, a complete mess. His body parts were in the wrong order as he staggered toward the cliff.

"Oh, man, I am out of shape," he mumbled, winded from the chase. He quickly put himself back together properly. "There we go," he said. "Hey, Harry! Luke! Where'd you guys go?" He searched all around. "We totally lost Marshmallow back there!"

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