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Though Harry could barely move, he lifted his head to see Luke coming toward him. But nearby, in the other direction, he suddenly caught sight of something else—something he could hardly believe. Was that his brother? Could Ashton also be out on the ice? Harry tried to focus.

Then he realized that Michael was standing over Ashton, who knelt on the ice, his face buried in his hands. Horrified, Harry watched as Michael drew his sword and raised it over his brother's head. He was taking his time, almost smiling with anticipation.

Harry knew that kissing Luke was his last hope for survival, but he couldn't bear to see Ashton in danger. With great difficulty, he turned away from Luke and moved toward his brother.

"Ashton!" he cried. With a final surge of energy, Harry lunged, using every remaining ounce of his strength. He threw himself in front of Ashton to block Michael's blow. "NO!" he shouted.

In that moment, Harry's entire body froze, turning into solid ice. Michael's sword came down at full strength on his body. The sword shattered! Michael reacted in angry astonishment as jagged pieces of steel into the snow.

"Harry," Ashton cried. He jumped up and threw his arms around his unseeing brother. "Oh, Harry," he said, weeping. "No, please no!" Ashton sobbed, hugging the frozen figure.

Behind him, Michael was fuming. He quickly picked up his broken sword and started to swing it at Ashton, but Luke ran at him just in time. He hit Michael right on the jaw and knocked him down. There would be no second blown for Michael.

Calum ventured forward, looking up at the brothers. He was shocked to see Harry so still, without movement or life. "Harry?" he asked sadly. He stepped back as Ashton hugged his brother and cried.

Luke, Sven, and Calum all bowed their heads.

So did the dignitaries and citizens of Arendelle, watching from the shore. A somber silence fell over the kingdom.

Suddenly, as Ashton hugged his brother, drops of water began to form at the tips of Harry's fingers. Then his arm began to bend. Harry was beginning to thaw!

"Harry!" Ashton exclaimed.

"Ashton . . ." Harry murmured. He opened his eyes and smiled lovingly at his brother. Ashton laughed with joy.

"You sacrificed yourself for me?" Ashton asked in wonder.

Still weak, Harry replied simply. "I love you."

Calum gasped. "An act of true love will thaw a frozen heart," he said. Harry's sacrifice had saved his own life!

Ashton found himself turning Calum's words over in his mind as he slowly realized their full meaning "Love will thaw. . . . Love. Of course!" he said. He hugged Harry again and laughed.

"Ashton?" Harry asked.

"Of course what?" Calum asked. Ashton took a step back and raised his hands above his head, and the snow drifted back up to the sky! Next, the ground began to shake and move. The ice and snow began to melt. The fjord waters thawed and a boar rose, lifting Ashton and the others onto its back. Soon all the boats in the fjord were returned to their upright positions.

Ashton waved his arms one more time and revealed a sunny sky! The warmth of a summer's day spread across the kingdom in one joyous moment.

All of Arendelle cheered!

"I knew you could do it," Harry said to Ashton, smiling.

"Hands down, this is the best day of my life!" Calum exclaimed. "And," he added, "quite possibly the last."

Ashton looked over at the dripping sagging snowman. "Oh, Calum," he said kindly. "Hang on, little guy." He waved a hand over Calum and surrounded him with a swirl of cold air. Calum quickly refroze and looked like himself again. Best of all, he now had a permanent little snow cloud above his head, to keep him from melting ever again.

"Ha!" he exclaimed. "How are we doing this?"

Michael climbed to his feet, still dazed from Luke's punch, and turned to Harry. "B-but he froze your heart," he stammered. He thought Harry had frozen to death back in the library.

"The only frozen heart around here is yours," Harry replied fiercely. Then, with all his might, he punched him in the face. Michael fell backward into the water.

Harry grinned. He was feeling warmer already. He caught sight of Luke and grinned. Then he hugged Ashton again. The brothers held each other tight. Neither one wanted to let go.

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