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Harry's body felt even colder than he was out in the storm. But it was a relief to tell Michael everything, to know that he could help him.

After hearing the whole tale, Michael looked at him with a tender smile. "A true love's kiss," he said pensively. He leaned in close, ready to kiss him. Harry lifted his chin and closed his eyes in anticipation. Then he stopped.

"Oh, Harry," he said. "If only there was somebody loved you."

"What?" Harry said in shock.

Michael rose to his feet and walked away. He stood in front of the window, looking out over the kingdom. "As thirteenth in line in my own kingdom, I didn't stand a chance," he told him. "I knew I'd have to marry into the throne somewhere."

Harry could barely lift his head. "What? What are you talking about?" he asked.

"As heir, Ashton was preferable, of course," Michael continued. "But no one was getting anywhere with her. But you . . ." He trailed off with a small smile.

"Michael," Harry said, growing concerned.

"Like your brother said," he told him. "You were so desperate for love, you were willing to marry me just like that." He walked over to a table and grabbed a pitcher of water. Then he moved closer to the fire.

"I figured after we married, I'd have to stage a little accident for Ashton. "He poured the water on the fire, putting it out.

Heart reached out to stop him, but he was too weak and once again fell to the floor. "Michael, no, stop!" he cried.

Ignoring his plea, Michael took the fire poker and smothered the remaining embers. A cold draft filled the room. "But then he doomed himself, and I pi were dumb enough to go after him," he snickered.

"Please," Harry begged.

Michael laughed. "All that's left now is to kill Ashton and bring back summer."

A sense of despair engulfed Harry as he realized the depth of Michael's cruelty. "You're no match for Ashton," he said bravely.

Michael looked at Harry. "No, you're no match for Ashton." He told him. "I, on the other hand, am the hero who is going to save Arendelle from destruction." He strode to the door.

"You won't get away with this," Harry said fiercely.

"Oh, I already have," Michael said with a nasty grin. He walked out, locking the door tight.

Harry tried to get up from the floor, but he was too weak. He could feel the cold taking the last of his strength.

"Please, somebody," he called out hoarsely. "Help!" He looked around the dark room and knew he was totally alone. "Please, please," he whispered.

And then he collapsed.

Michel left Harry and went to the council chamber where Liam and other dignitaries were gathered.

"It's getting colder by the minute," Liam said. "Forget starving, we'll soon freeze to death."

Michael fell into a chair, looking weak and grief-stricken.

"Prince Michael!" a dignitary said, reaching out to him gently.

Michael lowered his head and chuckled to himself. He had sat down on the throne. His plan was moving along perfectly. Pretending to be full of remorse, Michael said, "Prince Harry is . . . dead."

"What?" the other men exclaimed.

"How could this happen?" one of the dignitaries asked.

Michael shook his head slowly. "He was killed by King Ashton."

"No!" Liam said.

With his head in his hands, Michael played the part of a grieving man. "We said our wedding vows . . . before he died in my arms."

Michael nodded grimly, but he was secretly elated. Never in his wildest dreams could he have plotted his ascent to the throne as gloriously. "With a heavy heart, I charge King Ashton with treason and sentence him to death," he declared.

In his dungeon cell, Ashton stood by the window. The snow was cascading down heavily. He wondered where Harry was at that moment. Harry would never be able to survive this storm.

Maybe I am a monster, he thought. Michael's words haunted him. His powers had done nothing but cause great trouble for the kingdom.

Ashton knew that he had to leave Arendelle so he wouldn't do any more harm. As his eyes welled up with tears, he looked down at his shackles. They were completely frozen, and suddenly, they broke through three dangerous walls, splitting them apart as Ashton's emotions overwhelmed his mind and heart. Realizing he could escape, Ashton hurried through the gaping hole in the wall.

Michael heard the noise and ran down to the dungeon. The Duke and his guards were already there.

"What happened?" Michael asked.

"The king has escaped," Liam replied, gazing through the opening in the wall.

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