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Harry cautiously entered Ashton's palace. He found himself in a huge room with an impressive leading to a second floor. The palace was gorgeous, but it was absolutely still and eerily quiet.

"Ashton?" Harry called nervously. "It's me, Harry."

"Harry," Ashton replied. Harry followed the sound of his brother's voice and saw him at the top of the staircase. He was surprised by Ashton's new appearance.

"Ashton, you look different," he said. "And this place is amazing."

Ashton smiled. "Thank you. I never knew what I was capable of."

Harry started up the stairs. "I'm sorry about what happened. If I'd known . . ."

"No, it's okay," said Ashton, backing away. "You don't to apologize. But you should probably go, please."

Harry was startled. "But I just got here."

"You belong in Arendelle," Ashton explained.

"So do you," Harry said.

"No Harry," Ashton said. "You belong down there in Arendelle, and I belong here. Alone. When I can be who I am without hurting anyone."

"Actually about that—" Harry began. But Calum ran in, interrupting him. The minute was up, and he couldn't wait to another second.

"Wait," said Ashton, wide-eyed. "What is that?"

Calum ran up the staircase. "Hi, I'm Calum, and I like warm hugs," he said. Suddenly, the little snowman felt shy. "You built me," he told Ashton. "You remember that?"

Ashton stared at him. "And you're alive?" he asked in wonder. He looked at his hands, amazed at his own power.

"I think so," Calum replied.

"He's just like the one we built as kids," Harry said. "We were so close. We can be like that again."

More than anything, Ashton wanted that to be true. But the white streak in Harry's hair was a constant reminder of that night long ago when he hit Harry with his dangerous powers.

Ashton turned and headed back upstairs. "No, we can't," he said. "Goodbye, Harry."

"Ashton, wait," Harry said. "Please don't shut me out again."

Harry ran to the upper floor and tried to reason with his brother. Now that Ashton's secret was out, Harry thought they could be happy together for the first time in forever.

But it wasn't that simple for Ashton. He was sure no one in Arendelle would never accept him again. He couldn't hide his powers anymore—and he didn't want to. What if he injured someone? What if he hurt Harry? Ashton felt that if he could just keep to himself, no one would be hurt by his magic. But there was something Ashton didn't know.

"You kind of set off an eternal winter everywhere," Harry said.

"Everywhere?" said Ashton, shaken by the news.

Harry wanted to be encouraging. "It's okay, can just unfreeze it."

Ashton looked away. "No, I can't. I don't know how,"  he admitted.

Harry wasn't worried. "Sure, you can. I know you can." Harry ran to his brother. He was sure they could work it out.

For his part, Ashton was having trouble keeping his emotions under control. The news that she had accidentally put Arendelle into a deep freeze was very hard to bear. Maybe he was the monster that people thought he was. The walls the palace started to ice over. Ashton wanted to get away from Harry. He backed farther up the stairs, and the banister frosted over as he paused.

But Harry kept pressing Ashton. "Everything will be all right," he insisted.

Ashton was torn. He did want to go home, he did want everything to be fine, but it just wasn't possible! Frustrated and upset, he exclaimed, "I can't!"

With these words, Ashton's bottled-up emotions rose to the surface. A wave of icy magic was released from his body, and it struck Harry right in the chest! Harry fell backward as Ashton gasped.

Calum ran to Harry and helped him stand up. Luke entered the room and ran up to Harry, as well.

"Harry," Luke said. "You okay?" he asked.

"I'm okay," he said bravely. "I'm fine."

"I told you to stay away!" said Ashton in horror.

"No, I'm not giving up," Harry said. "I know we can figure this out together."

"How?" Ashton shouted. "What power do you have to stop this winter? To stop me?"

"I don't know," Harry said, tears welling up in his eyes. "But I'm not leaving without you."

Heartbroken, Ashton looked at his brother. "Yes," he said. "You are." He waved a hand, and magic shimmered in the air. Suddenly, a giant snowman rose from the floor, conjured by his powers. The snowman grew and grew, until it towered over Harry and his friends.

"You made me a little brother!" Calum exclaimed happily. He turned to the huge creature. "I'm going to name you Marshmallow!"

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