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The howling winds pushed against Luke as he headed back up the mountain, away from Arendelle. He adjusted his goggles and wrapped his scarf tightly around his face.

Sven was lagging behind. The reindeer looked longingly back at Arendelle and the castle. He shook his head and whinnied. Luke kept walking, ignoring him. Sven charged ahead, passed Luke, and then stopped in front of him. He faced him and looked Luke directly in the eye.

"What is it, buddy?" Luke asked.

The reindeer nudged his antlers into Luke's side.

"Hey, watch it," Luke said, annoyed. "What's wrong with you?"

Sven shook his head and wiggled his mouth.

"I don't understand you when you talk that way," Luke told him. In a flash, Sven bucked Luke and lifted him up with his antlers. "Hey! Stop it!" Luke shouted. "Put me down."

Sven dropped him straight into the snow, hard.

"No, Sven," Luke said. "We're not going back."

Sven snorted his disapproval.

"He's with his true love," Luke saw Sven's doubt. He glanced back at the kingdom to make his point. But to his surprise, he saw a strange new storm swirling above the castle. He could see dark clouds into an even deeper freeze. "Harry!" he cried.

Instantly, Luke changed his course and took off running toward Arendelle. Sven scrambled and raced up behind him. He ducked his head and lifted Luke with his antlers, then threw him onto his back. The duo raced down the hillside.

Harry was curled up on the floor of the library. He had made it to the door but was now too weak to stand. No one could have him whispered cries his help. He was so cold—and his heart ached.

At that moment, the door handle jiggled. Harry was barely able to raise his head to see who it was. The lock clicked. Harry could see a carrot wedged into the keyhole.

Suddenly, the door flew open. It was Calum! The snowman pulled his carrot nose out of the lock and put it back into the middle of his face. He was very proud of himself, but his happiness melted the moment he saw Harry.

"Harry, no!" he called. He ran to the fireplace and struck a match. In seconds there was a large, roaring fire.

"Calum," Harry said. "Get away from there!"

"Whoa!" Calum exclaimed, taking in the sight and feel of the fire. He was a little scared, but he couldn't resist the warmth coming from the fireplace. "So that's heat," he said. "I gotta say, I still like it!" He hurried over to Harry and brought him closer to the fire. "So, where's Michael? What happened to your kiss?"

"I was wrong about him," Harry said. "It wasn't true love."

Calum didn't want to believe it. "But we rode all the way here," he said.

"Please, Calum," Harry managed to say. "You can't stay here. You'll melt."

"I'm not leaving until we find some other act of true love to save you," Calum said. He sat down next to Harry. "Got any ideas?"

Harry sighed heavily. "I don't even know what love is anymore."

"That's okay," Calum said. "I do." He sat up a little taller. "Love is putting someone else's needs before yours—like, you know how Luke brought you back here to Michael and left you forever?"

"Luke loves me?" Harry asked. His eyes widened.

Harry looked at Calum. He was dripped from head to toe! "Calum, you're melting!" he cried.

"Some people are worth melting for," he said. His face was quickly losing its shape. Calum tried to push up his sagging head. He ran up and sat behind Harry, trying to escape the fire's heat. "Just maybe not right his second."

A window across the room blew open and a cold gust of wind swept through. Harry shuddered. Calum ran to the window to shut it. "Don't worry," he said. "I've got it. We're gonna get through . . ." He stopped talking and stared out window. He leaned forward and squirmed at the horizon. "Hang on, host one second. I'm getting something!"

He reached through through open window and grabbed an icicle off the window ledge. He flipped the icicle around and used it as a telescope. "Hey, it's Luke and Sven!" he shouted when he realized who was running toward the castle. He turned to Harry excitedly. "They're coming back this way!"

"They are?" Harry asked. He tried to stand up to see for himself.

"Wow, he's moving really fast!" Calum said. "Huh, I guess I was wrong. I guess Luke doesn't love you enough to leave you behind."

"Help me up," Harry said, struggling. "Please."

"No," Calum told him. "You need to stay by the fire and keep warm."

Harry was adamant. "I need to get to Luke."

"Why?" Calum asked. Then he paused. "Oh, I know why! There's your act of true love right there, riding across the fjords like a valiant, pungent reindeer king!" He reached for Harry. "Come on!"

Sheets of ice began to break through three library walls. The cracks grew across the walls and the room began to collapse. Harry and Calum hurried out of the library just in time. Together, they struggled to make it through the hallway, dodging ice as it appeared in their path.

"Back this way," Calum said, pulling Harry. But every path they tried was blocked by ice! "We're trapped!" he shouted.

Harry spun around and spotted a way out. He took Calum's hand and they made their way over to a window, broke the glass, and slid down an icy ramp. Calum picked up more snow as he went. They landed safely outside the castle and took off toward Luke.

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