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Luke and Sven led Harry and Calum through a rocky area of the mountain, weaving through valleys and hills. Darkness had fallen, but the northern lights lit the sky with a green glow. Harry hoped Luke's wouldn't mind that they were stopping by so late.

Luke could see that Harry was shivering. "Are you cold?" he asked.

Harry grinned. "I'm fine." It Made Harry feel better that Luke was concerned about him.

"Good," said Luke, coming to a halt. "Well, we made it. Meet my friends. They're more like family, actually."

Harry looked around, confused. It was a valley of rocks. "They're rocks," he pointed out.

"They're love experts," Calum said.

"They're experts on everything, really," Luke explained. He looked very serious.

Harry thought Luke had lost his mind. He started to back away. "Right. Well, thank you for your help, but I'm thinking I'm going to go. Now. Right now."

Suddenly, rocks began to roll toward them. Strange voices called out, saying, "Luke's home! Luke's home!" As Harry watched, the rocks rose from the ground one after another and transformed into trolls. Suddenly, they were surrounded!

Dove pushed her way to the front, thrilled to see Luke. Clearly, she knew him well. "He's brought a boy!" she exclaimed with a grin.

The trolls climbed over each other to get a good look at Harry.

Dove examined Harry. "Let's me see. Bright eyes. Working nose. Strong teeth," she said. "Yes, he'll do nicely for our Luke."

Harry finally caught on. They believed he was Luke's boyfriend, and that he'd brought him to meet them! "Wait. No. H-he and I aren't . . .," he stammered. "I mean, he's not, we're not . . ."

Luke jumped on. "What he means is, that's not why I brought him here. We need—"

A troll named Soren cut him off. "We know what you need," he said confidently. And with that, the trolls began to tell Harry all about Luke's shortcomings. According to them, he was a bit of a fixer-upper, but a little love would make everything right.

Harry wasn't sure how this information could help solve his problem, but Luke didn't seem worried. "Just do whatever they say, and you'll be fine," he advised him.

The trolls started dancing and singing about love being a force that brings out the best in everyone, even if people have made bad choices in the past. Their excitement was infectious, and Harry and Luke were soon swept up in the celebration. Harry actually enjoyed the dancing, and he even let the troll women decorate his hair. Before long, he and Luke were moved to an area where they stood in front of the entire troll crowd.

"Do you, Harry," a serious troll began, "take Luke to be your troll-fully wedded—"

"Wait! What?" Harry exclaimed.

"You're getting married," the troll said.

Just then, a mighty shiver shot through Harry and he collapsed, Luke caught him.

"I think someone has cold feet," Soren said.

Dove sniffed. "Nervous jitters is all."

Luke held Harry tight. "No," he insisted. "Something's wrong."

Louis pushed his way through the crowd. "He's right. Something is wrong," he said. Louis walked up to Harry, took his hands, and looked into his weakened eyes. A shiver went through his body as he lifted a lock of his hair, which was now all white.

"Harry," Louis said in a low voice, "your life is in danger."

A hush fell over the trolls. Harry looked at Luke as Louis continued.

"There is ice in your heart, out there by your brother. If not removed . . . to solid ice you will freeze," he told him. "Forever."

"What? No!" Harry gasped.

Luke tried to stay calm. "So remove it, Louis," he said.

"I can't. If it were in his head, that would be easy," Louis said. "But only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart."

"An act of true love?" Harry repeated.

"A true love's kiss, perhaps?" suggested a nearby troll.

Luke paused, thinking. "We've got to get you to Michael."

"Michael," Harry answered weakly. "Right. Michael."

Quickly, Luke scooped Harry into his arms and placed him on Sven's back. He climbed up behind him, nodding his thanks to the trolls.

Dove sighed. "Ugh. We'll never get him married, Soren," she muttered.

"Someday, Dove," Soren replied.

Luke took hold of Sven's reins. "Come on, Calum!" he called.

"I'm coming!" Calum shouted, grabbing Sven's tail. "Let's go kiss Michael! Who is this Michael?"

Sven turned and headed back toward Arendelle, breaking into a gallop as he left the trolls' valley. The sun began to rise. And one by one, the trolls turned back into stone.

Michael carried a torch as he walked down the steps into the dungeon of Arendelle castle. He appeared in the doorway of Ashton's cell.

Ashton was gazing out the small window at Arendelle, now buried in snow and ice. He turned when he heard Michael enter. "Why did you bring me here?" Ashton asked.

"I couldn't just let them kill you," Michael told him.

Ashton glanced at his shackled hands. "But I'm s danger to Arendelle. Get Harry," he suggested.

"Harry has not returned," Michael said. "If you would just stop the winter and bring back summer . . . please."

Ashton stared at Michael with sad eyes. "Don't you see?" he said. "I can't. You have to tell them to let me go."

Michael walked back to the door. "I will do what I can," he said. Exiting the cell, he locked the door behind him.

Ashton looked down at his shackles. Ice was beginning to spread over them. And ice was forming along the edges of the floor. Ashton's emotions—and his powers—were again slipping out of his control.

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