Chapter 37

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*Rainy's POV*

We got to our hotel room after the Sam incident and I collapsed on my bed. Mom and Dad sat on their bed. I crawled under the covers and fell asleep after about 5 minutes even though it was 11 am it would be 8 in LA.

*3 hours later*

"Come on sweetheart we're going to eat lunch," Mom said shaking me awake. I groaned and grabbed my phone. I got up and put it in my pocket.

I grabbed one of Jc's snapbacks that I had stolen from him before we left and slipped on a pair of Toms. I yawned and we walked out the door. We walked to the elevators and waited for one. We got on and there was a viewer in it.

"I know you guys are probably really tired, but do you think we could take a picture, just a quick one?" She asked nicely, she was sweet how could anyone say no?

"Sure," Mom said and she took a picture with all of us. "Thank you!" the girl said as we got off. I smiled a tired smile at her and she smiled back.

We walked for a little while and eventually came to a Panera, which thankfully wasn't packed. I ordered some Mac and cheese and we all waited for our food.

When it got there, I vlogged it before eating, can you say common youtuber? I ate and drank my sprite. I accidentally fell asleep while eating and Mom woke me up, laughing.

I shook my head and finished my food. We finished eating and walked back to the hotel. "Wanna go to the pool?" mom asked when we got into the hotel room. "Sure," I said.

I grabbed my pink tankini(like a bikini except the top is like a tank top) and changed into it then put on jean shorts and a danisnotonfire tshirt over it.

We grabbed two towels and walked down the pool. We set our stuff down on chairs and I saw Zoe and Alfie a little bit down the row of chairs. I thought about running to them dramatically but then realized I would probably slip and break my leg.

So I settled on walking. I walked over to them. "Zoe! Alfie!" I said when I got over there. "Rainy!" Alfie said getting up and hugging me. Zoe hugged me too. I sat down on the chair next to her.

"Are you having fun?" she asked. "Other than the major jet-lag? yeah, we met some viewers in the elevator," I said. "Oh tell me about it, I hate being jet-lagged," Zoe said.

"Oh, I suppose it's a lot worse for you what time would it be in the UK right now ?" I asked. "It would be around 5 so I would be eating dinner right now, at least it's around lunch time though so it's okay to eat something," she said.

I nodded, "Well I'm gonna go swimming." Alfie nodded,"I'll go too!" I laughed and walked back over to the chair and took off my shorts and tshirt then walked back over to where they were, mom following.

We all swam for a little while then I felt jet-lag hit me like a wall and I almost fell onto one of the chairs. "I'm going back to the room," I said. Mom nodded,"I am too."

I waved bye to Zoe and Alfie and mom and I got our stuff and took the elevator up to our room. When we got there I set my stuff down and took a shower because I felt gross.

Afterwards I collapsed onto my bed in my pajamas and snuggled under the covers. Even though it was like 5pm.

Tomorrow is the first official day of playlist. Yippee?

Adopted by Kiandrea-Kian Lawley/Andrea Russet fanficWhere stories live. Discover now