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So, I had this idea. . .

This is a one time deal. As some of you noticed, I took down pretty much ALL of my stories. The reason I took them down is because they aren't edited, they actually have horrible mistakes. As a matter of fact, when I look back on them now, I cringe. I wrote these books before I got good at "show don't tell" and "grammar." Understand these stories are not fixed. However, I know how much some of you would love the opportunity to read them again, one last time, because I took them down without any warning. 

For ONLY the month of June, I have decided I'm going to give you guys a treat. I am going to put up all of my stories that were completed. This will not include stories that weren't finished. This is also not going to include the original "BAD THINGS" series. The reason I will not put up the original Bad Things series is because I fixed those books, and I'm currently writing the final book which is the fifth book. I think that after you go back and reread some of these you will understand why I took them down. I think that it will show all of you just how different my writing style is and how I have grown as an author.You won't get the original "His Name Is Lucifer" either because I rewrote it. Hurry up and read them because I'm taking them down by July 1st.



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As I'm watching her being laid to rest, it occurs to me that I know less about life than I do about death. She's gone, and I'm still here. If she wanted anything, she wanted me to live, but as long as I'm here, I'm not living. Life is fragile, or so I've heard. Ashes to ashes dust to dust. If I'm going to live at all starting over is a must. Some are gone, but some are still here. I need to get out of here to somewhere I can trust. 

I've got little too lose and much to gain. No matter what anyone thinks, I'm not to blame. So fuck it. What is the worst that could happen? I'm going to pack my bags and see what happens. It's completely worth taking my chances.

~ Anonymous ~

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