Chapter 16. How Much Did You Hear?

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Taytum's POV

I'm sitting in the fourth period it's right before lunch break. My phone vibrates. Since the teacher has us watching a movie I decide it's safe to check the text message. 

Chance: You wanna ditch at lunch with me?

Me: You're kidding.

Chance: Dead serious.

Me: Okay.

Chance: Really?

Me: Yeah.

There is no way I'm backing out at a chance to spend time with him. After class Chapin is at my locker waiting for me. "Hey, I thought maybe we could go to Starbucks?" Chapin asks.

"Actually..." I trail off. "I'm ditching with Chance."

"What about practice?" She asks.

"Cover for me?" I arch a brow.

She smiles. "What are best friends for?"

"Thanks," I smile. 

"Ready?" Chance comes up from behind us.

"Yeah," I say. We walk out of the school together. I catch several girls rolling their eyes or giving me glares. I smirk at every single one of them. "Where is your car?" I asked confused.

"Nice day for a bike ride," He chuckles.

"What?" I gasp. I stop when I see that he is gesturing to a motorcycle. "Oh boy."

"Afraid?" He smirks.

"Pfft, no," I snort. 

He kicks his leg over the bike and kicks it to life. The roar of the bike is loud. "What the hell are you waiting for? You gotta take a chance once in a while," He teases.

I kick my leg over the bike and wrap my arms around his waist. A bunch of people are watching curiously as he drives the bike away from the school. I can't deny how exhilarating the ride is. We drive out of town toward his house. 

He parks the bike in the driveway and kills it. I jump off the bike and he climbs off too. "When did you get the bike?" I ask as we walk toward the house. 

"I bought it a couple of weeks ago. I used to have one like it a while back but sold it," He explains.

"Why?" I ask.

"Just needed the money," He shrugs. "I knew we were moving and it was too hard to haul."

"Will you sell this one when you leave?" I ask.

We sit down on the couch before he answers. "Probably," He sighs. He pulls a blunt out of his coat pocket and lights it. He offers it to me. I take it and take a big hit off it. "Damn," He chuckles. I cough hard and can't seem to stop. Chance throws his head back and laughs.

"What the hell is that?" I croak.

"Apparently better than you're used to," He smirks. 

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