Chapter 14. Dare

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Chance's POV

I'm a bit afraid of what is going to happen if I'm being honest. These guys are crazy as fuck. It's hard enough to fight the way I feel for Taytum. I'm hoping whatever our dares are they are not pointed directly at us doing something together. 

Taytum understands why I don't want a relationship. There is just no point in getting attached to someone and I'm attached to her as it is. By the time we get to the dares we all probably have a buzz. Some of the girls seem to have strong buzzes. "Okay whatever the dare is it can not be illegal," Kylie said. "Claire can go first."

Claire bites her lip nervously. "Lindsay?" She squeaks.

"I dare you to call down to the main lobby and ask if they sell condoms and lube," Lindsay smirks.

"Oh damn," Matt laughs. 

Claire goes over to the stand that is beside Drew getting on her knees. She takes a deep breath before dialing. Drew leans over to make sure it's the lobby. Drew nods when they answer. "Hi, um do you sell Lube and condoms?" She squeaks.  I can't hear the other end of the conversation but everyone is trying not to laugh. "Oh okay, my mistake thank you," She hangs the phone up immediately. "Ya'll suck."

Everyone laughs for at least a minute. I have to admit as much as I hate this game that was funny. "Jayden," Lindsay picks. 

"Hmm," Jayden hums. "You and Matt have to go into your room and dry hump him until he cums. You can't take off no clothes so don't cheat," Jayden chuckles.

"Damn I was hoping for a blowjob you suck," Matt teases as Lindsay pulls him off the couch.

"Gavin," Jayden picks.

Gavin takes a long moment to think. "You have to take Chapin into the bathroom and take her underwear and shorts off with just your teeth."

"If I do that we ain't gonna be back right away," Jayden chuckles. 

"As proof, Chapin has to record you and Chapin can send it to Taytum to confirm you did it," Gavin laughs.

Gavin picks Taytum. Taytum purses her lips to think for a moment. "Send a naughty text to your mom and tell her 'oops that was for someone else.' It has to be a good one. You have to read it out loud to us and show someone."

"You..." Gavin narrows his eyes at Taytum. "My mama is gonna kill me." We all laugh.

"Mmm, baby girl my cock is so hard. How wet are you for me?" Gavin reads the text and shows it to Alec. Alec is in hysterics. 

"He wrote it," Alec laughs uncontrollably.

"Oh my god," Claire giggles. 

"Alec," Taytum says. Alec has a mischevious look on his face. I swallow hard in response. 

"Hmm," Alec smirks.

"Oh no," Taytum murmurs. 

"I dare you Taytum to get Chance hard. You have two minutes you can not use your hands or kiss him anywhere," Alec chuckles. Everyone else laughs and 'ooh's' except for me and Tay of course. 

"Wait a minute. Now how the fuck is that fair to me?" I chuckle humorlessly. 

"Okay, so only kissing and using my hands are off-limits?" Taytum asks.

"If you don't do it you have to take your shorts off," Alec warns. "Including if you fail."

"Hmm," Taytum hum. "That's not happening because I'm not wearing underwear." 

My jaw drops at what she says. I rub my jaw in agitation. "Fuck," I mutter. Taytum gets to her feet as Alec starts the timer. She puts a song on her phone turning it up as far as she can and setting it down by us. Taytum spins around sits on my lap and begins to grind her ass against me. I grit my teeth trying to fight it. I don't want to get hard in front of everyone. Not to mention blue balls suck. After probably thirty seconds and I don't get hard, which is hard not to she turns around. She is now dry humping me in front of everyone. 

I'm barely holding on by a thread when she brings her lips to my ear. "Ever since you ate me out," She whispers so low in my ear nobody else can hear her. She's grinding on me as she speaks. "I keep thinking about what it'd feel like to have you inside me. Just thinking about you makes me so wet." The way she says it is like she means what she is saying. It's beginning to work. I'm starting to lose. "Sometimes when I'm alone and horny and I can't stop thinking about you I touch myself and moan your name." 

I've failed miserably. She got me hard within one minute. A soft moan escapes her. "Alright!" I growl and pull her off my lap. "It worked," I mutter. Everyone sees my hard-on and laughs. Taytum gives me an innocent expression but something about it is unbelievably naughty. Jayden and Chapin finally get back and find out what they had missed.

The game continues by the end of the round I'm the last one to have to take a dare. Drew gives me the dare. "Okay, I dare you to take Taytum into either the bathroom or one of the bedrooms. You can do whatever you want to do to her but it has to be something sexual for at least thirty minutes." 

Taytum and I go to Chapin and Jayden's room. I shut the door and slowly turn to face her. "We don't have to do anything," Tay says softly. "I've done enough to you in one night I think. I'm sorry, we shouldn't have played." Her gaze falls to the floor. We could lie and completely get out of it that would be the smart decision. However, I'm known well for making stupid decisions. 

I move toward her quickly she looks up and gasps. I knot my fingers into her hair and smash my lips to hers. She fists my shirt pulling me closer. We stumble backward toward the bed. I grab her thighs and lift her. Her arms wrap around my neck and her legs wrap around my waist. As I lay her down on the bed she moans against my lips. 

She stares at me curiously when I break the kiss. "Are you kidding me? To pass up a chance to do whatever I want to do to you for however long I want? I'd be crazy not to," I murmur. Her eyes widen in surprise. My lips trace her jawline as her hand trails up my shirt. "You're so damn gorgeous," I murmur in her ear before kneeling between her legs.  I'm losing my fucking mind and control over this girl. 

Her eyes are so lustfull that it instantly has my cock throbbing. I can't stop thinking about everything that she said. My hands trail from her knees to her inner thighs. She doesn't look remotely nervous. "We can do whatever you want," She murmurs. 

My eyes dance in amusement. "Whatever I want?"

She bites her lip but nods. 

"Everything you said earlier..." I trail off. "Was it true?"

"Yeah," She murmurs.

"Then do it for me," I murmur.

"Do what?" She squeaks.

"Touch yourself," I demand. I pull her shorts down and she wasn't lying about no underwear. She doesn't look at all bothered by what I told her to do. She trails her hand slowly down to between her legs. Her gaze doesn't leave mine as she begins rubbing her clit. "So fucking sexy," I murmur. A soft moan escapes her. As she begins moving faster she starts moaning my name. It's all I can take. 

I hover back over her and smash my lips against hers. I push her hand away and pump two fingers inside of her. A groan escapes me when I feel how wet she is. She undoes the button and zipper of my jeans before slipping her hand beneath my boxers. She starts stroking my hard cock as my tongue slips into her mouth. 

As bad as I want to be inside of her I can't. That is one line I can't cross with her because I know if I do there is no way I can bounce back from that. If I sleep with this girl she is going to own me I know it. 

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