Chapter 27. Why Are You Here?

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Gentry's POV

"Hi," She says softly as she shuts the door. She looks around the room and sees that it's nearly empty. "I thought you weren't leaving for a few days?" I don't answer her. I'm too in shock to speak. This girl really is fucking crazy. "I um tried calling but you didn't answer?"

"Why are you here?" I ask when I finally find my voice.

"I have no fucking idea," She shakes her head. It takes her a long moment before she speaks again. "I just couldn't stand the thought of not seeing you again. I was afraid that if I didn't come here tonight I might not ever see you again."

"Well, you were right about that," I admit. 

She carefully steps closer to me. "What am I supposed to call you?" She whispers.

"As long as we're around anyone who doesn't know the truth you have to call me Chance," I tell her and look around the empty room. "As long as we're alone and you're sure of it like right now. You can call me by my real name."

"So... are you going to leave?" She asks.

The bedroom door opens. Taytum and I turn to face Caleb. "Um, if you want we could leave tomorrow instead?" Caleb raises his eyebrows. 

"Um, yeah," I shrug. He nods and shuts the door behind him.

She turns to look back up at me. The power of her blue eyes stuns me like always. She steps closer look up at me from under her eyelashes. "Can I stay the night?" 

I stare back at her in confusion. "Why?" I ask. I'm trying to figure out what the hell possessed her to come back here tonight.

"I kinda want to get to know Gentry," She murmurs as she wraps her arms around my waist. My gaze falls to her lips. I lower my head to hers kissing her softly on the lips. 

"Sure, but I have to warn you..." I trail off and smirk. "Gentry can be an even bigger pain in the ass and a bigger trouble maker than Chance."

She giggles. "I think I can handle him."

I chuckle. "You think so huh?" I mess her hair slightly. 


I'm sitting on the bed my back against the headboard. Taytum is between my legs with a box on her lap. "So your mom really was Cuban?" She asks.

"Yeah, she moved to Texas when she was like seventeen. Her parents and some of her siblings live in Tulsa Oklahoma. A couple of them live in Washington. At first, my grandparents were in Houston but they didn't like it and moved. By the time they moved she had already met my dad and she didn't want to leave him," I explain.

"I don't get it. Did your dad like just snap one day?" She tilts her head back to look up at me.

"Not really. I mean my dad his name is Gordan by the way he's always been sort of a dick. He wasn't extremely abusive but he slapped her around a lot after they got married. After they had me he began slapping me around as I got older. My mom, I think found out my dad was cheating on her and tried to leave her. She suddenly started getting sick and stayed with him because he promised to take care of her."

"Are you sure he did it?" She wonders.

"Yeah, I'm sure. He was putting rat poisoning in her food. I think she set up a hiding camera. I'm pretty sure she got suspicious he was doing it but she died before she checked the camera," I explain. 

"Wow," She murmurs. She pulls a photo out of the box and stares at it in shock. Her mouth drops into an 'O' shape. I chuckle at her surprise. "This is you?" She asks dumbfounded.

"I told you I had a pretty normal life before my mom died," I shrug. 

"I just can not see you playing football. You're really a jock?"

"That surprise in your tone is a little offensive," I tease poking her in the side. A giggle escapes her. "Yeah, I played football and ran track. I was really good at both."

"Tell me what you were like?" She pleads and turns around straddling me setting the box beside us. 

I laugh. "Um, I was a dick."

She laughs. "Really?"

"Well, kind of. I had a few girlfriends. One of them, in particular, I found cheating on me when my mom died. One of my friends died right before my mom did in a car accident. I fucked around a lot though. I didn't often stay steady with anybody. I cheated on my first girlfriend with my second girlfriend. My third girlfriend, I dumped so I could go mess around with her friend which is really fucked up," I sigh. "I did a lot of shit I regret."

"Did you ever love any of them?" She asks curiosity burning in her eyes.

"I've only ever loved one girl," I say softly.


"You, you little fucking monster," I growl and start tickling her. She giggles and squirms around which is beginning to make me hard. "Alright enough of that, it's turning me on," I chuckle. She swats me in the chest.

"What else?" She presses.

"Hmm, I uh was in karate. I was part of a boxing team too," I shrug.

"Which would explain why you whooped Adams ass," She giggles.

"I've been in a lot of fights with all kinds of different people," I admit. 

"I have something to tell you too," She says quietly looking down at her hands. Her hands are intertwined. "I've never told anyone, but I want to tell you. You've shared so much with me I kind of feel like I owe it to you."

"Tay, you don't have to tell me anything," I murmur.

"I want to," She said as she pushed the box over. She sits down beside me and takes a deep breath. 

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