Chapter 1. Blond Jokes

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Author's Note: I have to give credit where it is due. My cousin ArielClark1 and I were talking the other day. I told her to inspire me. She came up with an idea of a plotline for a book. I took her plot and twisted it. So the start of the idea for this book was hers. She's been helping me with some of the ideas, so shout out to her. She's not a writer, but she definitely helps me with ideas!

Taytum's POV

"What the hell are you doing, Tay?" Chapin gasps as I light a cigarette.

"What?" I tilt my head toward her as I start my car. My car is a black 2017 Chevy Camaro. It's a manual. My aunt Laura taught me how to drive a manual when I was fifteen. She told me every girl should know how. 

"If Mary catches you smoking again, she is going to kick you out of dance!" Chapin scolds me.

I scoff. "Who said she's going to catch me? Besides, I'm not smoking as much. I can't help it. I'm irritated as fuck with Adam."

"What did he do this time?" She arches a brow.

"I hate how he acts around all of his friends," I roll my eyes. "He always treats me differently when he's with them. He makes me feel like I'm stupid or something. He's always giving me shit and calling me a blonde."

"He makes blonde jokes at you?" Chapin asks in disbelief.

"Mhm," I hum. "I'm tired of being the center of his jokes. Like the other day, I asked him to check my oil because I didn't know how. He said it must be a blonde thing, and all his friends laughed." 

"I thought Laura was going to show you?" Chapin arches a brow.

"She ran out of time yesterday and had to rush to Nashville," I mutter.

"Is she ever home?" Chapin scoffs.

"Not really," I admit. "It's fine. I can take care of myself." She doesn't say anything, but I can see the look of disapproval on her face. We pull up to Starbucks and go inside. We have an open campus for lunch. It's only the third day of school. Chapin and I are both juniors, and we tend Gallatin High School. 

Gallatin isn't too big but not too small. The population here is around forty thousand people. There are two high schools in Gallatin, but I like the one I attend. It is the one my aunt lives closest to. Laura, my mom's youngest sister, takes care of me... sort of. She's gone a lot. She works in Nashville, which is just forty minutes from here. "Seriously, thank god for coffee," I smile. 

Chapin shakes her head. "As much of it as you drink it, it's a wonder you don't have stomach ulcers." Chapin is careful about how much caffeine she takes in. Chapin is petrified of getting ulcers; that is how one of her aunts died. 

We sit down at a small table and sip our ice coffees. "So, what are you going to do?" Chapin asks after a moment.

"What do you mean?" I ask as I sip my coffee.

"Adam, obviously," She chuckles.

"Oh right," I sigh. "I'm not sure yet," I mutter as I twirl my cup on the table. "I'll probably just talk to him and warn him. I'm done dealing with it. I'm not even the one who started things between us. He chased me, and now that he has me, he treats me like I'm something he stepped in. It just hurts you know? I'm tired of men," I grunt.

She laughs and raises her coffee. We bump our cups together and take a sip. Chapin is my best friend. I didn't have a lot of friends before I moved to Gallatin. I'm originally from Nashville, and I don't miss it there. Chapin is the only one who knows the truth about what happened to me in Nashville. I hate talking about it. Some things in life are not worth talking about. 

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