Chapter 23. You Got What You Wanted

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Taytum's POV

His hands drop from my arms and he stumbles back slightly. "What the fuck did you say?" He chokes. He looks completely dumbfounded. I may not have meant to quite say it like that but that is how it came out. I don't regret what I said. I know I meant what I said. I'm not the type of girl to throw that word around. I've never said it to any boy before. 

He watches me curiously as I move toward him. I wrap my arms around his waist and look up at him from under my eyelashes. "You heard me," I murmur. He's still completely caught off guard. I stand on my toes and press my lips to his. Both of his hands tangle into my damp blond curly hair. 

A groan escapes him. I push him backward. He stumbles slightly. I bite hard down on his lip pushing him back further. "Fuck," He hisses. He quickly wraps his hands around my thighs and lifts me. My legs wrap around his waist and my arms around his neck. He walks through the dimly lit house, down the hall to his room. He kicks the door shut and lays me down onto the bed. 

His tongue traces my bottom lip. My lips part slightly and his tongue slips into my mouth. A moan builds in the back of my throat as I arch my back. My entire body feels like it's bursting into flames. I dig my nails into his back and he groans. 

Chance's hands trace my curves as my hands trace his muscles. His cock grows hard beneath his shorts. The throbbing between my legs is driving me crazy. I break the kiss and moan before sinking my teeth into his neck. 

A low growl builds in his chest. He intertwines our hands placing them above my head. He continues to grind against me. "Chance," I moan arching my back. I'm unsure of how far it'll go but I don't want him to stop.

He pulls my drenched shirt off and trails kisses down my chest to my abdomen. He kneels up between my legs and undoes the button of my jeans. He grabs one of my shoes throwing it behind him and doing the same with the other. He grips onto the waistband of my jeans and pulls them down along with my thong. I sit up unclasping my bra and throwing it. 

Chance groans and bites down on his bottom lip when he gets a full view of my chest. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him back down to me. Our lips move in sync as he kicks his shorts off. "So beautiful baby," He murmurs against my ear as he slides a condom on. 

My gaze meets his before he slowly thrusts into me. A loud moan escapes me as a groan escapes him. He thrusts into me again harder this time. His bedframe slams against the wall. My nails dig into his back and my eyes roll back. The sensation and high is indescribable. It's like trailing the stars and flying. I roll my hips against his and he suddenly flips us without pulling out of me.

His fingers knot up into my hair and he brings my lips down to his. As our lips move in sync I move my hips in circles and moan into the kiss. I break the kiss straightening up and looking down at him through my messy curls. His lips part as his eyes trails from mine down to where I'm straddling him. "Damn baby girl, you are so sexy," He murmurs looking back up at me. I begin to move up and down on his cock faster. 

The bedframe begins slamming against the wall again and the bed squeaks slightly beneath us. Chance sits up suddenly making me gasp. He wraps one arm around my waist to pull me closer. His lips trail from my neck to my breast. 

He takes one of my breasts in his mouth, massaging my nipple with his tongue. His hips begin meeting mine with every thrust. His hands grip onto my hips helping me go faster. "Oh fuck, Chance!" I moan so loud it comes out nearly a scream. It's amazing I can even get that loud with how heavy my breathing is. Everything starts to become hazy. "Ch-chance I'm-" I cut off moaning as the orgasm hits before I can finish my sentence. My insides feel like they're exploding. 

"Mmm, fuck, you feel so amazing Tay," He groans against my neck as we both ride out our orgasms. He pulls us back down into the sheets which are now a mess, with me still on top of him. "Damn, it's a good thing I don't have neighbors," He said breathlessly.

A giggle bursts out of me but something occurs to me. "Oh no Emma's-" Chance cuts me off. 

"Not home," He said.

"Oh, okay," I breathe and he chuckles.

"You're a little monster," He murmurs in my ear. 

"I'm sorry," I chuckle.

"No you're not," He laughs. "You got what you wanted." I lift my head looking at him in confusion. "You wanted to be with me. And I have wanted to be with you. It's just the moving around part. It makes things complicated. Especially keeping any kind of relationship. Now I can't imagine being without you. I don't know if it was ever a choice. I'm leaving in a couple of months." 

He flips us suddenly and climbs off of me. He goes to the bathroom throwing the condom away. He comes back out and puts his shorts back on and climbing back onto the bed beside me. We stare at each other for a long moment. "I don't care," I murmur.


"It doesn't matter how far you are or for how long. I want you and only you. Distance and time is never going to change that," I tell him. 

His fingers brush against my cheek, softly. "You're completely crazy." I giggle and he presses his lips to mine. "I love you," He mumbles against my lips. My eyes flutter open and I stare at him in surprise. He stares back at me intently. "I can't promise when, but I will come back for you," He promises. 

As he turns onto his back I curl myself into his side and rest my head on his chest. His fingers trail up and down my spine. His other hand playing with my hair. There is something indescribable that I feel when I'm with him that I have never felt. It's not that kind of feeling that is ever going to go away. I've never felt so safe with someone or so connected to someone. All these emotions that have built between us has ignited the kind of passion that could start the world on fire. 

We're not perfect and I don't think we'll ever be perfect. I'm sure we're going to argue but we're always going to come back to each other. I'll take every one of his imperfections because he's perfect to me. He begins to sing and his soothing voice puts me quickly to sleep. 

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