Chapter 19. OCD

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Taytum's POV

"I'm going to stay right here," I murmur as I lay on the bedroom floor with my blanket over me. The girls are going to find out why we lost power. After a long moment of silence and waiting to see if Chance messages me back I hear screaming. "What the-" I start but scream myself when I feel something crawl on top of me beneath my blanket. 

Chance's head pops out from under my blanket and my screaming cuts off. "Bastard!" I sneer and hit him in the chest.

"Ow," he chuckles. "You're the one who told me to come get you. I caught you. So what do I win?"

"How about not getting kneed in the nuts?" I giggle. "You scared the hell out of me."

He smirks before lowering his lips to mine. The kiss is soft and sweet at first but builds. I wrap my legs around his waist. A groan escapes him as he grinds against me. My fingers tangle into his hair and I pull it slightly. His tongue traces my bottom lip.

I part my lips to let him in but he stops suddenly. He stares intently at me. "I missed you, baby," He murmured.

"Chance," I breathe. He groans when I grip tightly onto the hair on the nape of his neck and pull him to me again. He smashes his lips to mine. This time when I part my lips he slips his tongue into my mouth. 

My entire body begins to go crazy. My skin tingles and burns. I press myself tighter to him I want the moment to count and to last. His tongue explores my mouth. Somehow I can feel how much he missed me by how needy the kiss is. It's like a starving person who needs food or a thirsty person who needs water.

The light suddenly turns on. We look up and our friends come in the room. "You're a bunch of assholes," Chapin sneers.

We all laugh at her irritation. "We're also staying here," Gavin chuckles.

Everyone begins to lay around the room Chance and I are on the floor snuggled up under my blanket. His fingers keep tracing patterns across my skin. As I'm falling asleep I feel Chance's lips by my ear. "You own me, baby girl. Every thought," He whispers. At least that is what I think I heard but I can't be sure. 


It's been a week since the slumber party where the boys scared the hell out of us. Chance has been happier than I've seen him. He is spending more time with me too. I managed to not get kicked out of dance. 

When I get home after practice I shower and change. My phone vibrates and I grab it to check the text.

Chance: What are you doing?

Me: Just got done with practice. At home now. 

Chance: I'm coming to get you.

Me: Why?

Chance: We're going to the roller skating rink.

My jaw drops instantly. Uh oh. 

Me: I can't.

Chance: Why not?

Me: I just... can't.

I hear Chance's car pull into the driveway. I head downstairs to let him in. When I open the door it's hard to remember why I'm not going to the rink with him. He looks me over as he steps through the door. 

Chance's chest is now pushed to mine. My legs shake slightly. "I just can't isn't much of an answer," Chance says softly.

"I can't skate," I admit.

"What?" He asks surprised.

"Don't laugh," I mutter.

"Why can't you skate?" He asks.

"I just never learned. My dad wouldn't ever let me go to the roller rink," I explain.

"Your dad sounds like a dick," Chance mutters. "Whatever happened to him? Do you ever see him?"

My jaw drops in horror. Chance notices my tension. I quickly turn and dart for my kitchen. When I get into the kitchen Chance catches me and spins me around. "What, Tay?" His eyes plead with mine.

"I don't like talking about my dad," I tell him. "I don't see him."

Chance gives a slight nod. "Okay, I won't push."

"Thanks," I breathe. "Nobody even knows as much about him as you do already."

"So everyone is going. Do you want to come?" He asks.

"Chance I just told you I can't skate," I mutter.

"I'll teach you, it isn't hard," He says softly.

My gaze meets his, I bite my lip for a moment in debate. "Fine," I murmur.

We head out to his car. According to Chance, everyone else is already on their way there. Brentwood skating rink is about a forty-minute drive. Chance watches me play with his radio. "You know you're the only person who is going to get away with that," Chance chuckles. "Ask, Drew."

"Get away with what?" I ask innocently.

"Playing with my radio," He said.

I bite my lip to hide the smile. "What CD are you listening to?" I ask pressing the eject button. 

"Pretty sure it's Eminem," He said.

"You listen to a lot of rap don't you?" I arch a brow.

"I do, but I like all kinds of music," He shrugs.

"Why do you like Eminem so much?" I ask.

"I can relate to his music I guess," He shrugs and looks at me. 

"Isn't most of what he sings about is growing up in a bad city?" 

"He has so many different songs but that plays a part in some," He said. "I did grow up in a bad city."

"Oh," I breathe. "Which one."

"Tulsa," He said. 

"What other CD's do you have?" I ask. 

"I don't know there is a lot in the backseat in a CD case." He said. I crawl between our seats to find the CD case. It's behind his seat. "Nice ass," Chance chuckles. I lower myself back into the seat and smirk at him. 

I open the case sitting sideways in my seat. My back pressed against the door. The CD case resting on my bent legs. "Are these alphabetized?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yeah," He admits. "I have a severe case of OCD I think. They're alphabetized by artists. Don't fuck it up or I have to fix it," He chuckles. 

A giggle escapes me as I look through his music. He didn't lie about liking a variety of music. "How many CDs does this thing hold?" I ask.

"Two hundred fifty-six  I think. I have two more at home under my bed."

"Wow," I breathe in shock. "Why not just use the Bluetooth?" 

"I do use it sometimes," He said. "Are you going to pick one?" I grab a 3 Doors Down CD and stick it into the CD player. I place the Eminem CD back where it goes and continue looking through the CDs. Chance turns the radio up. I'm pretty sure he has subs in the car because the entire car is vibrating. 

We finally make it to the roller rink. Chance parks the car and we get out. He grabs my hand intertwining our fingers as we walk through the door. 

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