Chapter 32. Sorry I Missed That

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Taytum's POV

Somehow the journals and poems Gentry had left me brought us somehow closer. When I was in California, I told him that I read all of the books he'd left me. We spent a lot of our time down by the beach. It was nice to see Gia too. When we were out in public, she would call him dad, which was kind of funny. 

Caleb and Mike are apparently trying to figure out ways to bring down Gentry's dad. Gentry said what makes it hard running from his dad is the fact that his dad used to be apart of the FBI. His dad was one of the highest-paid FBI agents because he had busted so many criminals. Gentry has been all over the news too. I've seen it. He's wanted for the kidnapping of his sister. 

Gentry believes his father must have turned it in. I imagine anyone would take Gentry's dad's word over Gentry's. Most people wouldn't believe that there would be a crooked retired FBI agent. Gentry said that his dad made enough money to be able to retire a little early. His dad was able to retire when Gentry was seventeen. He said his dad would be forty-eight years old now. 

It's already nearing the end of August. I haven't seen Gentry since the beginning of June. Gentry had moved to New York at the end of June. He's now going by the name Noah Collins, and Gia's new name is Claire Collins. They're back to being siblings. Gentry is pretending to be a senior, and Gia is pretending to be in third grade even though she should be in second grade. 

From what I understand, however, Gentry is planning on moving to Kentucky very soon. After work, I decided to stop in and see how Chapin is doing. "Hey!" I smile widely as she opens the door.

"Hi!" She squeals, jumping into my arms—a giggle bursts out of me at her excitement. If I'm being honest, I haven't been the greatest friend to her lately. I've been so distant from her because of the Gentry situation. 

Chapin invites me inside, and we go up to her bedroom. "What have you been up to?" Chapin asked curiously. 

I sigh and shake my head. "Just working," I mumble. "I'm so sorry I haven't been around much. I have no excuse for it."

"It's fine, Tay. I can't imagine how rough everything has been for you with Chance. I can't even begin to understand what that is like. My boyfriend lives no more than a few miles from me. Your boyfriend, you'd have to take a plane to get to," She shrugs. "How are things with him?"

"They're good. I just really miss him. I wish he could just come back here," I admit. 

"Well, maybe when he is eighteen..." She trails off. 

I shake my head. "I don't know about that. He really has to take care of his sister. She is more important than I am right now."

"That is kind of tough, but more important? It's not fair. Emma is not his daughter; he shouldn't have to take care of her," Chapin argues.

"It's complicated," I sigh. 

She nods in understanding. We drop the subject with Chance. We start talking about senior year, and she lets me know that she and Jayden are still going strong. As much as I'd like to quit dance, I'm not going to. I was planning to go to college for it and open my own dance studio. 

Chapin wants to be able to dance for music videos, but that isn't really what I want to do. It's not that it is a bad idea, it would be really good money. I'm just not sure I want to deal with rich snobby musicians all day. Jayden and Chapin are planning on going to UCLA together. I wish Gentry and I's lives could be that simple, but I'm not so sure it'll ever be that simple. 

It's been rough hiding the truth from Chapin, but Gentry wants as few to know as possible. He told me he hates that I know because he feels like he's putting me in danger with what I do know. I wish there was a way I could help him get out of this mess. I hate seeing what it does to him. He told me he also hates feeling like he is holding me back from having a normal future. I told him I didn't feel like I had much of a future if he wasn't a part of it. 

It's beginning to get late, so I decide to head home. Aunt Laura is gone as usual. After making something to eat, I quickly do my dishes and head upstairs. I'm almost too tired to shower, but I get in the shower anyway. After getting out of the shower, I blow dry my hair. I get dressed in short pink shorts and Gentry's shirt that he left for me. 

My phone rings. I smile when I see the name that flashes across the screen. "Hello?" I answer. 

"Hi, baby," He coos. 

"Hi," I smile widely.

"What are you doing?"

"Just got done showering," I tell him and yawn.

"Damn, sorry, I missed that," He mutters, and I chuckle in response. 

"Um, I'm glad you called. There is something I have to tell you," I star but a knock on the door downstairs interrupts me. "Hold on. Someone is at my door," I tell him.

"Sure," He says. I keep the phone at my ear as I head downstairs. I throw the door open and gasp in shock. 

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