Chapter 31. Home

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Taytum's POV

When his gaze meets mine, the entire airport vanishes. A huge smile spreads across my lips. I drop my bags and run toward him. He smiles and opens his arms for me. I jump into them, wrapping my legs around his waist and arms around his neck. His arms wind around my waist and I smash my lips to his. 

"I missed you!" I squeal between kisses. He chuckles against my lips. 

"I missed you too, baby. Let's get the hell out of here," He said. We grab my two duffel bags and head out of the airport. We put my bags in the trunk of his car and get in.  

"Where is Gia?" I ask. 

"At a friend's until tomorrow," He says as he stares out the windshield. 

"So, what are the new names again?" 

"Jordan and Kelly James. She's my 'daughter' this time." 

A chuckle escapes me. "Oh yeah?"

"Mhm," He hums. 

Gentry pulls into the driveway of his new house. "Wow, fancy," I murmur.

"Expensive as fuck too," He grunts.

"You didn't like buy it did you?" I ask

"Nah, just renting it. It's eighteen hundred dollars a month though."

"Couldn't you find something cheaper?" I gasp.

"For Los Angeles? Hell no," He chuckles. "Besides it's a beach house. I told the guy I wouldn't need it long. He sometimes rents it when he's not using it. It's his vacation home or something. It's a pretty good deal actually?" 

"I want to go to the beach," I grin widely.

He laughs. "Okay but let's get your stuff inside first."

We head into the house it has a foyer. The living room is to the right and the kitchen is to the left. There are double patio doors under the stairs I'm guessing that lead outside. "Wow," I whistle. 

"There are perks to robbing banks and boosting cars," He chuckles. I shove him toward the stairs as he bursts into laughter. 

"Naughty," I mutter. 

"Spank me," He laughs. I bring my hand up and slap him on the ass and he laughs harder. Once upstairs he leads me to a bedroom. The bedroom has a huge bed in the center of the room with a fireplace across from it. There is a flatscreen hanging over the fireplace. A big balcony past the bed. You can see the beach from the large glass wall. 

"So pretty," I murmur as I step closer to it. 

He grabs my hand and pulls me out onto the balcony. The balcony has a hot tub and patio furniture. I stare out at the beach in shock. It's so bright and warm. The waves are crashing over the sand. If you've never seen a beach it is a beautiful sight. It's not like you see in pictures. His lips trail down my neck and I smile before turning to face him. "I missed you," I tell him.

"I missed you too," He said before bringing his lips to mine. The kiss is sweet at first but the impatience between both of us grow. I push him back through the door. Once in the bedroom, he lifts me carrying me to the bed. 

His tongue massages mine slowly as his hand traces the contours of my stomach. The more the kiss builds the hotter my body becomes. My patience wears thin. I begin stripping him as he strips me. It's the most impatient we've ever been. Not seeing each other for so long wasn't easy. Before I know it we're both naked and wrapped up in the sheets. He flips us and brings my hips to hover over his. He slides a condom over his hard cock before I lower myself down onto him. 

A groan escapes him as he watches his cock enter me. "Oh, fuck," He hisses. A loud moan escapes me as I have to adjust to his size from no sex in so long. His fingernails dig into my skin as he watches me move slowly up and back down on him.

Gentry's patients are thinner than mine. It's like he can't have enough of me quick enough. He sits forward quickly and latches onto my nipple. He grips my hips with both hands making me go faster. "G-Gentry!" I moan loudly throwing my head back. He suddenly flips us grabbing my hands in his and placing them above my head. The headboard slams against the walls as he pounds into me.

"Damn, you're so wet and tight, baby," He groans. 

My gaze falls to where his cock is thrusting into me. "That feels so good," I moan. My gaze meets his again. His eyes clouded with lust. He brings his lips crashing back down on mine and thrusts faster. I moan into his mouth as I release. 

When his thrusts slow my eyes flutter open. He gazes into my eyes intensely for a long moment. "I love you," He murmurs.

"I love you," I smile.


We're walking up the beach as the sun is setting. I'm barefoot with nothing but a bikini on and he is in nothing but shorts. "I kind of like California. It's different."

"I'm moving to New York soon," He sighs. "I wish I could stay in California longer. It's pretty nice here."

"How come you're moving so soon?" I ask.

"Well, we're pretty sure my dad has been tracing my footsteps. It's not good at all, but we'll see. Caleb and Mike might be wrong, I don't know. I just don't want to chance it."

We stop for a moment at the water's edge. The water comes crashing over our feet. Gentry stares out into the ocean. He looks so distant. "Can I ask you something?" 

"Hmm?" He hums looking down at me. 

"When or if this was all over..." I trail off. "Where would you go then? Would you go back home?" 

He stares into my eyes for a long moment before pulling me into him. He grabs my face between his hands and presses his lips softly to mine. "I'd go wherever you are. You're my home, baby," He murmurs.

A small smile plays on my lips. "Me too," I tell him. He smashes his lips to mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and mold into him as his lips move in perfect sync with mine.

A/N: I can't believe this book is almost done :D

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