Chapter 9. Not As Planned

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Taytum's POV

My hand meets his right cheek with a loud 'smack.' Anyone within hearing distance is now staring at Travis and me. I'll admit maybe I came on a bit too strong when I got flirtatious with him and asked him to go to the party with me. One innocent date couldn't hurt, right? Even if that date leads up to a kiss. Travis asked me out a couple of months before Adam did, and I shot him down. I figured if I asked him, he wouldn't reject me, and he didn't. The nerve of this guy, though. He said he heard I fucked on the first date and wanted to know if he could take me for a 'test drive.'

Seriously? How do you think a girl is going to react when you say that to her? My guess is Travis is still a virgin because there is no way in hell that line ever got him laid. I may be drunk, but I'm not some whore. I've barely spoken to Travis before why would I sleep with him? I at least have to have chemistry with a guy to sleep with him. I've never screwed anyone on a first date.

My hands shake as I pull my phone out. There is only one person who I know isn't here at the party, and that is Chance. I didn't drive here, and I'm too drunk to walk home.

Me: Can you pick me up and take me home, please? This party is way more than I bargained for.

I'm just hoping he actually responds since I've barely spoken to him all week.

"Tay, what the hell is going on?" Chapin comes up behind me.

"Nothing, I just want to go home," I muttered.

"Come on, Tay," Chapin slurred. Even though I don't want to, I let her drag me back into the house and put my phone in my pocket. Chapin grabs us a couple of drinks. She pulls me to the dance floor.

I'm barely noticing the time passing by. I'm unsure of how many songs have played. I realize maybe I should check my phone. As I'm pulling it out of my pocket, I feel an arm go around my waist from behind. I arch my head back to see who it is. Chance is looking at me worriedly.

"Tay?" He asked. "Do you still want a ride?" His voice booms into my ear over the loud music. Instead of speaking, I nodded tiredly. He steers me out of the party as I stumble around. When we get outside closer to his car, he lets me go, and I begin to fall forward.

A gasp escapes me, and I throw my hands out in front of me to catch my fall, but I'm suddenly not falling. Chance's arms are wrapped around my waist as he pulls me to the passenger side of the car.

He puts me in the car wordlessly and gets in beside me. "Thank you," I breathe, smiling at him.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Men are stupid," I slur, not looking at him.

Chance throws his head back and laughs. "Your date must not have gone as planned?"

"How'd you know I was on a date?" I arch a brow.

"Overheard Travis and you talking," He admits.


He rolls his eyes. "Hardly," He muttered. "You going to tell me why you're so angry at me?"

"Why does it matter? You're mister popular now and can have whatever girl you want. It shouldn't matter if one girl is angry at you," I huff, crossing my arms over my chest. His gaze meets mine as I slump in my seat.

His expression is disbelieving. "You can't be serious. That is why you're angry at me?"

"I just don't understand what makes them better than me. Am I not pretty enough?" I asked bluntly. I have to admit if I weren't drunk, I would never have said this out loud.

His jaw drops, and the air escapes his lungs. He sounds like someone just punched him in the gut. His gaze meets mine again. His eyebrows are knitted together. His eyes are searching mine. "Y-you're shittin' me, right?" He asked in disbelief. "How the fuck-" He cuts off and looks back out the windshield. "He must have really done a number on you."

"What do you mean?"

"What the fuck do you mean, what do I mean? I'm talking about Adam! Come on, Taytum! Have you looked in a fucking mirror?!" He growled. "How can you even ask me that?" I bite down on my lip. Tears begin to form in my eyes. I'll admit that I know I'm not ugly. My confidence isn't that low, but it was higher before Adam. I considered myself lucky to wind up with someone like Adam. Adam is the quarterback of the football team. He could have had any girl and picked me.

"It's not like you helped matters," I muttered.

"What?" Chance chokes and stares at me, dumbfounded. He pinches the bridge of his nose in agitation. "Okay, Taytum, let me make this clear." He grabs my chin, suddenly forcing me to look at him. He's not watching the road as he should be, but I don't care. His touch is making my skin tingle. "It has nothing to do with you. You are so fucking beautiful. I can't get involved with anyone right now. I don't want anyone; it isn't just you. If I did want a relationship, you'd be the first one I'd be after. Those other girls who have been talking to me lately don't mean shit to me."

Chance drops his hand and looks back out the windshield. "Why?" I breathe.

"After my mother died, we began moving around a lot. What is the point in starting something when I may not be here in six months or a year?" He arches a brow.

"You really think I'm beautiful?" I squeaked. My stomach is in knots as I slowly register everything he'd said.

"You're a fucking knock out Taytum, and you should know that. You shouldn't let any guy tell you differently. Any guy would be crazy not to want you. You're smart, funny, talented, gorgeous, and kind. Most girls that are as pretty as you don't carry all those qualities," He said, not looking at me. Nobody has ever said anything so sweet to me — something in my brain snaps. I throw my seatbelt off and kneel in the seat. He must have seen me from the corner of his eye because his head whips over to look at me. His eyes are wide with shock. "Tay what the fuck are you-" I cut him off, smashing my lips to his. My fingers tangle into his hair. "Mmm," He groaned against my lips. His lips against mine spread fire through my veins, and I want more. 

A/N: Hope you guys are liking the story. I haven't gotten much feedback. Don't forget to vote/comment. 

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