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The gates came into view and I had never felt so relieved. We didn't speak the entire six hours. The rain continued off and on, just now slowing to a drizzle. The crisp autumn air should've been chilling, but my blood was boiling, so I was numb to the feeling. We walked past Izumo and Kotetsu without a word.

"I'll report to Lady Tsunade since I'm the one who jeopardized the mission." I spat.

Again, my forearm was gripped tightly, "I'll go with you."

I spun angrily, moving to slap him, but he caught my wrist. So, here we stood in a silent battle. He gripped me tightly, showing dominance. My face was blank, though I'm sure my eyes were a raging storm of emotions. I could see the two gate guards exchanging words and glancing our way.

The mist suddenly felt like daggers on my exposed skin. I was kicking myself for not packing my cloak. I shivered slightly and Kakashi's grip loosened. I yanked my hands free but refused to break eye contact.

"Y/n!" A green suited nin shouted, "My beautiful lotus flower! Ah, Kakashi! Shall we have a competition inside today? Maybe an eating contest?"

"Not today." Kakashi still wouldn't look away.

I turned on my heel and made my way to the Hokage building. I heard Kakashi's steps behind me, followed by Gai's begging. I'm not sure why he gave up this time, but it was quiet all of the sudden. Until we reached the steps, Kakashi remained behind me.

Now walking next to me, he knocked on the door. Once asked to enter, we complied and opened the large doors. We were drenched and water soaked the floor where we walked. Tsunade was going to lecture us for sure.

"You two look like shit."

Can't I catch a break?!

"Thanks, Genma." I grumbled.

"She wouldn't stop." Kakashi's tone wasn't much better.

"He's right. And your getting my floor all wet. Was it really necessary to come straight here?" Tsunade scolded.

"Yes." We said in unison.

"Genma, you're dismissed."

"Yes ma'am." Genma gave a quick bow and turned to leave. "I'll see you later." He mentioned to me as he passed.

"Not tonight." I answered.

"You okay?" He stopped, standing next to me.

I tilted my head to look up at him, "She said-"

"I'm fine." I cut Kakashi off.

Genma looked between us but didn't say anything more. He closed the door behind him and we faced Tsunade.

"What was so important that you two come in here looking like a pair of wet rats?"

"The mission was a success but we did run into a couple of problems." I answered.

Tsunade arched a brow, "What kind of problems?"

"She revealed herself and told them about the mission."

I looked at Kakashi like he was crazy, "Maybe you should start from the beginning?"

"Why?" He cut his eye to me, "The ending is the best part." You ass!

"What the fuck is your problem?"

"Working with kids who think they know more than me. For starters."

Tsunade watched us, growing more and more frustrated. She slammed her fist on the table, causing a crack. Kakashi and I snapped to attention before her.

Mysterious Kunoichi (Part 1 of 2 in the MK Series)Where stories live. Discover now