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In typical Kakashi fashion, I woke up alone. Pakkun didn't greet me this time either. Though, there was a change of clothes and a note. I groaned in annoyance and frustration as I fell back to the bed again. What in Kami's name was I thinking?!?! I sighed and grabbed the note.

You don't have to wear it, but keep it. It was a gift. Your apartment has been paid until the end of June.

- K

I arched a brow. He didn't address it, he didn't even really sign it. I guess he's acting like me now. Short and straight to the point. But who paid for my apartment? I was only paid up until March before the accident. Someone paid three extra months on it? And why? Should I even move back? I'm almost always gone.

I tossed on the clothes he left me, a pair of my pants and one of his t shirts. My pants? He must've raided my apartment before they cleared it all out. Oh well. Worst case, I have a place to stay for another 2 months, it's April now. I closed my door and eyed his door, wondering if I should say anything. I decided against it and made my way to Tsunade.

Her doors were open and she sat her desk having a cup of tea and talking with Sakura. She looked at me and sat her tea down. "Where did you disappear to last night?"

I shrugged, "Didn't feel like staying."

Sakura looked at my clothes and a blush crept to her cheeks. "Looks like you had other plans." Tsunade chimed, adding color to Sakura's cheeks.

"It wasn't planned. Trust me."

"Who's the lucky guy?" Tsunade asked.

"Who paid for my apartment?" I ignored her question, shoving my hands in my pockets.

"Avoiding the question?"

"I just don't want to answer." Sakura seemed to flush even darker, if it was possible. I narrowed my eyes at her, "Is something wrong, Sakura?"

"Oh, uh, no. Not at all Lady Y/n. I just, I um-"

"Spit it out already." I snapped.

"Isn't that Kakashi-Sensei's shirt." She blurted. Shit.

I had three options:
1. Disappear
2. Play dumb and play it off like it wasn't a big deal
3. Turn 10 shades of red and deny the entire thing

All of them made me look guilty. Well, here's goes nothing. "Is it?" I glanced down. "They all kind of look the same to me."

"Shirts?" Tsunade asked.

"Yea." I shrugged.

"He paid for the apartment." She said quickly.

Sakura snapped her head in Tsunade's direction, looking at her like she had just said Kami was visiting tomorrow. I'm sure my facial expression was fairly similar. "Who?"

"Kakashi. He paid for your apartment."

"Why would be do that?"

"Didn't say." She shrugged it off. "Now get going. You're off until Monday. You've caused enough of a headache this week with your actions." She waves for me to go.

"Whatever." I turned to leave, but glanced back to Sakura. "Oh, Sakura," she looked at me, "Not a word." She nodded quickly and bowed.

"Yes ma'am." She squealed.

Ramen! Yes, ramen sounded amazing. I haven't had it in over a month. I should probably change though. It's pretty obvious I'm in a mans shirt, and the rumor about me and Kankuro surely hasn't died down. I went to the barracks and changed into one of my shirts. Being Saturday, it was fairly quiet, so I was in and out without interruption.

Mysterious Kunoichi (Part 1 of 2 in the MK Series)Where stories live. Discover now