Iruka's Arms

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I refused to move from my bed. I heard everyone else moving around and prepping for missions, but I just laid there. I was on my stomach and arms under the pillow. I was facedown and tuning out the world around me. The bunk shifted and I figured I knew who it was.

"You going to sleep all day?"

"Yes." It was muffled by the pillow.


"Please don't call me that, Zo." I turned my head so he could hear me.

"Must you call me that?" He countered.

"But it's cute. Just like you." I teased.

"Senpai. I'm calling you that if you insist on teasing me." I knew he was blushing without seeing his face.

"Oh, Zo. You're so precious." I sat up and nudged him with my shoulder. "Did you need something?"

Tenzo smiled happily at me, "Just wanted to check on you."

"What time is it?" I asked as I ran a hand threw my tangled hair.

"A little after 11. I don't know how you slept so long."

"I haven't been sleeping good lately." Okay, the night with Genma wasn't too bad. The last two nights, awful.

"You okay?"

"Yea. You hungry?"

"Are you asking me to eat with you?"

"Is it really that surprising?" I looked at him, slightly offended.

"Yes." He admitted. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Well, then I'll buy. You pick where. Let me take a quick shower."

I knew he was off today. Saturdays, unless he was on a long term mission, were his days off. "I'll be in the common room."


I showered quickly and walked back into the barracks to grab my tanto. Everyone eyed me curiously as I walked through the TIF. Again, though, no one said a word to me. I could get used to this. Tenzo and Ibiki being the only ones who would speak to me.

"Hey kid." I spoke too soon.

"Yes?" I answered as Anko stopped in front of me.

"I heard about what happened at the bar." I couldn't tell what her agenda was.

"And?" I know my tone was defensive, and I wanted it to be.

"Good for you. Not many women would've done it. Genma- he got what he deserved."

I narrowed my eyes, "You're in lo-" she slapped her hand over my mouth.

"Finish that sentence and you'll wake up with snakes in your bunk." I nodded as she removed her hand.

"My lips are sealed." I chirped as I walked away.

She never replied. Well that was a nice little tidbit of information. That I could share with no one. Cause I have no friends. Rowan to the rescue! I'll summon him tomorrow. Lunch with Tenzo, date with Iruka. Then I can worry about tomorrow, tomorrow.

"You ready?" I asked as I approached Tenzo.

"Yes." He answered with a smile.

Everyone in the common room eyed us, curious as to why he would be going anywhere with me. I gave a sinister smile as I turned away, winking to add to the cringe I gave them. I had a reputation to upkeep.

I followed Tenzo in silence. Walking casually with my hands behind my head. A habit Naruto seemed to have as well. My mind lingered on blonde boy. He's been gone almost six months. I found myself wanting to check on him. Jirayia has stopped by right after my Suna mission, where was Naruto?

Mysterious Kunoichi (Part 1 of 2 in the MK Series)Where stories live. Discover now