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Gaara simply worked all afternoon at the desk in the living room. Kankuro remained in his room as well. I read for a while and then made my rounds. Tenzo was on detail with me today, so I killed some time talking to him. Temari arrived a little before dinner time, asking if her brothers wanted to go eat somewhere.

"Do you recommend something in particular?" Temari asked.

"Not really." I shrugged. "Ramen is always a great option. The BBQ place is nice, Shikamaru is there often from what Asuma says." I smirked at Temari and she blushed. "Otherwise, there's a few other places I eat at from time to time."

"BBQ sounds nice." Kankuro spoke as he walked into the living room.

"Then let's go." I offered with a smile.

The four of us left the house and headed towards the BBQ place. It wasn't a long walk, which was nice. I was feeling lazy today. We were seated as soon as we entered. Gaara and Temari sat next to one another, while Kankuro and I sat across from them. We ordered almost one of everything, Gaara and Kankuro had never eaten here before. Temari has joined Shikamaru the last time she was visiting.

Kankuro remained in casual clothing and chose to not apply his face paint either. His leg was pressed against mine and I found the contact alluring. He was being obvious with me, but still a secret from his siblings. Our drinks were served and we began talking as we waited for our food.

"Will you be visiting Suna soon?" Temari asked.

"I'm not sure. I've been requesting long term missions lately. If I'm near by, I'll stop by to visit." I smiled. She really was a nice girl.

"That would be a nice surprise." Gaara added.

"Yes, it would." His brother agreed.

I nudged him with my leg and he returned the gesture. He lifted his leg, rubbing against me slightly. I did the same in a silent acknowledgment.

We continued with the small talk as dinner was served. It was fun to sit and cook as you conversed this way. It's something I actually enjoyed. I should do this more often.  Maybe I'd allow myself a once a month outing with friends. Tsunade and Rowan would leave me alone about being more social then.

"Y/n? I haven't seen you in almost a month."

"Oh, Iruka. I'm sorry, I've been on missions until today. I'm escorting the Sand Siblings."

He nodded to the group, "Lord Gaara, Temari, Kankuro. I'm glad you could join us for the exams."

"We appreciate the hospitality." Gaara said.

"Does this mean you'll be at the exams?" Iruka returned his attention to me.

"Yes. I'll be in the main booth."

"Maybe we can catch up then. I'll let all of you enjoy your dinner." He smiled as he bid us good night.

"That would be nice. Night, Iruka."

We continued our evening of chatting and eating. Once finished, they decided to head home. I forget Gaara is underage still. Temari can drink, but she wanted to go to bed early. Kankuro had other plans I suppose. When we arrived at the house, it was 9 o'clock. Temari excused herself to shower and go to bed. Gaara also retired to bed.

Kankuro stood in front of me and placed his hands on my hips again. He pulled me closer, carefully. His eyes grew darker again, just like before. He glanced behind him, making sure his siblings were tucked away in their rooms. He kissed me in a hurried pace before pulling away.

"I'll leave the door open." He whispered before walking away.

Dammit. I rubbed my legs together. I had to check in with the ANBU on duty for the night before I was able to sleep. Yea, sleep... Eagle was captain tonight, so I met him quickly. Nothing out of the ordinary to report for either one of us, so I was set.

Mysterious Kunoichi (Part 1 of 2 in the MK Series)Where stories live. Discover now