You'll get used to it

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Dabi could hear his assailants panty huffs in his ear, the hot breath grazing the side of his face making this whole thing even more uncomfortable and oh so tingly. On the floor, face down, the dark haired boy could feel every little thing happening above and inside him as his cheek was rubbed into the cold with the force of the thrusts. He had no control and he fucking hated that. With his wrists bound, gagged and quirk inaccessible, he had no choice but to lay there and let it happen, though the squelching sounds were making him sick.

"Ah? Does it hurt?" The soft but lusty voice above him inquired. The pace slowed to a stop and Dabi could almost breath a sigh of relief before he felt a wet organ rake its way up his cheekbone, licking away the few salty tears that Dabi didn't know had leaked out. An involuntary shiver went up the fire wielders spine and he heard a deep chuckle.

"Sorry. I got carried away there for a moment. It's just..I've been dreaming of you for so long." Then a tender kiss was placed on his temple. Dabi tried to speak, to do something! Anything! But all that came out was an incoherent and soft choking sound. He squeezed his eyes shut in humiliation and he coughed slightly. He felt the weight of the other mans body shift off his back a little, allowing him to breath better.

"I know this is still new and new experiences can be scary. But, you know.. the more you struggle and fight, the more unpleasent this will all be." That honey tone sighed, almost like he was dissapointed. Dabi felt the tears when they began at the corner of his eyes this time but only responded with a growl and scowl.

"Would it feel better if I did this?" The voice cooed to him sweetly, those strong and sleek fingers finding their way to his throbbing cock. Dabi's precum was enough to slick up the organ in this mans hands and he was ashamed of himself. Disgusted, even. Being caught, held captive and molested by a fucking hero. Not much lower he could fall at this point. He tried to move but Hawks was still balls deep inside him, still hard and his free hand still on his hips. The grip tightened on both his hip and cock, making a muffled cry escape Dabi's bruised throat.

"Stop that." Hawks commanded gently, beginning to pump the one underneath him. His rhythm started up again, slow and more gentle, teasing the villian. Dabi cried out again, muffled by his gag and was shushed softly as warm wings enveloped him.

"Shh.." Hawks coaxed him, kissing him again, "don't worry, it's alright."

Dabi let out a furious cry as the dirty blond hit something inside him, making him jolt and jerk violently.

"Ah! So I've finally found it then!" Hawks cheered merrily, his hand moving faster as his hips ground into Dabi's, brutually rubbing directly on his prostate. Finally, the winged hero released his captives cock, the poor things tip a deep pink with precum leaking out like a womans wetness. Hawks gave a particularly harsh thrust into that spot and Dabi's throaty cry was music to his ears. This beautiful and dangerous man under him, at his was all he ever wanted. Luckily for him, he had stolen Dabi without anyone even knowing. It wasn't easy, but right now he knew it was worth all the trouble. The villian was his and always will be; he'd be sure of that. The doors on this house from the inside were metal and barred with multiple locks and codes, though comfortable and furnished just for the two. Dabi saw it as a prison while Hawks saw it as a sanctuary for him. For them.

"I'd keep playing with that cute cock of yours, but I want to make you cum without needing least for our first time after reuniting." Hawks whispered hotly into Dabi's ear, increasing his pace and ferocity.

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