The uneasy truce

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Dabi couldn't believe that night had slipped his mind. Now he was fully awake, trying to calm his breathing as to not rouse the hero snoozing behind him.

'What the fuck do I do? Fuck fuck fuck..this is worse than I first anticipated.' Dabi's mind was racing and his heart was beating wildly in his chest. He hadn't remebered that fling in forever. Probably because he was incredibly inebriated and a lot went on that night anyway, even after the fucking, though that events that followed after were still very blurry to Dabi. He was managing to finally calm himself when he felt one arm shift as a hand slinked down from his waist to his cock, which he wasn't aware had hardened during or after his recollective dream.

He instantly began to thrash and Hawks wretched him up slightly to wrap his wings around his captive, his hand painfully gripping his erection while the other had a deathly tight wrap around his middle.

"What's got you so excited?" Hawks murmured in Dabi's ear, kissing the shell softly and sucking on the lobe after. Dabi was breathing heavy now, a deep pink spread flush across his face, making his cheeks rosey and hot.

"Did you have a wet dream?" He continued to prod, lust practically oozing out of the winged mans velvety voice as he loosened his hold slightly on the fire bearers member so he could begin stroking it.

" I didn't.." Dabi half lied, his breathing now completely erratic again as he squirmed miserably. He felt the weight of Hawks shift onto his shoulder as he leaned over from behind the black haired man. He felt his assailants finger rub open the slit on his tip and squeeze up the shaft slowly.

"Stop..!" Dabi gasped, groaning in humiliation as his arousal generously leaked onto his captors fingers and the sheets, the sensation slick, sticky and wet.

"No, you're lying to me." Hawks growled, beginning to brutally pump the man beneath him. He was getting irked with the patched mans attitude and he had a few plans to break it.

"I didn't! Stop!" Dabi was panicking now, his voice rising when he felt that familiar bubble in his lower region. God, he didn't want this again; hadn't he been degraded enough already?

"Then tell me what you dreamed about." Hawks whispered huskily in his ear. "Tell me or I'll make you cum like never before. I'll shove it inside roughly and fuck you over and over again until you can't walk. I'll have to carry you for days..would you like that?" He was taunting his prisoner now, forcing him between a rock and a hard place all the while wearing a wide and intimidating grin.

"I had forgotton about it until now!" Dabi finally burst out, reaching his limit as the impending orgasm creeped up his spine. "I had a dream about it! That's all it was! Stop!" He was trembling violently, choking back a cry and Hawks slowed his hand to a gentle, mild and slow stroke, pinching the tip playfully to stop the release.

"...forgotten about what specifically, baby doll?" His voice was heavier and hotter, his lips directly against his ear. He had a vague idea of where this was going and he liked it. He ground his hard cock against Dabi's voluptuous ass, panting as his love whimpered softly, trying to catch his breath.

"Just..that night.." Dabi's usual confident tone was now soft and meek. Hawks smile broadened and he kissed Dabi's cheek gently as it dawned on him what he meant.

"So it slipped your mind eh?" He murmured quietly, his grip still firm but his voice much sweeter and more calming. He knew what this meant, and this opened so many new doors for the hero to swoop in and take Dabi from. He was so giddy right now.

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