Breaking him in

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To say Dabi was pissed had to be...well, a bit of an understatement. He was absolutely livid, filled with a murderous rage. All thanks to Hawks. That fucking bird had cornered him last night; he KNEW he had no choice but to accept the terms and wear that stupid fucking ring. He had tried to put it on the right hand, out of defiance, but Hawks had quickly made it known that was NOT okay with a series of spankings, face fucking, and tearful apologies with promises to be better on the villains part. So now, here Dabi was, sitting on the couch with his tender bottom and sore jaw, surveillance cameras everywhere constantly alerting the pro hero to every move that he made, wearing a fucking engagement ring from the one man he hated most right now. God. Fucking. Dammit.
Dabi pulled out the bullshit outdated phone Hawks had given him, the one directly linked to ONLY the hero's phone so he could contact at least him, and shot the bird a text, asking when he'd be home. He had to start planning and he needed to make a routine in order to effectively do so.
A light 'ding!' echoed not even a minute later. Dabi opened the text.
'Not much longer now.' It read. 'Maybe an hour at most. Are you behaving?'
The villain groaned loudly, aware Hawks could probably see and hear him on his screen if he were looking. And knowing Hawks, the obsessive fucker probably was.
'You tell me' was Dabi's smart ass reply. He set the phone down and laid his head back, letting his eyelids drop and starting up a brainstorm. Another ding was heard, and the villain cracked open an eye, picking the phone back up to read the new message.
'You're gonna get the brat fucked outta you if you keep it up'.
Dabi's finger hovered over the keyboard, wondering if the satisfaction of back talking would be worth the pain of punishment. He decided against it eventually and set the phone back down.

He wasn't sure what time he fell asleep or even when he did at all, but when he opened his eyes his hazy gaze bore right into Hawks haughty golden one. He blinked a few times before registering his situation and said, "Hey."
Hawks smiled. Mockingly. "Hey."
There was a stretch of silence that made Dabi suddenly feel very anxious, though he was keeping it under relatively good control at the moment, especially since Hawks wasn't averting his eyes and Dabi could smell the alcohol on his breath.
"Where ya been?" The villain asked, surprised at how the question slipped out. Hawks raised an eye brow and the smirk burst in a fit of light chuckling.
"Went out to talk business with yer dad." He slurred slightly as he spoke. Dabi wrinkled his nose, he hated when Endeavor was mentioned. For any reason.
"And got drunk?" He sounded more angry than he thought he was and Hawks scoffed, moving out of Dabi's face to stand up straight and stare down at him.
"So? Why you even mad 'bout it?" He growled, crossing his arms and pouting at Dabi's attitude.
"I'm mad because while you're out fucking around with every Tom, Dick and Harry, that I'm stuck in this fucking place sober as shit. If you're gonna keep me trapped here the least you could do is get me some weed and alcohol so I can drown my own fucking sorrows while you parade around the town all evening." Dabi snarled, angry and combative. Hawks glared, obviously offended.
"Fucking around? Parading? What ya mean?" He seemed a little more serious, the ravens words seemingly sobering him a bit.
"I mean you're out there with god knows who doing god knows what in god knows where," and Dabi couldn't believe he actually sounded jealous, "and drinking with hero's while I'm in here all by myself. All day. Every day. Then you come back and all you want is to fuck. It's starting to get old."
"I feel like you're implying I'm sleeping around on you and neglecting you," Hawks started, voice low and fists clenching, "and if that's the case we're gonna curbstomp that real fucking quick."
Dabi was taken back by Hawks tone. It was harsh, serious, commanding and concrete. Not angry or dangerous, but something else...he couldn't figure it out.
He decided to test the water a little more. He was always a daredevil and he'd been so bored all day long, and it was fun to rile up Hawks, he just had to be careful about it.
"Are you?" He challenged, feigning insecurity.
"Absolutely not." Hawks shot back.
"Liar." Dabi blurted, narrowing his eyes and grinning smugly.
Hawks eyebrows immediately raised in disbelief, his head cocking and his feathers ruffled, face contorting in hurt and anger.
"Repeat that." He finally demanded, tone cold as a stone in the most freezing blizzard in the most brutal winters. Dabi felt a chill encase his entire spine at the aura Hawks was emitting and the air was thick around them. To Dabi, it seemed suffocating.
"Well...I mean, how do I know? It's not like I can leave or watch you. You can go anywhere you want, ya know?" The villain grumbled, fidgeting at Hawks piercing stare. He looked at the floor, the wall, the ceiling, anywhere but Hawks.
"Look at me." The hero commanded. Dabi swallowed and hesitated, silently grateful Hawks let him have that, before forcing his eyes slowly up to the blond that towered over him.
"Repeat it." Hawks said again, much more slowly and more angry.
Dabi was starting to get nervous, he quickly realized he had to diffuse the situation. He'd gone too deep too fast.
"I'm sorry." He finally sighed out, "I shouldn't be accusing you, I just hate being lonely is all. And I'd kill for a drink and a joint right now."
Hopeful, he glanced back up at Hawks, who had seemed calmed a bit by his apology but his stance was still aggressive. Dabi reached up, playing his part, and pulled Hawks down for a kiss by the front of his shirt.
"I'm sorry Keigo." He murmured softly on his lips, letting go of the blonds top.
"Then spread your legs." Hawks hissed back, surprising the villain with the evident rage still seeping from his voice. He reached down to grasp the ravens pants, growling under his breath and mumbling something incoherently. Dabi's thighs trembled and he raised an almost unnoticeable shaky hand to the hero's chest.
"Wait, I still hurt.." he began but Hawks was hearing none of it, and with a strong hand holding the patched hips down, he ripped the belt and buttons off the offending trousers.
"Hey!" Dabi snarled, "You dick! I liked those pants!"
Wrestling them off him, Hawks grumbled back, "I'll buy you new ones so lift your hips up."
The raven kicked at him, growling, and the hero just responded by grabbing at his t shirt and tearing it off viciously while mumbling, "Show me yer tits, babe. And quit squirming already!"
"These aren't tits you fucking weirdo!" Dabi snapped, a light blush powdering his face as he tried to cover his chest, "if you like tits that much, go find a god damn girl!"
"No, shut up." Hawks growled in Dabi's ear, "Don't ever tell me to go find someone else. All I want is you. Put your arms down." He grabbed the limbs that covered the alluring sight he wanted to drink in so badly, and wretched them away, immediately attacking a pierced nipple with his mouth while his fingers toyed with the other.
"Kn-knock it off... what's up with you today?!" Dabi stuttered, unconsciously bucking up into the hero as he was suckled on and teased. His only awnser was a bite onto his pectoral, a cry escaping from his lips with the force of the teeth.
"What the hell are you so pissed over?!" The villain cried out when Hawks twisted the barbell between his fingertips and increased his sucking, snarling.
"What was he to you? Tell me the fucking truth." Came the deep response, the ministrations neither stopping or relenting.
"Wh-who? What are you-" Dabi sputtered, confused, before the blond interjected again.
"Shigaraki. What was he to you?"
Was that what his mood was all about? That's why he got drunk as shit and came home all pissy? He was jealous?!
"My boss, dumbass." The raven glowered at the pro hero leaning over him, trapping him onto the couch. Hawks eye twitched, and Dabi could barley have time to register it before he was thrown flat onto his back, the winged hero climbing on top of him, scowling, unimpressed with the awnser he was given.
"I told you to tell me the truth." He grunted.
"I did, he was my boss." Dabi replies exhaustedly, rolling his eyes and shifting his shoulders. His tits were so tender now, that possessive asshole. Hawks grabbed his bottom jaw roughly and forced their eyes to meet with a burning intensity.
"What else?" He prodded.
"Why do you care?" Dabi spat, trying to shake out of Hawks hold. No such luck, it seemed.
"You fucked him." Was the blunt response. Dabi blinked somewhat stupidly for a moment, before rolling events over in his head. Yeah, Shigaraki wanted to lose his virginity and the fire user was drunk and horny, but that was before he'd ever encountered Hawks. Besides, Hawks didn't own him. Especially not on the night he bounced on his bosses cock for over an hour and a half. So what was it to him? Bastard had no right to be pissed. At least the gangly creep didn't force him like this bird brained meathead did.
"And?" The raven asked, seemingly bored. He felt the grip on his face tighten. Exponentially. Hawks forehead bumped his to rest while they're eyes met at such a close distance Dabi almost swore he saw the shimmering of liquid gold boiling over past the heat limit. It was smoldering, angry and hot, but possessive, dangerous and protective all at once.
"What else happened?" He finally spoke, solemn and quiet. Dabi tried to look away but Hawks turned him back with the flick of his strong wrist, his fingers gripping just a little bit tighter on his love.
"Nothing. That was literally it." was his frustrated response. Hawks stared him down for a few more minutes and to Dabi it felt like a life time of being exposed in the most vulnerable way. He hated it so much, and he began to quiver under it almost unnoticeably. The bird seemed somewhat satisfied with his response, humming and letting his thumb brush sensually over the mismatched lips. There was mischief and malevolence about his air and Dabi just wished he would get it over with rather than draw the punishment out. He figured from the looks of things that's where this was going. But looks can often be deceiving, and the hero had no intention of a physical reprimand. Oh no, no no no. This was going to be one of an emotional and mental conquest. And Hawks would be the conqueror. He leaned down again, biting softly on the pale earlobe and sucking it before whispering hotly, "I knew what you were doing when I came home, you know. That's what made me so mad initially. Shigaraki was secondary, I already took care of that problem."
Dabi froze immediately. What the fuck did he mean exactly? His tourqouise orbs shot up to be met with the predatory yellow ones of the hero, who was grinning madly.
"You were gaslighting me. Trying to get a reaction, and oh boy are you gonna get one." Hawks chuckled, but in his words were a threatening promise, one Dabi wasn't sure he was ready for.
"Now you listen baby, and you listen good to what I'm about to tell you," his breath was husky, on the verge of panting, "ya know how I said I was out with your dad?"
Dabi let out a shaky whine while nodding, his danger instincts rising, something bad was coming and he could feel it deep within, but what could he currently do?
"We were talking about you. He knows it's you too.. He's glad I have you, to know you're somewhere safe." Hawks murmured softly, his hand gripping Dabi's throat roughly, stopping the angry scream that was about to erupt from the raven and instead letting out a garbled choking gasp.
"And," he paused, grinning widely, his teeth nipping at Dabi's cheek, "he's got some good connections, as you know." A hearty chuckle, filled with joy and victory, "You wanna play hardball? Fine then. I can fight dirty too."
Dabi was now visibly shaking, absolutely terrified of what would come from the pro hero next.
"Tomorrow I'm gonna ask him to forge the paperwork on your part, then you and I will be officially married. How cute, right honey?" He was laughing, the jovial tone ricocheting off the living room walls. With this information, Dabi ripped his jaw from Hawks grasp and vomited onto the floor with a choked sob.

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