Being a bad boy

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Dabi slowly opened his eyes, blinking rapidly a few times before letting out an exhausted sigh. He was achy, sore, still tired and still really pissed. The tan arms around his middle and wrists tightened at the sound of his exacerbated breath and he felt Hawks grind closer on him from under the fluffy covers, if it were possible.

"G'morning my sweet doll. You need to eat something." Hawks whispered sweetly from behind him, nuzzling his neck with his nose.

"I'm not hungry. I want to sleep." Dabi grumbled, trying to wriggle in a bit of space between he and the winged hero, only to be held uncomfortably tighter until he stopped his squirming.

"You can go back to sleep after you get something in your stomach. You didn't eat last night and you won't tell me when the last time you did was, so you're eating now." Hawks voice was commanding and unwavering, only igniting Dabi's rage furthur.

"I said no." Dabi growled through gritted teeth.

"And I said YOU WILL." Hawks hissed back dangerously, his grip on Dabi's wrists becoming painful and bruising. Wincing, the fire bearer clenched his fist as Hawks suddenly ripped them both from the warm bed. He dragged Dabi over to the bedroom door, unlocking it and leading him forcefully in the kitchen, his grip hard as stone. He finally shoved the dark haired boy into a chair and tied his wrists together before securing them tightly behind him, turning the boy and pushing him to the small table.

"How am I going to eat if I'm tied you idiot?" Dabi snapped, his aggravation obviously taking over and his rear end still in a mild, dull pain due to last nights 'activities'.

"I'll be feeding you, sweet doll." Hawks said in a factly fashion, smiling at his adorable and fuming captive.

"Don't you fucking dare." Dabi hissed, only to have the blond roll his eyes and continue his task at the stove. The burner was turned on and Hawks began humming, gathering cutlery, bowls and a pan together.

"I'd ask you what you want to eat but you've been so uncooperative these past 24 hours that I don't even think you'd tell me." The Winged Hero chuckled lightly at the end of his sentence and Dabi could feel his face get hot.

"I hate you." The villian spat. "I swear I'll kill you."

"For now, you may think so. But that won't last forever or much longer. Besides, " Hawks turned to face him, flashing Dabi a charming smile, "with how simple it was to make you cum so many times and sing you to sleep, this will be a whole lot easier than I originally anticipated."

Turning back to his task and humming a jolly tune, the pro hero began to cook for the furiously blushing prisoner glaring burning daggers and bullets into his back.


He was back in that fucking room and he hated it. After being force fed the majority of breakfast, Dabi had finally exhausted himself enough from struggling that Hawks could simply untie him from the chair, pick him up and carry him back. He shushed the growls and protests, ignoring the angry screams and violent squirming, simply readjusting the villian in his arms and cooing to him softly as they made their way back to the bedroom. Once in, he set Dabi back onto the comfy bed and untied his wrists, only to be met with a fist to the cheek. Grumpy but not stunned, Hawks seized the offending hand and tied it to the bedpost, though with plenty of room in case Dabi needed to use the bathroom or anything. He rubbed where Dabi had hit him and sighed irritantly.

"You really gotta start behaving yourself. I'd hate to start punishments because of your attitude." Hawks pouted, giving the newly forming bruise a good few slaps to help desensitize the area. Dabi tried hurling himself up, only to have Hawks pin him back down effectively and quickly. He lowered his face to Dabi's, his lips not even a mere inch from the fire wielders, they're eyes boring into one another. Dabi could feel his heart racing and his breathing increased slightly.

"If you do that again, I'm going to punish you. It won't be fun; it's going to hurt and you'll be stuck in here for longer than a week. Do you understand me?" Hawks stare was ice cold, his wings trapping Dabi from his surroundings and forcing him to focus solely on the man holding him down as they cradled around him, the feathers suddenly dangerously sharp and intimidating. Seemingly unable to awnser, Dabi drew in a ragged breath and simply gave a single nod. Hawks stared down at him, hard, for a moment, before he decided he would let Dabi have that. After all, he wasn't used to being dominated or even cared for. It would take time to make Dabi see his feelings. Of course his fight instinct was natural, he was scared. He felt threatened. It was only logical. Sighing, the pro hero got off the patchworked man and straightened his jeans, pulling on his shirt and gathering his usual attire.

"I have to go out for a while. Hero business." Hawks paused, scanning Dabi for any kind of reaction or response but saw none. So he continued.

"That means you'll be here by yourself for a few hours. You know where some clothes are in here, and if you even attempt to open the door, the alarm on my phone will go off and I'll be back in less than 5 minutes. Think of what you want to eat tonight and when I get back, we can have dinner." He crawled over the edge of the bed and Dabi shrunk away from him, glaring. But Hawks simply reached out and grabbed him by his throat, pulling him against him for a deep, wet kiss, gripping his free wrist in his hand. Dabi's eyebrows furrowed and he tried to pull away. Hawks tightened his grip and wrapped his arm around Dabi's waist, pushing him flat onto the bed and draping himself over him. Sloppy kissing sounds echoed through the room between Dabi's grunts of displeasure and objection. Finally they broke apart and Hawks licked the string of saliva that connected them before standing up straight and waving while heading to the door.

"Get some sleep my sweet doll. We have a lot to talk about tonight. I love you." And just like that, the door was closed and locked, leaving a naked Dabi all alone to simmer in his rage and misery.

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