Slowly but surely

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Hawks was trudging up to his (and now Dabi's) apartment, a box tucked under his arm, finally almost home. He was so eager to just flop into his bed with his adorable little lover and cuddle him close, whether force was needed or not. He imagined the way he smelled, like freshly baked bread on a chilly autumn was delicious. Intoxicating. It was just so..Dabi and it was so beautiful. Hawks had craved it since the moment he had stepped out of that room.

He unlocked the front door, typed in the code and got out the third key. The door creaked open and Hawks quickly slipped inside before shutting it. He glanced around carefully; nothing had been changed or tampered. Dabi must have listened and stayed in their room. Though he knew Dabi couldn't break the door without his quirk, he was always slightly on gaurd. He never underestimated his love, in fact, he OVERestimated him. Just for saftey reasons. Luckily it seemed things were working just as he had planned. He kicked off his boots, coat and aviator glasses before padding down towards the bedroom. He got to the door and typed in the code before pulling out the key and disarming the padlock. Waltzing in, Hawks smiled at the form sleeping soundly under the warm covers. He was so cute.

Hardly able to contain his excitement, Hawks swiftly pulled off his shirt and discarded his pants and socks before placing the box gently on the dresser next to the bed. He lifted the covers lightly, happily seeing that Dabi was still nude. Hawks licked his lips, wanting to ravish him once more, but held himself back for his little lovers sake. He didn't want to hurt him and he's already been rougher than he meant to, the light bruises on Dabi's wrist and hips making that evident. Might as well give him a break tonight. Slipping under the blankets, Hawks wasted no time in wrapping both his arms around the sleeping fire user and pulling him flush against his chest, burying his face in the nape of his neck and into his thick black hair, inhailing deeply. He felt Dabi jolt awake and suddenly begin his violent struggle.

Hawks bit down on Dabi's shoulder and held him tighter, waiting patiently for the villian to calm down, ignoring all the obscenities and angry cries.

"Get off me! Now!" Dabi's thrashing increased to no avail. Hawks held him securely in an iron grip and try as he may, Dabi wasn't getting loose anytime soon. After a while, Dabi finally flopped down, exhausted once more from all his fighting, panting softly while his body throbbed dully. Hawks waited a moment, letting his sweetheart catch his breath before he unlatched his teeth from the supple and firm shoulder.

"Feel better?" Hawks asked gently against Dabi's nape, brushing the hair away from the damp temple of his prize.

"No. Worse, actually." Dabi spat, his voice slightly cracking as his body quivered with aftershocks. Hawks knew what was happening; Dabi's will was slowly breaking. His walls had begun to crumble and emotions have leaked through. He noticed it in the tears last night and while it hurt him to have to do it this way, he also knew it was necessary and the only real effective method, especially with Dabi being the type he was.

"I got you something today." Hawks had a tinge of optimism in his voice, turning Dabi so they were face to face. It was then he saw the watery reflection in the turquoise orbs. Oh, Dabi was trying to be so strong and tough, it was so admirable (and so adorable) . But he would soon break, and Hawks would be right here when he finally broke. Here to build him back up with tender kisses and murmurs of encouragement, all the while keeping him closer and closer. Dabi would open up over time, they'd marry and Dabi would be happy with him. Hawks knew it would happen, it would just take time and effort. And he was a determined hero. He had been determined to have Dabi permanently even before their drunken night almost a year ago. He giggled aloud, the memory flooding back, making his prisoner narrow his eyes.

"What's so funny, dickhead?" He snarled. Hawks immediately shook his head, staring deeply into Dabi's eyes affectionately, smiling.

"Nothing is. I'm just remembering our first meet is all." He mused quietly. Before Dabi could ask what he meant, Hawks sat up and reached over, grabbing the box off the dresser.

"Here, I got you this." He handed it to the villian, who just stared up at him blankley. Hawks smiled.

"Go on, take it." He urged soothingly. Dabi was reluctant but eventually sat up and did. He looked at it cautiously and then glanced over at the grinning hero.

"Open it up! Come on!" He chirped eagerly. Dabi scowled but began slowly opening the box, millions of thoughts racing through his head as he did.

First meet..? What did he mean? Wasn't that the Paranormal Liberation..? Dabi then realized he didn't remember a lot of that night..

Dabi shook his head, the box halfway open and the villain barley mentally there at this point.

He finally peeled the last layer away, the box opening on all sides now. He peeked inside to see what it was, holding his breath lightly.

It was just a simple doll. Well, not simple since the design was so intricate and detailed. It was eloquently painted and masterfully crafted, the clothes expertly stitched. The dolls white face had stitches on each corner of his mouth and his eyes were hallow and black, his attire being a lovely silk yukata with a blue dragon pattern. Yet the doll was still smiling warmly. absolutely lovely. Dabi thought to himself, tracing the dolls cheeks and his pitch black hair. He'd never been one to be a sap for cutesy and sentimental shit, in fact Dabi had destroyed all of his soon before he left his home, swearing to leave all those emotions behind and start out with only his hatred. But to him, this little doll had a deep meaning that gave an extra hard tug on his heart.

The stitches on his face reminded him of Dabi himself, but regardless of those, the doll was so charming and comforting in his own way. As if it were made for Dabi and Dabi alone and it was almost..sweet.

Hawks had been silently observing his loves reaction and was pleased. Dabi was admiring the doll instead of trying to break it. This small change in demeanor made his heart soar. It was a whole new side of Dabi that Hawks hasn't seen; the tender one. The soft one. The vulnerable one. His smile broadened.

"Do you like it?" He finally asked quietly. Dabi was silent for a moment before slowly turning to face the hero.

"...Yes. Thank you." Was the soft response, but the blond knew how deep that really went. He leaned up and gave a quick peck to Dabi's lips, snapping the villian out of his slight daze and earning a grunt and chilling glare.

"I figured you'd like to have someone here to keep you company while I was gone at work all day. I'm glad you like it." Hawks chuckled. He didn't care if Dabi was mad or embaressed because the light tinge of pink on his cheeks only encouraged the pro hero. He flopped back down onto the bed with a wide grin, finally content. Things were starting to work out and it felt GREAT.

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