Regression and regret

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Dabi was getting bored, and his anger was flaring back up now that he had been thoroughly (and very well) fucked. Now dressed in his regular jeans and white shirt, he had thrown the soiled cusion on the floor and had been keeping to his word (mostly) of behaving, although there wasn't much else he could do. The quirk collar was still active, the sharp knives had been replaced with plastic and there was nothing to use as a murder weapon. He had kicked over a few boxes of random shit and torn off the bed spread, tossing it in the bathroom onto the floor in a huff. Throwing a temper tantrum seemed to be his only option at this point and his head snapped up when he heard the front door open, though he didn't advance beyond the bedroom. The rustling of paper bags being set on the counter in the kitchen made him growl and sit on the edge of the bare bed, his chin propped up in his hands as Hawks stepped through the doorway, an amused smile on that stupidly handsome face.

"I fucking hate you." Dabi snarled, narrowing his eyes. Hawks let out a small laugh and shook his head at the old attitude bubbling back up into his boy.

"You're so naughty but it's so adorable." He chuckled, taking off his jacket and digging into his pants pocket, looking Dabi lustfully in the eye.

"Take your clothes off sweet boy." He chriped, waving something held between his pointer and middle finger and Dabi had to squint to see what it was.

Mother fucker really had gone and gotten those fuckin' barbells.

"You aren't serious." Dabi groaned, "I'm not putting those in."

"Why not?!" Hawks almost wailed, pouting like a child. Blinking rapidly in disbelief and astonishment, Dabi stood up abruptly, grabbing the front of Hawks shirt and catching the hero off gaurd.

"Are you honestly that dense or just completely insane to an undeniably new level?!" Dabi's voice was rising now, "You kidnapped me! You raped me! You've kept me locked here for days now and just because we've been fucking you think you can play nice!?" He shook the hero roughly to emphasize his point, his temper back now that his physical need was satiated.

Hawks was a blur in that moment; Dabi didn't even see him move. He was knocked onto his back on the floor in an instant, those wings flared out above him while blocking out the light from his eyes. Those powerful arms wrapped around him in a soothing vice grip while immobilizing his arms and the warm face of the hero pressed into the side of his own. He tried to kick him away but Hawks was planted firmly between his thighs, not going anywhere else but where he was now. He let Dabi struggle, to wear himself out in a fit of rage, all while cooing softly to him.

"It's all right sweet baby, it's all right." He shushed him, gathering the villian into his lap and rocking them gently. Fresh tears threatened the ravens eyes and he thrashed, trying desperately to get away, but, once more it was all in vain. He only exhausted himself after time yet again, leaving him too tired to do anything but let those fucking tears fall. Hawks just kissed them all away, murmuring his love and praise for him freely, ignoring the cries and spats of protest and hatred. He immobilized the hands that came up to hit and claw at him, kissing the restrained knuckles and chirping to him gently.

He was aware of Dabi's current emotional state. He knew there would be obstacles and outbursts for quite a while. He also had figured Dabi was going through one when he came home and saw the house in a messy dissary from the villians most recent fit.

"Don't cry my pretty raven.." Hawks voice was a soft sing song tone and Dabi hated how it filled his chest with such warmth and comfort, "it will all work out. It's all right, don't be sad. Just let go and trust me. I'll take care of you for the rest of eternity." The hot lips were on his temple now, moving from his eyes and the wings cacooned around them, amplifying the heat and security all while shielding them from the anything else the world could throw. Dabi was trembling, his mind and body spent from his previous flailing. He was sure if he had his quirk right now, this whole building would be engulfed in blue flames, taking everyone, including himself, down with it.

Yeah, right. A guy could only dream at this point.

"Never." He hissed, rage heavily coating his voice. "I'd rather kill myself."

He felt Hawks tighten his hold on him, and those sinful lips traveled to his ear. The words spoken were so quiet he could barley register what was said.

"So, then do you need to lose your freedom, sweetness? It sounds like you're not gonna behave." The honey laced tone of the hero sent shivers down villians spine and he growled, trying to recoil, to only have Hawks squeeze him in a death grip.

"Freedom? Ha. What a laugh." Dabi spat, "I haven't had freedom since I've been here you fucking idiot."

Hawks sighed exhaustively; they were making such good progress a bit ago until his little lovers outburst. Oh well, perhaps once Dabi was a bit calmer they could talk this through a bit more. But until then..

"I think I should show you what having no freedom really means with me, my love." He kissed up to Dabi's temple again before continuing his thought process aloud, "because then you'd be stuck in just this room, every second of everyday. But don't worry, I'd be real good to you, baby." He was teasing now, his hot breath at Dabi's already too warm face, "I'd be personally bathing, dressing and feeding you myself. Every. Single. Day." His tongue licked away the sweat forming on the side of his captives face before it could evaporate from the heat of his skin, "Remember when daddy first took you? Goodness, did you thrash.." Hawks chuckled, his wings closing around them tighter, almost suffocating, and one of his hands sneaking up to the back of Dabi's neck to grip him almost painfully.

"You have quite a bit of freedom right now, you know," He cooed mockingly, "and yet you take it for granted. It's too bad, I was even thinking of letting you roam our apartment while I was away at work. But I suppose it's better to be safe than sorry, eh baby?" His pointer finger hooked into the loop locked with the pendent as his wings cradled the villian, they're sharpness increasing on the edges so Dabi couldn't wriggle his way out. The villians eyes were wide and his beathing was heavy. Shaking, it dawned on him just how badly he had messed up by uttering that simple threat.

Well fuck.

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