Liabilities and liars

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It had taken almost 8 hours total for them to reach any kind of agreement at all and by the end of it, Hawks was exacerbated from talking and Dabi was near comatosed from screaming, assaulting and cursing. They were on the bed still, but Hawks had his jeans on and Dabi wore baggy black sweats and a white tee, seemingly doing a bit better than before, allowing the pro hero the luxury of holding him. Hawks had only left the room a few times and it was for nutritional purposes, Dabi absolutely had to eat. He wouldn't let his lovers physical health be overlooked.
They were snuggling, something Hawks had needed so badly, after establishing their terms. Dabi got to have 5 rules of his own to start with, and as the trust built between them, he would get more. His rules were simple:
1. Never force yourself on me
2. Never use my past as ammunition on me
3. Alcohol and weed are daily necessities
4. Never strike me unless I ask
5. Never mention me to anyone else

Hawks frowned at the last rule once it was made.
"Are you...ashamed you're with me?" He finally asked hesitantly. Dabi had just sighed and shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"No, I mean- well... under the circumstances I guess I...well, no it's not really that either.." the raven was stumbling over speech, his hands running irritantly through his black hair as he struggled to find the proper words. He glanced over at the nervous hero, pausing, who was fidgeting in his spot on the bed, his hands clenching into fists. He wanted to hold Dabi so badly, he was feeling so insecure. The raven huffed out a 'fucking shit' under his breath before dropping his head and looking back up at the hero.
"Look, you know you're handsome and you fuck like a porn star, that's obvious," the villain started, noting Hawks feathers ruffle slightly at the praise, "but this whole situation is fucked up. Even if I wanted you as my sugar daddy or boyfriend or whatever," he paused again, biting his bottom lip before continuing, "you really haven't earned that, you know. You always talk about me misbehaving, but you're just as bad. Why do I have to reward you when all I get are punishments for shit?"
When Hawks heard that he realized how important it was to Dabi to have clear boundaries, to have a set of safety guidelines. Living with a man like Endeavor, he could understand why that was such a strong demand. He was willing to give it to him. The only real agreement that Hawks fought him on was going outside.
"You can't keep me locked in here forever!" Dabi had yelled at him, "I'm losing my fucking mind!"
So they planned a public date night, once a week, somewhere secluded where they wouldn't be noticeable. Anything more was unacceptable for now. The rest would be spent inside, and like the rules, if Dabi could earn his trust, he could get more.

And now here they were, laying in each other's arms, the rise and fall of Dabi's chest and the feeling of his soft locked slipping through his fingers made Hawks feel better than he had in days. He missed the peacefulness Dabi brought him, just from existing in his space. He moved his face down slowly, kissing the space between his lovers closed eyelid and furrowed eyebrow.
"Go to sleep Keigo." He heard Dabi mumble in his tired state, "C'mon, 'um cold." He tugged the blond with him as he slipped under the covers.
And Hawks resumed his hold from behind, cuddling close and kissing any exposed area he could find.
But he followed all the rules, just like he always would, because after all, isn't a relationship based on compromise and communication?


It was sometime in the morning, he thought, although Dabi wasn't exactly sure nor did he care right now, and the soft, strong hands were running up his waist slowly, teasing him, edging him, drugging him into a high he hadn't felt in so long. He arched into it, gripping the sheets above his head and moaning out the sources name.
"Keigo," he chanted breathlessly, trying to push himself back "yes, Keigo, there!"
Hawks held him fast, grinding into his sweet spot slowly, barley pulling out anymore, just rutting calculativley, hips rotating to rub and hit directly onto his prostate, his free hand clamped down on both Dabi's wrist, stopping any escape or unwanted interference.
"Yeah?" Hawks panted, adding a bit more force behind his movements, "Oh fuck, I've wanted this..." He dipped his head down to lick the salty beads going down Dabi's temple, his fingers ghosting from his hips up to his chest and rubbing the barbell in the hardened nub. The response he got was one he was very pleased with.
"Yes! Oh, Keigo," the raven keened, completely flushed, "baby, yes!"
The milky thighs wrapped around the tan waist began to violently shake as their grip tightened and Hawks purred appreciatively, taking in the incredible aphrodisiac that was Dabi's personal smell, so burnt and smokey. It made the hero's mouth water. He loved all positions with the villain but missionary was definitely in his top ten. To see the patched man come so undone so quickly and elegantly while splayed for him so completely was something Hawks would replay in his head over and over and over, a sight he could never grow tired of. He continually craved it, truly and utterly addicted.
And this... this had been worth it all. All the sadness they've felt, the tears, the pain, the fear, the mistakes, misunderstandings and feelings of betrayal on both ends have finally given Hawks something in return for his dedication.
When Dabi had shifted in his sleep, something hard had woken him by the hero humping the voluptuous ass in his sleep. Instead of anger or a slap, the blond opened his eyes in a haze to see the raven had pinned down his hips and was sinking down onto his cock, moaning softly as he set up a pace of bouncing. He could have swore he was dreaming when he saw this, so he reached up lazily, taking Dabi by surprise, and thrusted upward. The black hair was thrown back as Dabi cried out, slamming his hips down and begging for more.
Hawks was in heaven then, and what he's in now is much more perfect. It was all so incredible.
He's fucking into the patched body, drinking in all the hiccups, plea's, begs and pet names. The whimpers, moans and choked cries were so fucking eloquent and regal, for Hawks and Hawks alone. No one else would ever have this.
"Please, Keigo!" Dabi moaned out, writhing under Hawks hold. His wings fluttered and they instinctively stretched out to protect his mating, but he didn't cease his movements.
"Keigo!!" Dabi cried out, somewhere between desperate and completely drowned.
"Daddy's here baby, talk to me." Hawks murmured gently into the villains ear.
"Oh god, oh god, oh god-" Dabi was almost wailing, it was so fucking entrancing.
"Am I?" The pro hero teased, hot breath warming the side of Dabi's already heated face, "am I your god, baby? Are you praying for me? Do you worship me?"
"Yes, oh god, yes," came the broken warble of the man being pleased to near death, "I do, I do, I worship you, I live for you, please fuck me!"
Hawks chuckled beneath the mismatched jaw, biting gently on the jugular.
"I need an offering baby, c'mon and please your god. Sacrifice to me."
"Anything! Anything!" The raven sobbed, Hawks throaty chuckle was pushing him to his hottest before the demand was whispered directly in his ear, in a low voice a flick of the wrist grasping the pale cock on the patchwork body, "come for me."
The boiling point tipped, that was it. Dabi came and came hard, screaming Hawks name as he emptied himself on them both, almost sobbing in relief when the winged hero rocked into him once more and spilled inside, riding it out until he was sure every last drop was pushed as deep as it could be inside that too hot body. They lie together for a moment, catching their breath and basking in the afterglow, Hawks kissing everywhere on Dabi's face that he could reach.
"Hey baby," he cooed softly into the pierced ear, "you wanna go on a date tonight? Outside maybe?"
The villain jumped back on him, eagerly begging sweetly for the time, just the way he knew Hawks liked it.

He finally was going to have the chance he's been working so hard for.

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