Shouldn't have asked

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Today was day 2 of Dabi earning back his privileges. Yesterday, when this all began and he had begrudgingly decided to give the bird what he wanted until there was an opening to book it, Hawks had made him put in the jewelry. What Dabi hadn't expected, however, was the pro hero fondling his tits all night, pinching and squeezing, cupping them in his hands and nuzzling between them. There were now deep purple hickies decorating his entire chest and neck, some even trailing up his jawbone and down his belly, surprisingly vibrant against his mismatched skin. He hoped he had acted well enough to give the bird a false sense of security, or at least begin to.
In a way, he supposed he had, just not nearly enough to get what he wanted, which led him to where he was now.
His upper thighs and wrists were tied to the headboard of the bed with a red shibari rope. His legs were spread and he was flushed a vivid pink all the way down to his nipples, contrasting beautifully with the silver barbells and dual colored skin. Panting as he felt another orgasm creep up, he wondered how long Hawks would keep this up before rewarding him a little. He was already three orgasms in, and Hawks still had his face buried between his thighs, licking and sucking and nipping from his cock down to his opening. Dabi's rules were clear before this started: be quiet, be good, be submissive. But fuck, how long was the pro hero gonna go for??
"H..Hawks.." Dabi moaned out when a particularly harsh bite to his inner thigh made him jolt. The ministrations didn't cease or even falter, but he felt the vibration of a hum against where the oral assault was happening, signaling he had been heard. He decided to risk it a little and break a rule, hoping to maybe talk his way out of it later.
"Please.." he was still panting, his legs trembling as the pressure for another orgasm wracked his body, "it's.. it's too much. This is too much."
He heard Hawks chuckle deep within his chest. It sounded carnal, animalistic and cruel. Just like Hawks could be.
"You got one more brewing in you, I feel it." The winged hero's voice was lusty, deep and guttural, "give it to me first."
Dabi let out a choked cry when Hawks swooped back to his dick, sucking hard while two fingers found his soaked entrance, pushing inside and aiming directly for his prostate. He tried to thrash and move, but Hawks held his hips fast and the rope wasn't giving out anytime soon.
"It hurts, it hurts!" Dabi sobbed pitifully, wrenching in his restraints.
"No it doesn't, it's just intense. Just keep breathing baby, daddy won't hurt you." Hawks chuckled back, resuming his ministrations of pleasure, his tongue cradling Dabi's cock piercings while swallowing what came soon after. The wails heard throughout the room and the violently shaking thighs that the hero buried his face between were incredible and went straight to both his ego and dick. He knew full well what Dabi was doing; he was trying to manipulate him into lowering his guard. Poor baby, it was so adorably naive of him to think that little of Hawks intelligence. He wasn't worried, he knew how to handle his little fire cracker. He knew how to put out the flame and soothe the burns. He knew what made him shake and moan, knew what made him laugh and cry.
He knew what made him who he is. Dabi, Touya, Blue Flame...none of those titles mattered. The only one that mattered was the important one.
The names could change a thousand times but the body, the mind, the heart and soul all belonged to Hawks and it would continue to do so until the end of time. He would most certainly see to that. The brief choking sound snapped him from his possessive haze and he was greeted with those beautiful icy eyes staring back and him, watery and begging.
"Please.." Dabi croaked weakly, "no more."
Hawks wasn't even aware he hadn't stopped sucking, even after Dabi came. He hummed and let go with a loud pop! sound, staring up at his raven with hungry eyes.
"No?" He murmured softly, nibbling a line with his teeth over that warm skin on that perfect thigh.
"Please." Dabi's voice cracked, just a little, and as sadistic as he knew it sounded, it just made Hawks all that much harder. Hawks hummed again against the heated skin, as if contemplating, before Dabi finally moaned softly and said "at least untie my legs, please? I'm exhausted and getting sore. Please, Keigo."
Oh ho, now that was new. He had never used Hawks real name before, always claiming it made their meeting "too personal".
"Say that again." Hawks rasped, biting hard on Dabi's inner thigh.
"Keigo," the villains voice was sleepy and sing songish, "please let my legs go. Just my legs Keigo, please."
Well, who was Hawks to deny such pretty begging?
Reaching up while a couple feathers kept Dabi's thighs open, he untied the rope and then retracted the feathers, letting the pale and slender legs drop down clumsily on the mattress as a sigh of relief escaped between the mismatched lips.
"Such a pretty voice, pretty eyes, long sexy legs, fuckin gorgeous with a tight plump ass." Hawks was panting in his ear, rubbing the head of his cock over Dabi's entrance.
"W-wait, Hawks, if you-" the villain began to sputter before the pro hero shoved himself all the way inside to the hilt. A loud yelp of surprise and pain was torn violently from the raven, who followed it with a grimace and groan.
"Fucking shit Hawks..." he hissed, "this hurts so bad."
"Keigo." Although the blonds voice was muffled by Dabi's neck, he still heard the demand clear as day.
"What?" The raven asked, teeth still grit together as he focused in trying desperately to relax his muscles to ease the pain.
"Call me Keigo from now on." Came the gruff reply.
"Keigo," Dabi whimpered, "it fucking hurts."
The villian then cried out and arched when he felt something hot shoot inside him.
"Sorry baby, sorry." Hawks panted heavily, "Just a little more, only a little, you can do it." He moaned against the scarred throat as he finished inside, making sure not one little dribble had a chance to escape. He never liked to cum anywhere else except inside Dabi, wanting him marked permanently so there could be no mistake of who he belonged to. Ever.
Once done and satisfied he had pushed his essence inside deep enough, he pulled out slowly, noting the slight wince from the raven but also seeing no damage done to the cute little hole. He breathed a sigh of relief and ran his fingers through his blond locks, admiring Dabi against the red silk sheets.
"You're so pretty, baby." Hawks gushed lovingly, leaning down to give him a kiss. To his happy surprise, the villian met him halfway and kissed him first, the movement slow and sensual. The pro hero's eyelids fluttered and he moaned into the pierced mouth, slipping his tongue inside. Obediently, Dabi let his jaw slack slightly to give Hawks all the room he need to explore and dominate. The wet sounds of their lips connecting and the clink of their teeth was making the hero want another round already.
But Dabi pulled away before Hawks could push him down.
"Hey, Keigo."
Oh that name again, god he loved hearing it come from those soft lips. Those soft lips that would look so good wrapped around his cock while he fucked that sassy mouth, oh yes..
"Keigo, dammit!" A whack upside his head brought him back to reality.
"What? What?" Hawks replied frantically. Dabi narrowed his eyes but repeated himself.
"I said I've been behaving. And you just shoved your dick in my ass with no actual preparation, so I want to know when I'll be getting some privileges back."
Hawks sat down on the bed across from Dabi, but still much too close for the villains comfort, though he kept quiet. Leaning in, the blond rested his forehead against the fire users.
"Well..." he started, "What do you want? Nothing too extreme since we're in the baby steps my love."
Dabi scowled but pondered for a moment.
"I want to roam the apartment during the day." He finally said. Hawks seemed disgruntled for a minute, huffing and taking his time in reply.
"With conditions, I can allow that."
"Conditions?" Dabi asked in disbelief, "Are you serious?"
Hawks shot him a look that could kill grass.
"My word is law here sweetheart." He reminded him dangerously. Now it was Dabi's turn to huff.
"What would be the conditions?" He grumbled, resting his face on his hands tiredly.
Hawks smiled wider than the Cheshire Cat himself and shifted to snatch his coat off the floor, fishing around in the pocket. Curiously, Dabi tried to peer over, to catch a glimpse of what he had, but Hawks held it close and twirled around to meet his gaze. The burning hunger in his eyes sent a wave of fear down the patched mans spine and he almost wished he didn't ask. Hawks then revealed a small black velvety box and when he opened it, there sat a lovely little diamond ring, possibly over a carat or more, in a braided yellow gold band with two tiny accent diamonds on each side of the center one.
"You aren't serious.." Dabi gasped, his eyes wide and panicked.
"Agree to marry me and wear this ring at all times," Hawks giggled darkly, "and you'll get to have what you asked for."

Now, Dabi really wished he hadn't asked.

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