The husband is a dickhead

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"I'm so fucking uncomfortable with them here, you dick." Dabi hissed in Hawks ear when he went to the kitchen to fetch more tea and replenish the snacks.

The winged hero just smiled and nuzzled into the mismatched cheek before snatching a cookie (god DAMN does Hawks love when Dabi bakes for him) off the plate and skipping back to the living room to continue squawking with Dabi's family. His mother came too, which surprised him, especially since Enji was here. It has most certainly been awkward. Hugs being odd and unwelcome on Dabi's end but the rest of them seemed all too joyous to invade his personal space with the exception of his father. He had just stared at him for a moment, the blue reflecting perfectly the grief for what he did to his son. But eventually he had pulled Dabi into a hug. And in return, he had hissed and tried to pull away quickly but was stopped when the 3 kids ran into him from behind to join the hold as well.

Ugh, Dabi hated touching Enji.

The man was stupefied as their gesture, but warmed up way more than Dabi thought he would to the children. They flocked to him like he were a jungle gym and Tatsuya was happy to be perched on his lap. The twins, however, were seated with their grandmother and aunt.

Dabi felt sick at the thought that his father was around his kids, but he stuck to his word to at least give him a chance and so far, he wasn't blowing it whatsoever. Much the opposite, actually, to Dabi's displeasure. The children adored him. And Hawks was always there, and he was a good father so he felt a bit better about it.

"Hey brother."

Dabi turned his head sideways a bit to see Natsuo.

"Hey brother." The words spilled out of the mismatched lips like a habit, and a goofy grin spread across his younger siblings face.

"Been a while since I heard that, big bro. I missed you."

Dabi, in truth, was only ashamed really of cutting communication with his brother. He didn't have many people he felt safe with; the two really had a decent bond and he had cursed himself every day since he left, feeling the emptiness in his chest where the laughs with his brother used to be.

"I missed you too...I'm sorry." He finally replied softly.

"Don't be. You're alive and safe, that's all we wanted." He walked up, putting his arms around his older brother and held him tight. Dabi squeezed him even more, sniffling and wiping his eyes once they separated. Natsuo got the tray and tea for him, carrying it to the table while the patched one collected himself in the kitchen.

"Mamaaaa!" Natsumi screeched and Dabi groaned, but came back into the room with everyone else.

Hawks was babbling to Endeavor about something while Tatsuya stood on his grandfathers lap with his arms wrapped around his huge neck and the big warm hand resting on the boys back while he only partially listened to the no.2 hero, focusing his gaze mostly on Dabi, who shifted uncomfortably under it. There wasn't any animosity or rage in his fathers stare, Enji was just...sad.

Remorseful and guilt ridden in the worst way imaginable. Dabi thought it would be great to watch him suffer with it until he was in the same room with him. Directly across from one another. Now it was just painful to see. He didn't like it and it made him uneasy in a way he couldn't - or wouldn't - describe.

"I'm sorry for everything, Touya."

It seemed such a simple thing to say, really, but Dabi's father was not the kind of man to ever apologize or admit any wrongs. He was proud and would rather die taking a beating that surrender in any kind of fight.

Though his apology took none of the pain or emotional turmoil he had lived in for so long away whatsoever. The only thing he could really do is just stare back, blank on the outside but a whirlwind of anger and hatred on the inside. He started to feel nauseous and sweating. Getting up shakily he hobbled to the bathroom, Hawks standing to help him to only be roughly brushed off before Dabi hit the bathroom and closed the door.

Then everyone heard him vomiting. The wrenching and heaving was really the most unbearable part. He hadn't been feeling well for a while but he was surprised the contents of his stomach came up so quick. He spat, flushed it all, rinsed out his mouth and brushed his teeth before going back to the seat beside the armchair he refused to sit in, much to Hawks fuss.

His mother, who sat next to him on the loveseat with his sister, leaned over to him and whispered almost inaudibly, "Honey..are you pregnant?"

For a second, it shocked him to hear his own mother ask him that, but then he started to think; sick for the past week, eating mustard with everything and sleeping more than usual.

Dabi craned his neck to shoot Hawks a murderous glare with the intent to kill him and Hawks just blinked at him a few times before realizing why he was angry. His eyes widened and he only barley had time to jump from the back of the armchair and run before Dabi was raging after him screaming obscenities and death threats.

Natsuo laughed so hard he cried.


"So after this one is born we can get you on the birth control. You aren't very far along, only 3 weeks." Recovery Girl informed them in that merry tone of hers.

"I hate you." Dabi spat at Hawks.

"I love you too baby."  He chirped back merrily, diving down for a peck.

Dabi smacked him for it.

"Get some rest this time. More so. This ones gonna be big, I think." She muttered to them, printing out the forms and ultrasounds. Hawks always wanted an ultrasound every time they went. He didn't care how much it cost, he wanted them every time.

Recovery Girl turned to glare at Hawks.

"Don't let him overdo himself. I know he's prone to but keep him off his feet as much as humanly possible. He needs the weight gain." She chided, giving Dabi a finger wag after the lecture to Hawks.

The blonds wings drooped. He had been worried Dabi was losing too much weight again. His hips, ass and chest were amazing but...
Hawks could almost feel Dabi's ribs when he wrapped his arms around him and it was concerning.

"I will." He nodded, looking over at the pouting Dabi, "You can be sure of it."



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2020 ⏰

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