Deception or Devotion?

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19 days.

Hawks has held him prisoner for 19 days now, and the past 12 have been spent locked in the bedroom that was now filled with stuffed animals, plush pillows, soft blankets and a camera monitor synced with Hawks phone to keep an eye on him.

The pro hero had made good on his word. Dabi has been locked in here, fed, dressed and even bathed by him for 12 days in a row, not allowed any roaming whatsoever. He was going crazy in this room and needed out. He needed it bad. Hawks had come home everyday and always seemed to take his sweet time before hitting the bedroom, beaming. Dabi fucking hated him right now. Hated him so much. And while he was suffering, the douchebag would fuck him into the mattress every single night, multiple times even, and whisper how if he'd just be a good boy he could earn back his freedom and listen to what Hawks says.
'My word is law here sweetheart.' He had murmured into Dabi's ear two nights ago after painting the ravens insides with his own essence, 'And if you could only obey the law, you'd be granted privileges for it.'
The villian threw a teddy bear at the door, wishing he could just destroy it all. But every time he damaged anything Hawks gifted him, he got more bruises on his ass before getting drilled until he couldn't walk, and after about 5 days of that shit, it got real old real quick. Especially when the toys were just repaired or replaced, reminding Dabi he had no choice in any matter anymore.
Just then the door opened and the villian took a step back. He hadn't even heard the front door open.
Glancing around, Hawks saw a mess. Nothing was ruined or damaged, but it was evident Dabi had strewn everything about in a fit of rage. He looked down and saw the doll. The first one he gave to his love. His heart beat a little faster as he bent down to pick it up and stare sweetly at it before turning to Dabi.
"Are you almost done? I'd like to talk to you once you're calm." His voice was soft and disarming, making his captive scowl.
"No. I hate you. Leave me alone." He spat back. Hawks sighed and hung his head, shaking it solemnly.
"Come on baby, this isn't funny anymore." He groaned. He had a long day, all he wanted was to hug him.
"It was never funny to begin with!" Dabi shrieked, throwing everything in arms reach at the blond, "I fucking hate you! I want you to fucking die! Fuck you fuck you fuck you!" With the last throw, the patched man caught the too-late glimpse of the red wings as Hawks surged forward, grabbing him and throwing him onto the bed.
"Enough." The hero's voice was stern as he pinned Dabi down, his grip solid and unmoving. "No more of that."
So Dabi spit in his face.
What the villian didn't expect after was Hawks to finally snap as he was backhanded across the cheek with a warning force, the loud 'crack' of the impact echoing in the room. Grabbing the chin of his still stunned raven, Hawks leaned forward until their foreheads touched and snarled quietly, "Don't make me hurt you. I'm in a foul mood. Shut the fuck up and let me love you."
Dabi bit his bottom lip, hoping to hide it's quivering from Hawks, not wanting to show him any more weakness than he already had.
But nothing got past the keen eye of Hawks, who's gaze softened and he sighed again.
"I'm sorry, just come here. Please." Wrapping his arms around Dabi lovingly, he held him tight and nuzzled the side of his face affectionately. After a moment, he reared up slightly in surprise to the wetness that had dripped onto the tip of his nose. His stomach burned when he realized it was from Dabi. Wet streaks had strewn down his beautiful porcelain face and stained the outline of his gorgeous eyes a faded red and he refused to meet Hawks sight with his own.
"Why are you crying?" Hawks heard his own voice break as he asked, "Come on baby, you made me do this. This is for your safety. Don't be sad." He scattered sweet and feather light kisses on every inch of Dabi's face he could find, shushing his whines and gently holding his chin so he couldn't pull himself away.
"What can I do to make the situation better?" He mumbled into Dabi's temple, "I'm not letting you go, you're mine, but we can work something out so you're happier here, right? You can adjust, I know it."
Hopelessness and rage crashed in Dabi's mind like a chaotic typhoon, destroying anything in its path. It was then there was a clearing for an idea. Of course, why didn't he think of it sooner? Placate the stupid fucking bird until he gains his trust, get him to take off the collar and get the fuck outta here. He took a moment to compose himself, closing his eyes as the pro hero kissed away at any area he could find. Finally, he took a deep breath and spoke to Hawks in a normal tone for the first time in days.
"How can I earn my freedom back?"
At this, the hero glanced up cautiously, scanning Dabi and making him suddenly self conscious. Then a bright grin erupted onto the scruffy face when he replied.
"You can start by listening to what I say and doing as told."
Dabi's eye twitched. He was testing him, wasn't he? Taunting and challenging. Dabi hated being spoken to or treated like a child but if he were to escape this hell, he had to play this game. He didn't have a
"Fine, when do we start?"
Hawks sat up and rummage through the dresser beside the bed before pulling out the small bag with the body jewelry and shooting a sideways grin to Dabi.
"Right now. Be a good boy and put these in for me."

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