I don't want it (Too bad)

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Hawks had been walking around for almost 3 hours now, mulling over what Dabi had told him.
He was pregnant.
Hawks was going to be a father. 
Dabi...was pregnant. Hawks was going to be a father.
He had gone out directly after being told, bought dozens of home pregnancy tests, had Dabi take all of them so he could see the results.
All of them were positive. Each and every one. Hawks had been ecstatic on the outside, to calm his outwardly and obviously distraught lover, but inside he was terrified.
What if the pregnancy hurt Dabi? What if he didn't make it? What if their baby didn't make it? He quickly pulled out his phone and dialed the number of a reliable friend. The other line rang a few times before someone picked up.
"Hello?" Came the soft and warbly voice of an elderly woman.
"Recovery girl! How ya been?" Hawks chirped merrily, "I need your help. Hold onto something because I got good news! I'm going to be a father!"


"This is fucking ridiculous." Dabi was muttering angrily under his breath. He was pissed he was even pregnant in the first place and even more angry that the stupid collar blocked his fire quirk but not his breeding one. Great. Fanfuckingtastic. So here he was: held captive, "engaged" and pregnant. Needless to say he wasn't too happy about these results. He was pondering on how high his percentage of miscarriage could possibly be before the bedroom door opened.
"Hey my babies!" Hawks flung his arms wide, pulling Dabi in a snug but gentle hug, peppering him with kisses across his face. The raven grasped the birds jacket sleeves on each side and tried to get words out between the affectionate assault.
"Kei-mmph! Keigo, where did-nnmm..mmmn. Where did you go? Eep!" The villain was almost frozen when Hawks draped himself over his frame, trapping him in, forcing him flat onto his back and urging him gently upwards with assisted nudges and the soft trills low in the blonds throat. Blue eyes scanned what he could see of the room, and he saw the flash of a grey bun of hair behind Hawks blond locks.
"Hawks!" Dabi snapped, "who's here?!"
"Shh.." Hawks murmured softly, the trill never faltering and reverberating with his voice, "it's okay, it's just Recovery Girl. She's gonna check out you and the baby."
"No!" Dabi began thrashing and Hawks jolted, quickly pinning him down.
"Hey hey hey.." cooed the winged hero, "calm down, it's okay, relax or you'll hurt the baby." His voice, soothing as it was, had no effect this time and only made the patched one more upset. Anxiety and adrenaline raced through Dabi's veins, he was digging his nails so deep into Hawks biceps that he was absolutely sure he broke skin.
"No.." Dabi was almost sobbing, silently cursing himself, cursing Hawks, cursing his father and cursing his life. He didn't want to be touched. He didn't want anyone to know about any of this. Hawks broke a rule. He broke a rule!
"You promised..." Dabi remorsed softly, crying out a loud 'NO!' when he felt Hawks reach down to spread his legs. He felt the expert touch of Recovery Girl, gently prodding and poking around, checking the baby and his belly as best she could.
"Shhh.." Hawks hushed, nuzzling Dabi's face with his lips, "I'm sorry, I know, I just wanted to be sure you would be safe."
"You broke a rule! You promised!" Dabi was almost screaming, clawing at Hawks arms, hot tears burned the corners of his eyes and blurred his vision.
"I know." Hawks murmured quietly, his voice heavy with regret as he did nothing to stop the scratches, "I'm sorry, I love you."
"I hate you!" The raven sobbed, swiping at the hero's face. Hawks then jerked back and dove forward, catching the scarred wrists and pinning them down, shushing him softly with that sweet warble in his chest while something poked his thigh, burning the spot it touched and making him tired.
"You don't love me, not one bit, you fucking liar.." Dabi wailed weakly, hiccuping and whimpering as he finally, slowly, fell into blissful sleep. The last thing he felt was the wet drip of tears onto his face. Tears that weren't shed from his own eyes.


When Dabi finally opened his eyes, he saw Hawks sitting there next to him on the bed. But instead of staring intently at him, he was merely seated beside him, typing away on his phone. The raven didn't move for a second, content to just watch the hero. He was concerned and concentrating, his fingers stopping here and there, hovering over the screen, as if thinking of what to say. Finally, Dabi had to shift his leg to relieve his sore hip, and that got Hawks attention. He smiled fondly and reached out to brush hair from the mismatched face. Dabi scowled, trying to move away from the touch, and Hawks' smile faded quickly to a sad frown.
"Hey..." he tried to reassure gently, "I only did it to make sure you two would be safe."
Scoffing, Dabi turned over, his back facing the hero. "Whatever Hawks."
"I told you to call me Keigo."
Dabi whirled back around, eyes ablaze.
"If you can break a rule then so can I," He snarled through gritted teeth, "Hawks."
As angry as he was, the hero knew the villain was in the right this time. He shouldn't have broken a rule and should have approached his partner first, like he wanted.
"I'm sorry." He sighed, "I should have come to you and I'm an asshole for that."
"You're an asshole regardless." Dabi scoffed again, more venomously . Hawks eyes narrowed but he continued nonetheless. "That mistake won't be made again. I was just worried about a miscarriage and now I know better. So I'm sorry. Now call me Keigo."
"I want to get rid of it Keigo." Blurted out the patched man, unfeeling. Uncaring.
The silence that stretched after that was uncomfortable, to put it mildly. The blond just stared at Dabi, dumbfounded. And in return, those cold blue eyes drove frozen daggers directly into his heart as brutally as possible. When the hero finally wrapped his head around what was said, he clenched his teeth and fists, took a deep breath, got up and growled a low "no." before ripping open the bedroom door and storming out, slamming it behind him.

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