I remember now

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The room was so crowded and filled with wasteful sacks of flesh, not one interesting person in sight or earshot. Dabi was getting really tired of the commotion, and was far too drunk to care much for anyone's conversation. He'd rather just kill everyone here but that obviously couldn't be done..yet. Getting up lazily from the bar, he trudged out the back to the small clearing outside. He needed some fucking air.

He shrugged off his jacket and slumped slightly against a stone wall, the feeling of cold rock soothing his overheating body on this quiet night. It was so hot out for some reason.

The sound of approaching footsteps caused Dabi to crack open an eye. A dirty blond man with a scruffy looking face and gorgeous feathered wings was paused by the back door some feet away from him, seemingly staring at the patchworked man. He seemed about the same height...maybe a bit taller than Dabi but barley noticeable.

"What do you want? To die?" Dabi grumbled grumpily. Through his blurry vision, the villian could see the man smile and close the door he was about to enter.

"Hi. I'm Hawks." He took some steps forward, stopping a foot or so in front of him, pulling what looked like a marijuana cigarette out of his pocket and Dabi raised an eyebrow. He lit it up in his mouth, taking a few deep puffs before extending it to Dabi, who stared at both the joint and holder cautiously and curiously.

Finally he took it and inhaled.

"I want to join you guys." The winged man stated bluntly. Dabi snorted, blowing out the smoke and passing the cig back.

"Then go inside and talk to someone." He mumbled, coughing.

"Why can't I talk to you?" Hawks asked, taking the joint and another drag.

Dabi glanced over at him again, squinting and trying to analyze this fucker... though..kinda hard when your shitfaced.

But before he knew it, almost an hour later, they had finished the whole cigarette together and Hawks was going inside with Dabi's hand in his. Everything happened so fast that the fire user barley had time to properly process what was going on. Up the stairs, now Dabi was leading, pulling Hawks into the room he was temporarily using while here, the combination of being drunk and stoned going to his groin. The door slammed behind them and Hawks quickly fumbled to lock it before grabbing Dabi by his ass and grinding their fronts together roughly, making the dark haired man moan.

"Listen to that pretty tone.." Hawks murmued, suckling harshly on Dabi's stapled jaw, his friction on their nether reigons increasing. Dabi ripped Hawks jacket off, slapping his aviators away and digging his fingers into the blond strands, growling deeply and attacking the winged mans neck with his teeth. He felt Hawks squeeze his cheeks and lift him. Instinctively, Dabi hooked his ankles behind the scruffy mans lower back as he was brutally shoved against the wall. The grinding became rougher and Hawks swiftly smashed their lips together. Their teeth clashed and their tongues fought forcefully. The room was filled with wet kissing sounds and muffled moaning as Hawks ravaged his preys mouth as if he were starving. Drool leaked out of the corner of Dabi's mouth as he lost himself in the immaculate sensations sparking inside every inch of his body like lit fireworks. He was only faintly aware when Hawks spun them around and threw Dabi down onto the bed, tearing his shirt off him and wrestling off his jeans and boots. Dabi gasped a little when he bounced on the mattress and wiggled uncomfortably when Hawks was ripping his pants over his massive boner. Then he felt the blondes own prominent bulge pressing against his ass and he groaned, biting his bottom lip until it bled. Unbuckling his pants, Hawks hummed joyfully at Dabi, admiring the view as he returned one grip to the fire wielders thigh.

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