Turning it around

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Hawks had arranged it all and boy wasn't he smug. They were going to a secluded restaurant for a bite, then the theater to see the featured horror movie. The hero felt particularly prideful, knowing he'd have Dabi on his arm while enjoying a wonderful date with the beauty, only to take him home and ravage him (with maybe some theater groping and backseat fucking). He liked showing off he had the raven, he was proud to be at his side.
Dabi, on the other hand, was just grateful to smell the outside air again. It had been so long, it seemed.
They were getting ready, Hawks more so than the patched man, who merely threw on a tee shirt with his regular jeans and boots.
"Hurry up." Dabi snapped, "What's taking so long?"
"I'm just trying to look my best for you!" Hawks whined from the bathroom. The villain scoffed.
"For me? You mean for you and everyone else."
He mentally slapped himself and squeezed his eyes shut after saying that, immediately regretting it, knowing how quickly Hawks could switch moods. He desperately hoped he hadn't just stomped out his chance. Opening his blue orbs, he was once more met with the intense stare of his captor.
"I'm sorry." Dabi mumbled softly, reaching up to brush blond strands from the angry eyes. "But you don't need to worry about your appearance as much as you do. I like the way you look even on your worst days."
This quiet praise brought a sweet smile on the blonds face stoic face and he leaned in for a kiss to which Dabi obliged without hesitation. He knew better by now.
"Then let's go! What a night we'll have!" He chirped joyfully. Nodding, the raven stood up and quickly had the hero's hand entangling his before they were even out the door. Oh what a night they'd have indeed.


"Hey, can we go somewhere else?" Dabi asked awkwardly once they were outside the restaurant.
"Huh? Why?" Hawks sputtered, genuinely confused. He had chosen a nice fancy place just for them and even made reservations. The fire user shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably.
"I'm not used to these kinds of places. Plus I'm a convicted murderer and shit so they probably won't welcome me there," he glanced over and seeing the bitterness in his captors eyes he added, "and this really isn't my scene anyway. I don't like a lot of fancy things. Can't we go to a bar?" He hated how pathetic his pleading sounded, but he needed to execute this plan as soon as possible. He had to get the fuck away from the winged psycho at any cost. The anger in the hero's eyes subsided and it was replaced with a more investigative and invasive glare. The silence stretched for a bit and Dabi kicked a pebble in wait for Hawks awnser.
"....please?" He finally added softly. For a moment, he began to feel nervous. He saw the blonds eye twitch subtlety before he grinned widely (too wide for Dabi's comfort) and said simply, "Whatever you want then."


The music was loud, the air reeked of cigarette smoke and Dabi found that oddly comforting. Hawks had his sight glued onto the raven (of course) and was watching him like a...well, a Hawk, even though they were sitting directly next to each other at the bar.
"So," Hawks giggles after downing (quite) a few shots of whiskey, "interested in the movie or ya wanna stay here and try to get me trashed?"
The blue eyed man shrugged and finished off his drink.
"Figured we'd just get trashed. Been a while since I've enjoyed myself like this." He responded nonchalantly, looking over at the hero with minor suspicion. Was he onto him? Did he know he was trying to find an opening to run? His nerves were ticking and in a wreck. He looked over as Hawks leaned into his ear and drunkenly chuckled, "so then what's your plan sweetheart? You gonna get me so trashed that you have a way to leave? Trying to get away?" His tone was playful but Dabi knew better. That fucking bird figured it out. The raven quickly tried to gather his thoughts and rethink, not wanting to give Hawks any reason to not let him out again if by the shit chance this may not work. He bit the inside of his cheek sharply before turning so his lips brushed against the blonds before he murmured so gently that even the hero barley registered it, "My plan is to get you trashed, get more booze and possibly weed on the way home and then fuck your brains out you paranoid dumbass."
The red feathers ruffled and Hawks breathing became rapidly heavier.
"I could fuck your brains out right now you know. Right here on this bar." He growled, licking his lovers bottom lip and biting it for emphasis. Dabi whined in slight pain, beginning to pant himself. After his own mess of shots and a few beers, he was a wee tipsy which ALWAYS led to a boner and here he was with Hawks, who fucked like a porn star to begin with.
"I could fuck yours out right now too, idiot. Even been rode in a bathroom or on the sink?" Dabi grinned wickedly and for the first time, noticed an exciting blush spread across the blonds face.
"Wanna try?" He teased, standing up and wobbling slightly as the alcohol really hit him. Luckily, Hawks stood up quickly, grabbing the ravens waist and yanking him towards the bathroom. Once inside, the blond turned to lock the door, wanting to avoid anyone else seeing his precious baby debauched and dirty. It was for him and him alone. He sqwaked when he felt Dabi grab his shoulder and spin him around roughly before attacking him with mouth, teeth and tongue demanding attention and entrance. Hawks was MORE than happy to give his bad boy what he wanted. Grasping him roughly under his thighs, the blond heaved up his patched lover, pinning him to the door, opening his mouth wider with use of his own teeth, tongue and force. Dabi moaned loudly into the kiss, his prominent bulge rubbing on Hawks stomach, whining when the hero pushed against the ravenette harder, snarling at the attempt and trapping him from movement. Breaking the kiss briefly, the villain whimpered a small, "Don't tease..." while trying desperately to rut onto him.
"Don't rush me then, kitten." Hawks murmured back, sucking tenderly on Dabi's bottom lip. Eagerly, the fire user opened his mouth, welcoming the blonds hungry appetite with an equal craving. Hawks was ravenous, taking every inch of skin regardless of its condition and tasting it all, savoring his lovers taste. Dabi felt his nails dig into the side of the blonds face, not enough to hurt or damage but to pull him in deeper and keep him there. The wet sounds were a lewd orchestra to both their ears as Hawks whipped them around, not breaking the kiss in the slightest, and setting Dabi on the damp sink none too gently. He ground into the ravens pelvis, swallowing his moans and eliciting more. He was so hard and he knew the villain was too; it was so obvious.
Their tongues danced, their lips and teeth fought a battle of dominance and finally, with a strangled cry, Dabi came in his pants from the hero's incessant humping, who followed suite after he felt the warm wet spot on Dabi's front. They panted for a moment, catching their breath and regaining themselves before Hawks chuckled, embarrassed, "mind if we hit home first before getting you weed and more booze? I got a cum stain on my pants now."
Dabi rolled his eyes and sighed, his head shaking.
"We don't have a choice, bird brain. I got one too."

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