I mean it

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This was probably Dabi's fourth joint in a row and Hawks didn't seem to mind one bit. They had gotten a few big bottles of hard liquor with some soda after hitting home and changing (Hawks won't lie, he bent Dabi over a couple times) on the way to get the raven his marijuana. Luckily for the villain, the blond spoiled him in what he wanted as long as it were within reason. For example, Dabi could smoke and drink as much as he'd like, but anything harder than alcohol and the ganja was not acceptable.
So the patched man took what he could get.
They were currently sprawled out on the soft bed, Dabi in just a pair of snug black briefs and Hawks in loose cargo shorts, eyeing the fire user like a piece of meat. The blue eyed man wasn't oblivious to the hungry stare but he kinda got off on knowing someone as successful and good looking as Hawks wanted him so badly and he'd be lying if he said he didn't play on it sometimes to boost his own ego. He stretched provocatively, sighing sensually the way he knew Hawks liked, noting the widen of his lovers eyes and sharp bite to his bottom lip, and rolled on his side to face the hero, the silver barbells shimmering off the glow of the diamond on his finger as he took the joint between his pointer and thumb and blew out the smoke.
"Whatcha staring at birdie?" He asked, as if he didn't already know.
Hawks was being patient, letting Dabi come to him, but the strain in his pants was an obvious indication to how hard it was to maintain that control, so the raven squished his pectorals together a little, internally chuckling as Hawks pupils dialated.
"You're such a fucking brat." The hero snarled, his hands clenching into fists.
"Really? I always thought I was so sweet." Dabi laughed, taking another drag and offering it to Hawks, who shook his head no.
"I'd break a rule of yours if I hit that." He grumbled miserably.
"Oh?" Dabi asked, intrigued, "Do tell."
Hawks shot him a glare.
"You have no idea how fucking pretty and tempting you are." He growled, sitting up quickly and crawling over to trap Dabi onto the mattress.
"Mm..is that so?" Murmured the black haired boy, letting Hawks take the practicality finished joint to put it in the ashtray next to their bed. The hero slipped himself snugly between the villains thighs, licking, sucking and kissing up his throat, nipping at the spots he knew were overly sensitive.
"K-Keigo..." Dabi moaned, pushing at his chest pathetically, only to have Hawks grab his wrists and pin them by his head, biting down on a particular area and making him arch into the pain.
"Let me fuck you," Hawks panted heavily, "please, c'mon.." he began rutting into Dabi's thigh for emphasis, moaning when he felt the one under him buck his hips.
"Hurry then, suck me." The raven whimpered, whining when the hero sank down to his erection. He peeled off the briefs slowly, grinning at the blue eyed man the whole time.
"Stop teasing!" Wailed the patched man, "Hurry up and-" his demand was cut short with a long, low moan as Hawks swooped down, giving the weeping cock a rough suck and pumping it with vigor. He tangled his fingers in the blond locks, forcing the head down and shoving his hips up. He heard the hero gag slightly at the intrusion down his throat but the villains mind was too foggy to really register anything but feeling until Hawks forcefully flipped him over onto his belly.
"Nngh, Kei-" Dabi mumbled into the sheets, suddenly crying out when Hawks shoved his first finger through Dabi's ring of muscle. He keened and arched his back, whining and pushing himself back, trying to fuck himself on that single finger.
"Look at you, such a desperate baby." The hero cooed, hooking his finger a little to rub that spot that made the firecracker wail.
"F-fuck you! You were the one that- ah! Ah!" Dabi moaned hotly when Hawks slipped in a second finger, bouncing on them roughly, leaving the hero to grasp his hips to control him.
"Easy baby, eeeeeaaaaasy. Don't wanna hurt yourself do you?" The blond reprimanded affectionately, spreading his two fingers out achingly slow before letting the third slide in with minor difficulty. Dabi groaned and spread his thighs wider, whining when he felt a nip to one of his ass cheeks, a strong grip on the other as the stretching continued.
"My pretty baby wants daddy's cock so bad." Hawks purred predatorily, licking his lips. His three fingertips found Dabi's prostate and rubbed viciously, grinning at the broken pants and wanton whimpers.
"Fuck me," Dabi mewled, his delicious ass smacking lewdly against Hawks knuckles, "Keigo, please, fuck me." Without a warning, he twisted around and rolled himself over into his back, his legs now on the hero's hips. He brought his own hands up, squeezing his tit with one and stroking his cock with the other. He heard Hawks growl and felt the fingers slip out. He was only dissatisfied for a moment, though, as something much thicker and longer edged its way inside him. He moaned loudly once Hawks had bottomed out, and hissed in protest when he tried to move against the blonds pelvis, only to be held still.
"Give it a minute sweet baby." Hawks chuckled, "I'll make you feel good before you know it."
"Too slow, too slow.." Dabi complained, thrusting his hips up, "c'mon, please, I've been so goooood..." the last word was more of a moan than anything and Hawks lost any remaining amount of self control he had in any reserve whatsoever. He pulled out agonizingly slow, making Dabi wriggle and beg, until it was only the tip inside, and then slammed back in. He aimed directly for the prostate and was lucky enough to find it on the first shot, especially with how horny he was.
And Dabi screamed.
Not a painful one, Hawks guesses, but the white spurting from Dabi's pulsing cock was a good signal to keep going, so he did.
With each thrust and rough grab onto hips, Dabi felt himself slowly begin to softly fade inside. It wasn't a loss though, but something else. This feeling was..strangely gratifying. Was it a complete submerge, maybe? Had he delved so deep into the pool of lust that now he was floating around in all this incredible sensations in nerves he thought dead for so long that he was mistaking it for a legitimate emotional attachment?
Or did he actually love Hawks? Was it really that simple?
No, no it's more likely he has some sort of Stockholm syndrome now. Nothing in his life was ever simple and it never would be.
But as he was cumming his brains out from Hawks girth pounding ruthlessly at his sweet spot, admist his cries of blinding pleasure, he couldn't bring himself to care. At all.

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