Chapter 4

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Fallon's P.O.V:

Soon after, the week rolled on pretty quick, and it was already Friday. Wow that was pretty quick. As soon as I get off from work, I head home as soon as possible, not wanting to waste any time. Hopefully I'll have enough time to get ready, and be ready on time.

As soon as I get home, I hop in the shower and deep condition my hair, because why not? You never get the opportunity to go out on a date with a Hollywood celebrity. Well a British celebrity but you know what I mean.

When I'm done with my shower, I slip on my dress. A navy blue wrap dress that reaches just above my knees, and it's also long sleeved so there is no point in getting a jacket. I slip on my silver heels, put on some makeup, spritz myself in some perfume, and go to sit on the couch.

I texted Harry to see where he is and he responded that he will be there in a couple of minutes. A while later, I heard the doorbell go off.

I opened the door and infront of me was a handsome boy, his brown curly hair was pushed back, and he was in a suit. His green emerald eyes piercing into my blue ones, and his defined jaw opened when he saw me. Fuck, he looks hot.

"You look gorgeous, absolutely wonderful," he breathed out.

"Thank you so much, you look fetching yourself, cmon lets go."

He takes my hand, and we walk out of the door, and into the car.

"So, where are we going?" I asked.

"Well, I would tell you, but it wouldn't make it much of a surprise," he smirked.

"Gosh, I absolutely hate surprises. At least give me a hint. Pleeeeeaaaassseeeee," I pouted.

He looked at me, then back at the road, very thoughtfully. "Hm, how about no?"

"Oh fine, but your going to pay for this, Mr. Styles," I smirked.

"We shall see about that, Ms, Jefferson."

Twenty minutes later, we pull up infront of a fancy restaurant. To be honest, I completely excepted it. This wasn't a surprise. But I didn't want to break his heart by spoiling it. He looked over me and then frowned.

"Is there something wrong, gorgeous?" He asked.

"Oh no, nothing. Nothing at all," I smiled at him.

"I know what your thinking, don't worry Fallon, this isn't the surprise," he smiles back at me.

"It's not? Wow Harry, you sure are good at these," I mumbled the last bit.

"Let's go inside, shall we?"

He held my hand, and escorted me inside. I blushed when he held my hand, he sends these sparks whenever he holds my hand. It makes me feel so wonderful, but I'm sure they mean nothing, right? I couldn't possibly fall in love with a celebrity.

But I forgot, that in the word "impossible" is "I'm possible".

It was absolutely absurd. I could never fall in love with him. This means nothing, I'm sure of it.

"This is so good, ugh I can't stop-" he says, once our food arrives. He orders spaghetti, and he has the right, it does look rather divine.

My steak looks plain compared to his spaghetti, but I didn't complain.

"So, what do you like to do for fun?" he asked.

"I like reading. Very much. I like to go on walks, especially before sunrise. I like to dance at times, just let myself free, you know? It makes me feel so alive, I'm sorry I'm just speaking none sense right now," I stop, blushing from my embarrassment.

"No, no continue. I was very interested in what you are saying, why do you like to read?" he smiles.

"I love reading, because I can escape this world, and enter another. It's an entire new world. You get to enter the life of another person. Reading experiments with your feelings. You can be either sad, happy, angry, you can feel anything. I love the power books have over you. It makes me feel weak, but the kind of weakness that I love. I love to shut down from reality, and enter a new one. It's beautiful." I ended off.

"You're beautiful."

Harry's P.O.V:

Oh crap.

That was supposed to stay in my mind. Oh fuck. I am so embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, Fallon, it just came out and I-" I start rambling on but she cuts me off,

"Don't worry, thank you. It means a lot to me," she puts her hand over mine.

And you know what I feel? Sparks. Something I haven't felt in a long time. I never had a spark with Cara. But I'm sure this means nothing, right?


Authors note:


Also credits to my friends, Kamar (idk her wattpad username, but I'm sure she'll comment) for coming up with the ship name for Fallon and Harry.


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