Chapter 13

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Harry's P.O.V:

We are currently sat on the couch, watching a horror movie. She demanded that she wasn't afraid but I could see otherwise. My eyes started growing sleepier and sleepier by the minute, but I refused to close them, wanting to spend as much as I can with this beauty sitting next to me.

"Harry, wake up the movie is over," said a gentle whisper in my ear.

So I had fallen asleep, oops?

"Yeah yeah, I'm up," I said in a groggy voice. I wanted nothing more than to go up and go to bed, I was absolutely sleepy.

"Fallon, thank you so much for coming, the guest room is right over here, let me show you," I said.

We walked silently up the stairs and down the hallway. The guest room was opposite my room, the girl that I think about all the time would be so close to me, yet so far away.

"Harry, thanks. I had lots of fun tonight," she smiled.

"Thank you for coming, especially since it's so soon, we just reunited this afternoon, but I feel something for you Fallon. Do you?" I whispered. I deeply prayed she felt something for me so I won't sound like a complete fool.

"Harry, I have a boyfriend, and you have a girlfriend, you can't have feelings for me," she argued.

Shit I forgot about that shithead.

"Right, I'm sorry. I just, you know, hoped you might feel something for me, cause I still think about you. Everyday. Why didn't you answer my calls," I remembered.

"Can we talk about this inside? I'm kinda tired standing in the middle of this hallway," she chuckled lightly.

"Yeah, cmon."

She followed me inside my room, and we both sat on the bed. I nodded at her, indicating that I was listening to what she is about to say.

"After you dropped my home from our date," she started," I heard a scream from the inside of the house. I ran up the stairs to see my mother on the cold floor, she was dead. She was murdered.

"I was so deeply in pain, I couldn't talk to anyone. I didn't eat, I barely slept. I developed insomnia soon after, that is the reason I can't sleep anymore. Harry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lose contact with you, but you need to understand what the situation I was in, I soon found a job.

"An amazing one might I add. A month into working I was raised to a much, much higher position. That is how I met Miles. We soon fell in love, and eight months later we moved into a tiny apartment. I couldn't be happier, life was finally getting better for me.

"I am honestly so happy you are back in my life, Harry. You made me so happy that one little night. I don't know what's wrong with me to be honest, one minute I'm all over Miles and the next I'm thinking of you and your lips," she laughed," I'm not trying to lead you on, Harry. Just give me some time, that's all I'm asking."

"Fallon, kiss me," I murmured.

She nodded, and leaned in and gave me a light kiss, igniting me with those sparks. Butterflies all over my stomach. Her lips fit perfectly with mine, we were made for each other, I know it. I don't want to let her go, not this time. She is too precious for me.

Our kiss soon ended with her leaning out.

"Harry, please don't tell anyone about this. I can't have anyone knowing what I'm doing. I can't cheat on Miles, he loves me."

"Fallon, I promise I won't tell anyone. Just answer me, do you feel those cliché sparks that everyone talks about?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Do you feel them with Miles?" I silently prayed that the answer was no.

She thought about it for a unite, her face frowning. She then looked at me and shook her head.

I couldn't help the wide grin the split across my face. She looked away, obviously being bothered by my happiness.

"I'm sorry. What are we going to do?" I asked.

"This is so strange, I can't have feelings for you, I'm in love with Miles. This is wrong Harry," she explained.

I looked down at her arms, and I saw scars all over. Cuts after burns after scratches everywhere. It was so saddening that she was doing this. I can't believe she is self-harming.

She caught me staring at her arms, with tears in my eyes. I couldn't hold them back. Tears were falling down everywhere.

"Fa-Fallon. W-Why?" I sobbed.

She didn't answer, she just covered her arms and wiped her tears.

"Fallon, tell me why. Why are you doing this. God dammit!" I sobbed much louder, I was screaming and throwing things everywhere.

How could such a beautiful and innocent girl do this to herself?

"I have stress. I need to let it out," she explained.

"God dammit, haven't you fucking heard of a psychologist? Haven't you heard of writing your feelings down, you can't do this, Fallon. You can't. Your hurting me," I was pretty much a sobbing mess at this point.

She just continued crying, she didn't know what to do.

"Look what you did to me," I grabbed her arm and put it over my chest to feel my heart," you broke my heart. You can't do this anymore, please. Promise me that you won't do this," I begged.

She just nodded her head as she tried to control her breathing.

I gently removed her arm from my chest and brought it to my lips. I kissed every single scar, cut, burn. I hoped that I was driving away the pain. There were tears from eyes all over her arms.

"Please don't cry. I promise I'll stop, I promise."

"Thank you Fallon. Never do this again."

"I promise. Can I-I sleep here tonight? I'm scared sleeping by myself after that movie."

I nodded my head," Of course gorgeous, it's 2am. Cmon go to sleep."

We got under the blankets and I held her tightly to my chest. I kissed the top of her head. I just wished that we can stay forever like this. My arm was around her waist, and her arms were placed gently on my chest. She was sleeping on her side, while I laid on my back. Our legs were tangled together, and I was so happy and content at this moment I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Soon after, her breathing slowed down, indicating that she fell asleep.

At that moment, is when I realised that I loved her.

Authors Note:

Short chapter but it was so sad, I actually cried. So yeah another update tonight, most probably.

You know the drill:



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