Chapter 9

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Fallon's P.O.V

30 days.

It has been exactly 30 days since my mother passed alway. It has been 15 days since Harry has last tried to contact me. You would probably think I would get up after a week or so and join the human race, ready to jolt back into society.

Oh no.

I stayed inside the house, feeling sorry for myself. The house has been piled up and up with bills and dust. Taxes arrive for me to pay them. Pizza boxes sit on the floor. Furniture around the house, broken, from my many rages.

I have scars all over my body. Cuts on my thighs and wrists, bruises on my back, stomach, and neck. I bump into furniture on purpose, trying to hurt myself. I want to feel something, but the pain inside is not match at all. Jamiee comes and checks in on me every morning before she goes to work, and every night before she heads home from wherever she was.

It has been a month since her death, I want to try and do something with my life. So I get up this morning, put on my work clothes and get out of the door. This time I make it until the driveway to burst into tears. Everything reminds me of my mother. But I have to do this, for her. My mother wouldn't want me to sit around and feel sorry for myself.

I get into the shop, ready to start my shift, until my boss comes over and talks to me.

"What are you doing here?" she asks me.

I look at her in confusion,"Working."

She laughed," Oh dear, you miss all your shifts and come back after a month and expect to go back to normal. Your fired. Although I am very sorry for your loss, you can't come back. But I do have a friend who needs help in her company, as a cleaner of course. Would you like that?"

Is this bitch fucking serious?

"What? I don't understand, please let me stay, I will work double shifts, I-I'll do anything, please don't fire me. This is my only way to support myself. I have nobody, please let me stay," I beg her. I'm pretty sure I look fucking pathetic, but I couldn't care less.

She smirks," I'm sorry, so if you can't find any other job, I can call my friend and tell her that you are willing to work there?"

Work as a fucking cleaner? Hell to the no.

This is the only way you can stay alive, Fallon.

My subconscious reminds me.

I just nod, without saying a word. I know that if I open my mouth, I will start crying. I'm still surprised I even have tears. What a phenomenon.

"Okay, I'll give her your number, have a good day."

Ugh. I hate her so much. She has no sympathy at all.

Now all I have to do is wait for her call. I want to head back home and cry. But I know that that won't do me any good, so I head down to the shops.

All I can think about is how I was here with Jamiee the night my mother passed away. Well not passed away, she was murdered. I know that I won't last here very long, so I
head down to a restaurant, avoiding the Italian restaurant I have been with Jamiee. I sit down, and text Jamiee and ask her if she wants to come and meet me. She texts back almost immediately and says she will be over there as soon as possible.

Ten minutes later, my best friend walks into the restaurant, with a smile on her face.

"I'm so happy that you are finally moving on," she grins.

I merely nod my head, and give her a small smile. She talks to me, making very light conversation, and I either smile, nod, or answer in a word or two.

"I heard what happened with your job, I'm sorry," she says apologetically.

"It's okay, I found another job,"'I say in a small voice.

"Really? As what, may I ask?" she raises her eyebrows.

"A cleaner," I whisper.

"Don't worry, take the job and we will find you another job in the meantime," she says, not thinking of me in any different way. I mentally thank her.

"Okay, sure," I beam at her. I know that the smile doesn't reach my eyes, and that I have lost my sparkle, but whatever.

"Wanna have a sleepover? My place," she asks.

"Um, not today, how about Friday?" I suggest.

"Yeah, okay, I'll be waiting for your call, bye Fallon, have a great day."

She pays for the bill, winning the argument over who gets to pay, gives me a hug, and leaves the café.

I walk home, being it that it is only a couple of blocks away, and immediately throw myself on the bed.

I close my eyes, and drift off to sleep.

A couple of hours later, I am woken by my phone ringing. I lean over the bedside table and answer without looking.

"Hello?" I say in a groggy voice.

"Hello, is this Fallon Jeffersson?" the sweet sound of a lady asks.

"Yes, this is she, who are you, may I ask?"'I ask politely. At least I hope I sound polite, when I'm sleepy, I tend to sound very rude.

"This is Dalia Moon, the C.E.O of the Music Islands( A.N Its fake) and I just wanted to say that you got the job, will you be willing to start tomorrow?"

"Uh yeah sure, thanks." I say.

"Sure, just come by my office tomorrow and we will
go through the rules. Be there at 9 pm. Goodbye, have a nice evening." And then she hangs up.

I wonder why the CEO had to call me and tell me that I got a job. As a cleaner. That is very just weird, whatever though, I couldn't give a fuck.

I close my eyes and pray that this decision was a good one.

How right was I.

Authors note:


Don't forget to vote and comment, and Harry will be back in the story in chapter 10. Btw this story won't be very long, at the maximum at chapter 40, cause I already have an idea for another story, but I wanna complete this one first. So yeah, bye guys, I love you.



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