Chapter 15

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Why did I just do that?

As I went back into the living room, I couldn't stop think at what she just told me.

I-I love you.

God dammit! I'm such a mess up! An idiot! She just told me that she has feelings for me, and I go and tell her to piss off? I honestly don't know what I was thinking but I was hurt, so god damned hurt when she left me this morning. I knew for sure that she thought I was just a second choice, I was just that person to run to when things went wrong with Miles. Even though she tried to deny it, I just knew it was true.

But I truly, and honestly do love her. I just want to be able to hold her in my hands and be able to call her mine. I want her to be my girl. I never felt this for anyone before and I'm going absolutely mad. But I'm even more mad because of what happened. I can't believe she's just out of my life, because of what I said.

She doesn't need me. She just thinks she does. If she did, she wouldn't have left me this morning. That's what I kept telling myself over and over. I was hoping that one day it will be true so that I will maybe and possibly fall out of love.

But I was already so deeply sunk in, there was no way I could get out. And all that needs to be done is for her to just catch me.

I am going to talk to her of course, just not right now. I want to give her some time to figure out her life before she jumps into another relationship. I promised myself that I would contact her two weeks from now.

Let's just hope that she forgives me after what I told her.


I can't believe this, my heart has been torn apart, broken even more. Shattered even worse.

I want absolutely nothing to do
with you.

That made me just break down outside his door and start crying. I hoped that he would be able to hear me, to have sympathy for me. But at the same time I don't. I need to learn to have a bit of self respect, to pick up my dignity.

I sat there for a while, and after I had calmed down a bit, I went back to the one place I knew I was always welcomed. One place where I knew I would feel so loved and at peace.

Jamiee's house.

I drove up to her house with all my shit in the trunk. It was staying there until I can have a proper conversation with Jamiee, as to if I was to actually move back in with her.

I wondered, as I knocked on her door, what she would say. What would she do when she was me at her doorstep, crying.

"Oh dear god, what has he done now?" said a voice that belonged to my best friend.

I couldn't reply I just jumped up to her and gave her a big hug, putting my
legs around her tiny waist.

I just cried on her shoulder. I cried at the cruel way Miles kicked me out, only to apologise five seconds later. I cried as to how Jamiee was such an amazing friend and how she was always there for me.

But most importantly,

I cried because of the heart breaking words that Harry spit out, tearing and shattering my poor ice cold heart.

I went down from Jamiee, and went inside her house, with my best friend at my heels.

"Sit down, let me make you a cup of tea," she muttered before hurrying up into the kitchen.

I sat down on the couch and waited ever so patiently for her to return. She came back no longer than a minute, with a cup of tea and a plate of cookies in her hand.

"What happened?" She asked curiously.

"Miles," I started," and I broke up. I lied to him and he found out and kicked me out."

"I never liked him. Well, better. I get my best friend back. Your moving back in here," she smiled warmly.

"Thank you. I love you so much Jamiee," I sobbed into her shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah," she patted my back," go get your shit from outside. Let me help you."

Two hours later, all my stuff are back into the drawers, back where they used to belong in. My room has been lighted with a candle, making the entire bedroom smell like heaven.

We sat back down into the couch, the sun already setting down. The sky was a beautiful orange colour, with blue outlining it and golden flakes shimmering across the sky.

"What did you lie about?" She asked the question I have avoided so very much.

And so I told her. I told her from me and Harry's date, all up to this morning. She listen carefully, with big eyes and good ears. She hasn't interrupted me once only nodding and humming.

"Well, I would say that your in some trouble, missy," she chuckled at her own silly joke.

But I didn't find it funny. I was still so heartbroken over Harry.

I just smiled weakly. Just another fake smile.

God please help me with this. I don't deserve this crucial pain. No one deserves this.

And the odd thing is that I don't even care about Miles.

It's Harry.

It's always been him.

And always will be.

He will always be on my mind. And there's nothing I can do about it.

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